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Posts posted by Satori

  1. I purchased this through HSBC a few days ago and my daughter is currently working on it at this moment (and has been the past few days) and loving it. I plan to use Dreambox as a fun supplement.


    I have my desktop setup and have shared my daughter's screen so I can keep an eye on what she's doing on my own computer desktop screen.

  2. We love it as well! We just learned about Georgia O'Keefe last night. It's been so simple to learn about all the masters, a new art technique or two, and a project at the end. I then load up our computer screensaver with paintings by the artist.


    I have been on a super long break, but cheers for Homeschool Buyers coop for offering a 3 year MTM subscription for 45% off, so be sure to get that deal.

  3. Thanks Kat for letting me know about this thread! I got a message from my web host provider a few days ago saying they had some technical issues. I'm hoping it will be up running reliably very soon.


    Satori is cranking out little stories on the computer every single day. She just sent out one penpal letter this week, we will have to work on that to send out more! :) The weather is turning nice so we've been doing lots of bike riding and enjoying the outdoors...

  4. Although I go by that name, Satori is really my daughter - she just turned 7 in November. We've had a bit of a homeschooling break for quite awhile, even pondered public school, but we're finally getting back into the swing of things.


    In the meantime, she's been reading and writing a lot, so much so that we launched her own personal writing blog - Satori's Stories! She would love to have some people read her first story and get some feedback. (Remember, she's just a little girl, so be constructive, but kind...) Myself, as a homeschool teacher, would love a great writing curriculum tailored to her interest!

  5. My daughter surprised me the other day by cranking out a story about her dog, all typed out, saved, and printed. She begged me to start her own blog called Satori's Stories, so I thought it was time.


    I cut and pasted from Word, and posted it in her blog. My husband corrected a few misspellings in Chapter 1, but everything after chapter 1 is all her own grammar, spelling, and writing. I did not even know she knew how to do paragraphs yet, nor that she knew what :, ..., - marks even meant. Needless to say I was surprised.


    Here's the new blog - http://satorisstories.com/


    It's a long story, otherwise I would try to copy and paste it here, but I lose all the formatting.

  6. I use Homeschool Skedtrack, I love that it is online and so flexible. I looked at Scholaric, but at the time it was too simple for my needs. I'll check back next year to see if it has progressed to my liking. Or I might design my own (I'm a web programmer).

  7. Hmmm... There is one curriculum in particular I shouldn't have bothered getting - Getty Dubay Italics handwriting. I thought both my daughter and I could improve our handwriting so I purchased quite a few books. But my daughter had already zoomed through all the levels of HWT and writes literally every hour of the day, so switching to a new handwriting style is impossible. She's already developed her own.


    Another program that might so far hasn't panned out is Singapore My Pals Are Here. I first started purchasing the inexpensive books and workbooks. Then I couldn't resist the rest of the program, but that is expensive! Now that I have it all here, I need to have it all scheduled out first before I start (I'm just like that). A little daunted by that project, it just sits. Oh well, we are already happily using RSO Earth & Space now. I just wanted to try to do them both.

  8. We love it, it's so worth it for us. We use it for Spanish, science, and history mostly, but there's videos we watch for fun on math and language arts as well. You can see some of the things we watch if you click the DE Streaming link on my sig. It's a little overwhelming at first to navigate their own search, but the list should help those getting started.

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