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Mrs. Lilac

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Posts posted by Mrs. Lilac

  1. I'm going to use Abeka for the first time in the fall.....using their Language Arts for 1st and 4th grades. The prices are stressing me out a little....been looking to see what I can get used. Along that same line, for those who have used Abeka- do you find you need the lesson plans/teachers' guides? If it will be a big help, I'm ready to hunt for used ones. If not- well, of course I'm happy to skip them and save the $$.


    Would love your feedback! :)

  2. I was all set to do Abeka language arts for next year until I realized for that ONE subject I'd be looking at $200! OUCH! Also, I'm going to have a kindergartner, and they don't have a stand alone LA for K.


    I started looking at Queen's LA....I think it looks promising, but most reviews and threads I've read say it's not enough content. Would it be okay for my K'er but not my 4th grade level girl? I'm not sure where else to go....we did FLL in K, which was good, and BJU in 2nd and 3rd, which again was fine, but just too classroom-y for me. Do I try Queen? Do I try the consumable FLL that they have now for the older kids?


    Would love thoughts on this!


    P.S.- I realized my post is a little confusing...she's in 2nd grade but just finished 3rd grade LA. So next year she will be in 3rd grade, doing 4th grade LA. Clear as mud? :)

  3. I'm not sure what core I would do....I'll have a 3rd grader (who works above grade level) and a new K'er- if he could tag along with big sister for some, that's great, but if not, it's not a deal breaker at this point. I haven't yet decided if I would try to pick one mostly for her or more as a combined....I was kind of thinking of their Core 1+2 if that's what it's called?

  4. I'm really considering switching to Sonlight after 2 years of MFW. Does anyone who's done Sonlight or done both MFW and Sonlight have any thoughts/ideas/comments/reviews for me? I'm not thinking right now that I would do the Sonlight LA, many of the reviews I read on it are dismal....so thinking just the core package.


    Would love any thoughts you all have! Thanks so much!

  5. Wondering what would be good to use for kindergarten.....my boys just turned 5 in January (so we're not looking at starting till this fall.) However, they're both really good readers- through no fault of my own, :)- I have an autistic child who started reading at 3 and his typical twin brother just picked up on it. They can both probably read at a 1st grade level, and I don't know where they'll be by the time we start 7 months from now.


    I love the look of something all inclusive and simple like MFW kindergarten, but they definitely don't need to review letter sounds, etc., that I see in most K programs. Not sure what I need to do, any ideas?

  6. Any one who has any experience with any of the above, I'd love to hear your input! We're using MFW this year, and used it last year, and we do like it. I've been drooling over VP, and leaning towards going that route starting next year. But I also hear raves about TOG....except it looks overwhelming to me.


    Any help you all can provide would be so much appreciated! :)



  7. My daughter is hating her math curriculum. Lifepacs from Alpha Omega. Too dry, pages too black and white, and she doesn't like the way they explain things. I can't say I'm crazy about it either.


    I was looking at the bookstore (just a regular bookstore, not a homeschool store) at workbooks- "Total Math" or "The Complete Book of Math" and "Kumon" and a few others. Would something like that possibly be a complete curriculum for next year's math for her, or no? I'm at a loss for what to do.

  8. I would just say check out their website and the online demo thoroughly before you decide to commit. For YEARS, I was convinced that we were going to use Rosetta Stone. I had heard raves and seen a little of it that looked cool, and now that I'm finally at the point of purchasing, I sat down and did the demo and really did not care for it at all. AT ALL. I was shocked! I did more research and now have decided to go with Tell Me More/Auralog.


    We are lucky as homeschoolers that there are lots of choices out there, so hopefully one will "click" for your family! :)

  9. I completely agree with EVERYTHING the last poster just said. I feel for you- I truly do- we just lost our two 10-year-old, very much beloved cats within 5 months of each other. It's heartwrenching. But you'll be doing a disservice to your family and to your dog if you cave on this. You'd be teaching your kids a bad lesson about how we deal with hardship in life- and shelters are full of great dogs whose families didn't want to deal in one way or another.


    Again, couldn't say it better than hornblower did just above.

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