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Posts posted by HFClassicalAcademy

  1. This is the biggest annoyance for me as well. My ds has complained a couple of times about the lines, but we do it anyways. I figured I bought the workbook...I'm gonna use it!!


    Frankly, I'm too lazy to make my own paper or have him write it out separately. It's so easy to just give him the workbook paper and tell him to get to work!


    Liz in NC

  2. Well, workboxes sound fantastic and all...but I don't like that you have to fill them every day. I am looking more for a weekly system.


    I also don't want to put books and things into plastic bins (and I hate to have all that plastic around...I'm trying to really get away from it and replace what we have with pretty boxes).


    I have 3 kids I need to organize things for. Anyone figure out a way to do this without utilizing the workbox method?? I have enough space in terms of bookshelves, but I feel like I'm coming to a blank with this.




    Liz in NC

  3. And so at 20something, you might start courting. And you'll start slowly as you still don't have all the information necessary. And one day you tie the knot. Or find out it isn't best and are glad you didn't overdo any aspect of the relationship.


    Assuming you don't lock your kids in the closet, they'll meet people of the opposite sex and sometime by 30 or so, they'll find one they want to be with.


    Wow! Getting married around 30! Courting sounds great and I do love the way you explain it because I don't know much about it. But I can't imagine getting married so late in my life! I was married at 21 with my high school sweetheart (we dated through high school and college), and we had talked about getting married even younger!!


    So I imagine that courting encourages late marriage (OK...sorry if many think 30 is not considered "late marriage"!!)?? Or is it OK for teens to court (I'm talking older teens (16 or 17 and up)??


    Liz in NC

  4. I don't look at the price tag for core books: math, history, grammar, etc. I, however, do try to find good prices on supplementary books.


    Also, if I am furnishing our learning spaces...the price tag (for the most part) doesn't matter too much (I still look for a deal, but if I like it...I buy it!). I like to buy nice furniture that will last and last. Of course, I don't buy furniture every year.


    Manipulatives and other hands-on learning resources are things that I just get. But I figure that I'm just starting out! My oldest is only entering 2nd grade and I have 3 other kids behind him (well, 4 if you count the baby due in August!).


    I think I would be more frugal if I was only homeschooling my last child...maybe.


    Liz in NC

  5. If I felt like I had the same body I did before kids...I would wear a bikini (although not a skimpy one!). I think people should be more modest in their beach-ware, but totally think that it's up to them to decide what they are comfortable in. I just look away!


    I'm completely comfortable in my skin around my kids and family. I've always been that way and think that the bigger deal I make about nakedness and bare skin, the worse it is for my kids. I want them to accept people for who they are and how they look. I also agree that people in this country are A LOT more conservative about their bodies than they are in Europe.


    Liz in NC

  6. We fell behind in our study of the Ancients this year for our 2nd semester due to morning sickness and such. Now I am catching up and nearly finished doing the readings through SOTW 1.


    In looking through our history notebook, I feel a little sad that the first half of the book was accompanied by crafts, narrations, and activities...all of which went into the history notebook. The second half, however, doesn't look as great. I only have some of the coloring and maps, and hardly any extra activities or narrations (these were all done orally and I didn't bother to write them down). Does this matter??:confused:


    I just want to be able to start our middle ages study on time this new year. Am I going to regret not putting the same amount of time into history for the last half of 1st grade. Or should I stop feeling guilty and think, "it's only 1st grade...we'll come back to it 2 more times."????


    Liz in NC

  7. My ds3 (will be 4 in September) just started using the R&S pre-k books. He loves them!!! They really are about cutting, pasting, colors, shapes, numbers, etc. I don't think they are boring at all.


    I think any preschooler would enjoy them, but I do suggest that you look into some samples.


    The books advance in difficulty (there are 7 in all). Here is a basic of what they cover.


    Adventures with Books: colors and shapes

    Bible Pictures to Color: this accompanies a storybook (that comes in the set) and the pictures are very cute.

    Counting with Numbers: numbers 1-10

    Do it Carefully: writing letter and hearing sounds

    Everywhere We Go: Review of all concepts learned

    Finding the Answers: Thinking skills

    Going On Eagerly: Geographical awareness


    Even though there might be a repetition in terms of the letters and their sounds, kids still like the books and it doesn't hurt to reinforce.




    Liz in NC

  8. Honestly, the reason why I am not doing SSRW for 2nd grade is the teacher intensiveness. I'll have a newborn in about a month and I just don't think I'll have the energy to do all the "extras." I want something that I can open and go.


    My dd is working on SSRW Level 1 and I'm also going to switch over to something else for the same reason. With 5 little kids, I really need to be realistic at this point in how much teacher prep time I actually have.


    Have you done SSRW Level 2? Is it just as teacher intensive as Level 1? I wouldn't mind doing it if it's more open and go than Level 1.


    Liz in NC

  9. I'm wondering where to go with phonics instruction. We did SSRW this year for 1st grade. We are still having problems with cementing phonics rules and fluency. I was planning to continue with MCP Phonics. But for now, I feel like I need to go back and do some reviewing of 1st grade phonics.


    Should I go ahead and stick with my plan of going into MCP Phonics or should I go to OPGTR (starting where we are having problems)?? I keep thinking that I should do OPGTR along with MCP. This would be to start now and keep reviewing until the end of summer.


    What would you all do? I'm open to all suggestions!!!



    Liz in NC

  10. I don't have teens, but just shouting out some advice. It doesn't matter if he's almost 18, is 18, or 100. If he is living in YOUR house...he needs to follow YOUR rules. As to punishment... I agree that he should have all computer privileges taken away. On top of that, I would have him write out reasons why porn IS bad.....over and over and over again. This might sound childish, but it is a punishment he won't forget.


