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Posts posted by HFClassicalAcademy

  1. I have a 6th grader who hates the Middle Ages.  We have used Memoria Press from the beginning and this year (we are into week 4) is the first year that he is hating history.  He has no interest at all in medieval times.  While my other kids loved reading about knights and castles, this kid hates that stuff.  I would love any suggestions.  I don't mind parental involvement with read aloud and activities.  


    Thank you!


  2. Just caught this post and I wanted to write about my experience with boxed curriculum.  I have used MP 1st and 2nd grade for one of my kids and I thought it was just right.  He just started 3rd grade and it has gotten a little more challenging.  I agree that MP might have it's weaknesses, but over all it is a solid program.  They definitely expect mastery on all their subjects and this provides a challenging curriculum for the student.  Not very hands-on, but I think it is just right for a classical style curriculum.  You really have to take your child's learning style into consideration.  My son is doing well with it and we have him do lots of enrichment activities through our co-op once a week (art, science lab, and religion).  Outside activities also round his education out fairly nicely (piano lessons, tae kwon do, and field trips).  


    Now he isn't my only child, I have 7 kids total.  But he is the only one who has done the entire MP curriculum.  My oldest is finishing 6th grade and I'm planning on doing MP for 7th and 8th grade before moving him into Kolbe.  I will also be moving my second oldest into MP for 5th grade and staying with them until high school where we will also do Kolbe.


    As for my younger kids.  My 6 year old is about to begin with MFW 1st grade and my 4 year old just started with MFW Kindergarten and Hooked on Phonics K.  This works in our family because these programs don't require a lot of time and prep on my behalf.  Also, these two boys learn very different from my older three, so MP wouldn't work for them.  I am hoping to move them into MP and then Kolbe eventually.


    So as you can see...I have pretty much become a boxed curriculum gal.  I used to be totally eclectic and do WTM style on my own, always pulling from different sources.  But as my family has grown, I have less and less time to do this.  That and I'm TIRED!  I want to make it as easy as it is for me while still giving my kids a great education.  


    We shall see what my 2 babies do when they start school!!  I hope this helps someone!



  3. My 6 yo ds began first grade earlier this year.  His birthday is in late August, so he was very immature when I tried to start him in September for 1st grade.  We started 1st grade in January.  He has been doing great with math and reading and is moving along with his handwriting as well.  As it is, that is all I'm doing with him.  Math, reading, and handwriting.  He is still very immature, so I've just been focusing on the basics.


    My conundrum is that I would like to move into a set program for him in order to round out his days a little more.  My older kids have done a little more academic programs...I have one who did Memoria Press for 1st and 2nd and is currently starting their 3rd grade program.  My 4th and 6th grader are doing a combo of Kolbe Academy and Memoria Press.  But this child is soooo not going to be able to do that right now!  He is still all about playtime, hands on, interactive work.  I'm OK with that!  He's a boy and he's moving at his own pace.  I have tried doing MP 1st grade and it's a bad fit for him.  My current train of thought is to do My Father's World and then move him into Memoria Press for 3rd grade, once he's matured a bit.  


    The questions I have are:  Is this a good plan?  Should I get the MFW 1st grade or MFW 2nd grade Adventures?  Should I try something else completely??  I'm absolutely stumped on what to do with this child!


    I would appreciate any advice.  I'm looking for a set curriculum because I have 7 kids and don't have time to make up a whole new thing for him.  I have also tried Sonlight and he didn't like jumping and switching from book to book.  There also wasn't enough hands on stuff, so I had to constantly look for things to spice up the books and I don't want to have to do that.





  4. So I'm STILL looking for that "perfect" planner for my Mac. I would be more than happy using HST, but that isn't an option since I don't plan on buying Parallels just to run that one program.


    This past year I have used Scholaric and think it's pretty awesome. The only downside is that I can't keep my lessons to re-use with another child, so I have to re-enter all the information all over again. I have 6 kids (going on 7!), so that's an important feature for me!! I also would like something that has a little more record-keeping.


    I just signed up for a 1month trial of HST Online and it's pretty intensive to enter stuff. I haven't come across very many reviews and don't know if it's the same as their regular Homeschool Tracker. Any input?


    The Simple Plan by Mardel also looks great and it's free so I signed on to have a better look. They are in Beta testing and I feel like it has potential, but still has so much more to go (record-keeping isn't available yet, can't print, can't look at assignments in a weekly view, etc.).


    SkedTrack and Edu-Trak haven't convinced me at all. I have read soooo many bad reviews about Edu-Track, and I really didn't like SkedTrack either.


    Next is Olly. Which also has potential and I like that I don't have to have it online and I can access from my laptop or desktop with their Dropbox feature. I tried the 1 month trial last year and just couldn't like it. It was so hard and confusing to schedule certain assignments.


    So here I am. Desperate because I just want something that will help me this year. I'm doing all my planning this weekend for the new year. I won't have the same time with a newborn coming in just a month.


