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Posts posted by KerriF

  1. I am looking at NOEO for physics next year and I will have a 4th grader and

    1st grader. I'm not wild about buying two levels and yet if I need to do that I am open to it. If I combine them I'm not sure if I shoud go up to physics II and then find books for my 1st grader on the topics studied or if I should bump down and do physics I.


    Any suggestions or BTDT?



  2. momee,


    I found non fat dry milk that wasn't the pellet kind at a bread baking store. You might be able to find it at the grocery store too. The first one I bought at the grocery store was the pellets instead of throwing it a way I put it in a ziplock bag and used a rolling pin to break it up. However I wouldn't want to do that all of the time. It is worth finding the powdered kind. Potato flakes are instant potatoes. I think that the powdered milk and potato flakes are the key to this recipe so I wouldn't sub them out for anything. I believe the amount of gluten that Jeri posted is for the tripled batch.



  3. Prairie Girl,


    That is a great idea with the big ziplock bags. What size did you end up getting? Just the gallon size? I bought the download for the book last week and have been mulling over how to implement it. I wasn't wild about going out and buying all of those boxes right off the bat. The bags give me a way to try it without investing too much.


    I'm thinking that my oldest will get some of the "fun" stuff too this way. Also it should help me have things for them to do while I'm taking care of the baby.

  4. I had a baby in November. I had started our school year early so that we could take 6 weeks off. We ended up taking 8 weeks off. I didn't think that was too bad until I read about ladies starting back to school days after having a baby :D I couldn't go back so soon I had to take the time off. I'm glad a planned ahead for it.



  5. Is it very structured? How long do you meet? Do teachers rotate? What do you cover during co-op?


    I am looking at a co-op for next year and am wondering how it compares to what others are doing.


    We are in a TOG co-op that started at the beginning of this year. There are 4 families in it with a total of 10 kids participating. We have both LG and UG. Each week a different mom teaches and it is held at her house. We meet from 12 (we bring lunches and let the kids eat together and play for an hour) till about 2 or 3 (we have gone till 4 but that was because the kids were playing and we were talking :D) We meet at the beginning of each unit to decide what craft/acitivity we will do each week. Then one of the moms goes and buys the needed supplies for the unit. (each family put in $50 at the beginning of the year)


    For each co-op meeting we do a craft/activity, cover some aspect of the history lesson (we can bring in other sources or cover what they had in the reading), memory work (we memorized the preamble to the Declaration of Independence and right now we are doing the beattitudes) and we do art appreciation.


    I hope that helps.:D

  6. Hi Sandy,


    I am using SWR with my 5ds (also my 8ds) and we are doing what you described doing with you daughter. I tried to do the spelling lists with him at the beginning of the year and he just wasn't ready to do that. We review the phonograms and read from readers and that is all we do right now. Next year my plan is to start on the spelling lists.



  7. Does anyone know where I can get information on testing (one of the standardized tests used in public schools) my kids at home? Also our co-op might be interested in testing as well. I'm not sure where to start to get information.



  8. Here is one that I got from my King Arthur Flour Whole Grain Baking Cook book. We love it. The texture is great for sandwiches and it tastes great. I have tripled it for my Bosch.


    2Tbsp orange juice

    1 cup lukewarm water

    4 Tbsp unsalted butter cut into 6 pieces

    3 cups ww flour

    3 Tbsp sugar

    Heaping 1/2 cup dried potato flakes or 3 Tbsp potato flour

    1/4 cup nonfat dry milk (not the pellet kind)

    1 1/4 tsp salt

    2 1/2 tsp instant yeast.


    Combine all the ingredients, and mix and knead until you have a soft, smooth dough. cover and allow to rise until it is puffy and nearly doubled in bulk, 1 to 2 hours.


    Lightly grease 8 1/2 x 4 1/2 loaf pan. Shape inot log and place in prepard pan. Let rise until it has crowned about 1 1/2 over the rim of pan.


    Bake at 350. Bake for 35 min tenting with foil for the last 15 min.

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