    From a non-religious perspective as to why porn is bad. Here are some reasons to get you started. BTW, all I did was google why porn is bad.


    1) Pornography feeds lust of the eyes and lust of the flesh, which are never satisfied. It leaves the viewer craving more and more in order to achieve the same "sexual high."


    2) Pornography sexualizes the viewer's mindset. It warps and perverts their perspective such that sex is unnaturally elevated in their thoughts. Porn's images are stamped into viewer's brain with the aid of hormones released during sexual arousal. Even if a person decides to stop looking at porn, the past images can remain for years or even a lifetime.


    3) Pornography promotes destructive practices and can lead to progressive addiction.


    4) Pornography intensifies an individual's drive to serve oneself, rather than serve others. For example, masturbation, which typically accompanies looking at pornography reinforces a self-centered sexual orientation (i.e. lust), which can detract from a person's ability to give and receive love.


    5) Pornography addiction can lead to debt. The convenience of credit card transactions on the internet encourages covert spending without limit.


    6) By viewing and/or purchasing porn, viewers are supporting the porn industry and facilitating its growth. By viewing porn, the viewer is also contributing to the sexual exploitation of whoever or whatever is in the images he or she is viewing.


    7) Looking at porn can damage the viewer's family relationships, not to mention increasing the chance of his or her spouse and children finding the material.


    8) Looking at porn at work could damage the viewer's reputation, decrease his or her productivity and lead to job loss. It could also inspire unhealthy and/or inappropriate relationships with co-workers.


    9) Looking at porn can damage the viewer's current or future marriage sex life.


    10) Looking at porn will increase the viewer's tendency to lie, because he or she will have a natural desire to keep it secret to avoid criticism, embarrassment, shame and/or having to surrender their habit.


    These were gotten from http://www.porn-free.org/porn_is_bad.htm


    HTH a little!!

    Liz in NC

  11. I'm looking for lined handwriting paper for my dc (K and 2nd), but I don't want the brownish, newspaper type paper. I am looking for regular white paper (which I plan for notebooking and I like the crisper look).


    Anyone know where I can purchase this??



    Liz in NC

  12. It seems to me that homeschool kids tend to be a little more mature than their ps counterparts. Perhaps that's just true of all the homeschool teens I've met. I agree that we expect much less of our children (society in general) in terms of maturity, than in the times of our grandparents or great grandparents.


    I plan on not focusing too much on grade level, but more on academic achievement. If my kids end up completing everything before they are 18...that would be fine with me! Just because they finish high school early doesn't mean they have to go away immediately to college!!


    I do see, however, the benefit of graduating early in some careers. My dh (a doctor) always comments on how it's nice to be young as a new physician because of an early graduation. It's a benefit when you have a loooooong career you want to do, like becoming an M.D. (seriously because you don't start earning any real money until you've been in school and training for a minimum of 8-10 years!!!).


    So I say, move at your child's pace and forget about the grade level! There is so much time for you to label her later!!


    Liz in NC

  13. I just purchased the CD set for the pages and all the timeline figures. I'm excited and plan on using starting sometime within the next couple of weeks as our ancients end of year review.


    I regret not getting the binder while at convention, but might just order if from their website. It really does look lovely!! My son is going into 2nd grade and I plan on having my other children start their own around the same age. For the time being, my ds7 seems to be excited about it.


    Liz in NC

    (liking the timeline, but haven't actually used it yet!!)

  14. I have posted pictures of our school room on my blog. We turned our formal dining room into our school room. It is a blessing to have a place to do school and it is the most used room in the house, besides the kitchen!!




    I keep updating and changing our room to fit our needs. Soon we'll be adding a desk for my oldest to do his work, since the littles are taking over our school table.


    Have fun with your room!!


    Liz in NC

  15. This past year we used notebooking pages from notebookingpages.com for our ancients studies. I am now looking for something similar for the middle ages and am bummed that they don't offer them on the same sight.


    Does anyone have any recommendations to where I can get notebooking pages for the middle ages that is somewhat similar??



    Liz in NC

  16. I'm done with all our curriculum purchases and am now starting to organize our history (we'll be doing HO Level 1, Middle Ages).


    I'm wondering if it's worth it to purchase books from the book list or should I just get them from the library? I'm trying to be realistic in that I'll have a new baby and getting to library with 5 little kids is not going to be as fun as it used to be.


    This year we did the library for history and I didn't mind it. We have an excellent system, so finding books wasn't a problem for me. But is it worth it to buy the books?? If I buy them, should I just pick 1 or 2 from each lesson or is that too much?


    I have no idea as to what I should do!


    Liz in NC

  17. My family and friends keep up with me through my blog. I love it! But I also blog to help others and get ideas out. I love it when I get comments on how something I posted was helpful to someone. Some readers also give me good suggestions.


    Blogging also helps keep me accountable and it's fun for me. I post about my blog mostly here because 90% of the content is homeschool related (hey...I just finished posting all about schedules and preschool!!).


    I just wish more people would leave comments!!


    Liz in NC

  18. Err...say....I don't know! :confused: What makes someone a "Nielsen family" anyway? Do you have a report you fill out on viewing habits? I guess I've always assumed that "they" know how many people are watching a given show...how else do they determine that 10 million people watched so-and-so?


    In any case, I can still not watch it on principle. Now, I'm off to google "what determines tv ratings?" :D


    We have been a Nielsen family in the past! They pretty much called us one day and asked if we would be interested in keeping the diary. I said "Yes!" and they even sent us a $20 bill in the mail! First time I felt like I actually contributed to any ratings (too bad we don't watch much TV!!).


    Liz in NC

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