    I thinking HST Online is my best bet??? Anyone have success with it?


    Thanks...and I know that finding the "perfect" planner is completely impossible. Scholaric would be my first choice, if it wasn't for not being able to keep my lesson plans saved for future kids.



  5. I am currently doing Saxon 1 with my K son. We are still in the first half (he is on the younger side, so we started later in the year).


    My intentions are to do Singapore math with him (which I've never used, even with my other 3 older kids), since my hubby thinks that's the way to go this time. I agree and am excited to get started!


    My initial thought was to do both Saxon 1, just to finish this book, along with Singapore. But now I'm confused as if I should do that. Should I just drop Saxon 1 right now and start with Singapore? Or should I keep with Saxon 1 and just add Singapore in??


    I really appreciate any advice. This is the first time I am so confused with what to do with math!!




    Regarding your long days, how do YOU find the motivation to stick with it for all of those hours, all day, every day? That is my problem but I have issues like pretty severe ADD, I get over stimulated very easily, etc.




    Those are long days...and some days definitely feel longer than others. But afternoons are easier for us. By then I'm usually done with my K'er, so he goes and plays with the 3 year old. My 2 year old is also usually napping, so I have a good solid 2 hours of quiet time with the kids. This is our Sonlight time followed by MP's Christian Studies, and then science or foreign language (we alternate). That means I put my feet up and we do school in bed, outside, on the floor, or wherever *I* feel like being!! Honestly, I think my husband is my motivator. He works very hard and has very long hours, so just knowing that he is doing that for our family makes me want to work just as hard.


    I won't lie. I have days where I'm exhausted and we close the doors to the school room early. I try not to put too much pressure on myself. We school year-round and that helps me because I'm able to take days off a little bit more flexibly than if I did the September to May thing. :)



  7. I wanted to add that once your kids can read independently...it makes life so much easier!! My 7 year old is great and can do his spelling workout, grammar, copywork & handwriting all on his own. He can also do the readings from the Sonlight Core B pretty well.


    We do foreign language together too from baby to 11 year old. I only make the older three kids actually do the work, though!


    My days are long...we start school at 9am, get a lunch break, and officially finish at 3 or 3:30pm (sometimes sooner!). We are totally flexible, take plenty of breaks, and I often surprise them with games in between subjects ("OK kids! Before we start history, we are doing 1 round of hide and seek...I'm counting to 30...Ready, Set, Go!). They love stuff like that and it makes the days funner.


    I also force my kids to play outside rain or shine after lunch. Sometimes they hang out on the porch, but mostly they just play.



  8. I have about the same age kids as yours. In the fall I will have a 6th grader, 4th/5th grader, 2nd/3rd grader, 1st grader, preschooler, toddler, and a newborn!!


    I am in no ways an expert, but we have found a groove that is finally working and we have been having a pretty good year and expect the same from here on out! I agree that your 6th grader needs to be independent as much as possible. This year my older 2 kids have been doing math independently (they do both Saxon and Teaching Textbooks) while I do math with my 7 and 5 year old. I have to stagger the teaching when doing math...I start with my 7 year old and explain the lesson, he then does his worksheets. Then I do the lessons and worksheets with my 5 year old. I allow for my older kids to ask questions when they get stumped on something. If it's complicated, I have them skip the problem and then we get to it when I'm done with the littles. It's worked out well.


    Grammar, handwriting, and writing are mostly independent for the older two as well.


    I have been doing Sonlight Core D for the older two for history together as well as AAS, religion, and science. (they each have their own spelling lists to study, however, at the request of my hubby and they do that independently as well).


    My 7 year old still needs a little more help so I spend more time with him while the older kids are working...I basically have to jump start him with lessons and he does any worksheets on his own.


    The 5 year old is totally dependent on me. My main focus is reading and math. Everything else is icing.


    What happens with my little, little kids is that I take out preschool activities for them to do while we work. Sometimes, my almost 2 year old will sit on my lap and color while my 3 year old works on a puzzle. It can be a bit chaotic, but we roll with it.


    I think schooling with lots of kids has a bit of a learning curve and you are on track with combining kids and getting them to work independently. Subjects I definitely would combine are history and science.


    HTH! Just reassure yourself that it can be done!!



  9. My ds is doing TT 4 this year and I want him to back to Saxon for the new year. I would be placing him in 6/5 and I feel like TT did not prepare him for it and has just put him behind. I'm planning on spending the summer working especially in math. Any suggestions on what to use?? Has anyone else been through this before?




  10. I just bought this and wish I would have done the month trial. Well, now I am stuck with it. I can force myself to use it, but I am thinking of sticking to my paper and pencil organizer because HST just isn't for me now....I would definitely do it as my oldest gets into middle school/high school. But that's still 3 years away.


    Can I sell my subscription (which will expire on May 12, 2013)???



  11. My ds has always used Saxon in the lower grades, but this past year, math became a struggle and it was constant tears, complaining, etc. So we switched to TT 4. It was a great decision! BUT....I'm just not happy with the scope of TT. I really think that Saxon is a superior program.


