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Posts posted by MomLovesClassics

  1. Allright, we are on the national do not call list. The phone must ring a million times a day with those same recordings. So today my temper flares a bit and I press the button to speak with someone, then say "Don't blankety blank call again" and hang up. They immediatly call back and hang up on me, and called 4 more times! I feel like I can no longer answer the phone. I understand I can report the numbers that call but it is such an inconvience. What is so frustrating is when an actual number shows up, the number is not valid. How can a number that is not real show up on caller id? Then the ones from private and unknown. I am about ready to get call tracing. I just want the madness to stop. Did I mention I was driving down the road, and my cell phone rang? I thought it was my husband and an emergency as no one has my cell number, and it was one of those telemarketing recordings. I am at my wits end here. Give some suggestions before I blow my top.:mad:

  2. Anyone else not get a whole lot of school done today because your brain didn't want to focus on anything else but this? Blargh. Kinda hard to think about multiplying fractions amidst this mess.

    I admit, I have been a bit bit focused on this, atempting to get different view points from different sources. It appears quite serious. At the same time I do not know what to think. I did get out the bottle of elderberry syrup. Just finished reading this thread, whew it was long. Guess I am spending too much time on the computer because of this.

  3. I have friends that were possibly exposed, the kid in their group tested positive for flu, but is waiting to see what strain.


    I am concerned that most people are not concerned.. as if they think it will just go away. If you look at the case in New York from just one school, there are already 29 cases within a week. It is spreading fast. If this is at all like the 1918 flu, that killed around 50million people within a year. I am worried that there will be panic and people will want the govt to take control. That is more frightening than the actual flu virus. I heard that several countries are banning imports of US meat already.


    Sorry to be nosey. What state do you live in? Do you live in one of the states with confirmed cases? Just curious. Thanks for sharing.

  4. The bank likes to give out candy. We really try to limit candy. My husband had the most horrible habit of bringing it home. He never listened when I told him it could damage teeth. My youngest had excessive cavities last year. We are not talking one or two, it seemed every tooth either had a cavitity or was touching one. We spent a lot of money, making weekly visits because they could not fill a whole mouth at once. One tooth is now gone with a spacer. We spent close to $2000. They explained because her teeth were so close together, and the lack of flossing it is not unusual. We are extremely careful about sugar. No new cavities after that. Everyone please FLOSS!!! I am so embarassed to admit we did not take proper care of her teeth. On the other hand, the other child was cavity free without flossing. Now they both floss.

  5. We're sprucing up the house just in case we need to sell. Here in AZ, the look is Old World. That's what sells. My home is in this decor with very rich textures and colors. I'm looking for a wall color that will also reflect a deep neutral/gold color. Everything I splash on the wall looks too yellow-ey or too muddy brown. I just can't find anything in the middle. Granted, I've only looked at Sherwin Williams colors so far.


    Does anyone know of a good color I could look at that might be close to what I'm describing?





    I hesitate to answer. My husband is a professional painter, they NEVER pick the colors, the customer does. You can get color decks from the paint stores. Also, you can get small paint samples from the paint stores, some charge, some don't. I would try small samples to see what works for your rooms. Not all colors appear the same in everyone's home no matter how popular the color is.

  6. I have had 2 negative experiences. One time when I got the book, it was falling apart not even in acceptable condition, the pages were not holding together, the glue was comming of, and half the spine was missing from the book. The seller did end up giving a refund, but claimed the book was graded accordingly. I choose that seller because after seeing their website it appeared the money would go to chairty. I am all for supporting these types of places, but I do expect the item purchased to be close enough to the condition stated. The second negative experience, I have yet to get my book, and the seller has not responded. So I may end up having to get a refund from half.com. Mostly though it has been positive.

  7. We add oxyclean for dingy stuff. We use biokleenm they also make an oxygen cleaner like oxyclean for adding to the wash. I have to admit I buy and use both depending on if I have money to shop at the Natural store or not. When we used cloth diapers, we would not use anything except biokleen! We would also use a bit of bacout made by biokleen for the diapers every so often too, not a lot just a little.

  8. We purchased LRTEG Vol. 1 thinking it would be an easy program to implement. We went for the "Everything" package. After watching the intoduction and a few lessons on the DVD, then looking through all the materials, it seemed to not live up to my expectations. There were too many references made to other programs they offer, and it never really seemed to get to the point. I am not saying the program is bad, I am just saying it appeared way too overwhelming and time consuming. Does anyone know anything about a return or refund policy? We spent over $200 for this program, and really need some money back. I really need some suggestions. I sent an email already, and just do not know what to expect. We did open the videos. There is just now way we would use this program. It is just not for us. According to my son, she rambles on and on, and never gives much information about the actual lesson, she gives to much explanation that is not clear. :confused: He watched the DVD with me. He has yet to complain about any curriculum so this is a first. I suppose I could always list it on ebay, but would rather just get a refund if at all possible.

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