    Now that my ds has his confidence in math back and no longer hates it...I want to switch him back to Saxon (and he is OK with it!!). Since he is finishing up TT4, do I just put him into Saxon 6/5 or do I have him take the placement test?


    Wondering if anyone has done this before and if it's a good or bad idea.




  12. Back when I first read through the whole WTM book...I remember them mentioning that the study of phonics should be continued up until 6th grade or so. Am I right or am I making things up?? I can't find it now and am beginning to read the book all over again.


    If someone knows if this is correct (or wrong) could you please let me know?




  13. We have been on the Saxon Math trail since the beginning. My oldest starting falling behind a little at a time...not entirely because he was bad at math, but because he was starting to HATE math. I don't know why most people think that math is supposed to be hard and complicated.


    We got to SM 5/4 and I finally threw the towel in. It was day after day of crying and complaining because of math. So I switched him to TT 4 (he's in 4th grade). He's been doing it for a few months and is almost caught up in the lessons since having started it late in the year. But guess what?? He likes math now! Ok...he doesn't love it. But there are no more tears, no more complaining. Yes...TT does seem to be moving a little slower than Saxon, but he is grasping the concepts and doing great.


    I agree with so many on this board. Don't get turned off because TT doesn't seem difficult and challenging or because it seems to be "behind." For me and my child...it was a just what we needed. And honestly, sometimes it seems that parents are so bent on having their kids so advanced and "ahead" that they dismiss good programs that could make their kids actually enjoy what they are doing.


    TT is working for us. I don't know if I'll use it for my other kids...but I won't rule it out. I love that homeschooling lets me tailor our curriculum for what works for each individual child!



  14. I'm looking at the age of your children.


    We went last year when our oldest was 8, followed by a 6, 5, 2, and 1 year old. It was pretty miserable. This field trip would have been perfect for us if our children were older. Other than that, they were very bored!


    My daughter enjoyed it the most (she was 6), and the boys (the rest of the crew) pretty much had a dull time.


    If you are definitely going, I would suggest visiting the plantation as they have lots of hands-on activities. We also did the Mother Goose tour, which the children enjoyed.


    As for visiting the different places...they were interesting and the tour guides were great. But my kids were just not ready for it. If your youngest was 8 and you had older kids...I would say perfect!!


    But I suppose it depends on your children too! Sorry to put a downer on this for you. I just wish someone would have told me to wait until my kids were a little older. I'm planning on going again in about 4 years, when my kids are older...I'm certain they would enjoy it more then!


    This is one of those trips that I would love to take back and save all the money we spent on the hotel, food, and entrance. We would have had more fun at a science museum!



  15. I've been making suggestions to the developer in terms of course sequence. But...I'm updating in case some of you don't subscribe to him or read the blog.


    there is now lesson sharing, so you don't have to keep switching between students to add the same assignment! Yay! You can also hover over a completed assignment and it will give you the grade.


    I just finished my trial lesson with scholaric and have signed up for it!



  16. Hopefully someone with more experience will chime in here. I have the same question. Another thing I'd like to be able to do is copy the list of classes for one child and paste it on another child's profile. Is this possible?


    Apparently, as per the developer, lesson sharing is in final testing and should be out later this week. I emailed him and asked that same question because I have 3 kids who sometimes share lessons/courses. As soon as I find out how to do that, I'll post it. He said he would be emailing me.


    The only other question I asked him about was creating a resource page, since some subjects use more than one book (history for example).


    I highly suggest you email any ideas to scholaric as they seem to be very receptive!


    I haven't emailed my question to them yet, just thinking someone on here might know how to do it!



  17. Does anyone know how to put your classes in a certain sequence? I'm meaning to have them ordered in the way you do school (math, religion, spelling,etc.) and then have them printed out that way?


    I just started my trial lesson and really like it so far because it's so simple and easy. It's like using my book planner. I like that there's not a ton that you have to type in and the learning curve isn't as steep as skedtrack or HST.


    Thanks. I appreciate if anyone can offer me a clue as to how to set things up in order!



  18. I'm glad I'm not the only one! I'm too embarrassed to say how big my house is. There are only four of us (2 parents, 2 kids) and we have A LOT of square footage per person. The houses are large in our community, so it feels "normal" most of the time, but I realize that it really isn't.


    Oh no! Now I feel bad about posting our square footage!!!! But we have 6 kids, so all of it is welcome space!

  19. You can do it. We have 9 dc ages 7 mos, 2, 3, 5, 7, 7, 9, 11, 14. We have also used Rod and Staff, IEW, and Saxon.



    So glad that it's doable!!! I'm excited about starting IEW with the kids and I plan on them doing it at the same time. My oldest is starting Saxon 5/4 and I'm thinking on using the DIVE Cd's with him. Did you ever use them? I'm hoping this would free some time for me.


    Thank you! I'm starting to get inspired and pumped up!!

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