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Posts posted by 3browneyedboys4me

  1. NO, I would not move into that size house for no house payment. It's about quality of life for me as well. Having no mtg is great, but I think I could compromise in other areas. For instance, we do not have any car payments. For some, that would equal a house payment. IDK, I guess it just depends on what makes you happy. I have a decent size family and I love having guests over and enjoying sleep overs. That would be very hard in this little house.


    I did enjoy the video and the idea behind it. For some, it would be perfect. For me, I think not!

  2. I'm sorry for your ordeal, but I disagree that her post isn't helpful. It is always nice to have information about potential side effects that dr's aren't revealing to patients. I know that the side effect isn't a 'health problem' but it's always nice to know what you are going into with your eyes wide open. You should have the right to know and weigh your decision based on ALL info.






    I've just been through 5 1/2 months of taxotere in treatment for breast cancer.


    Sigh. I don't think your post is particularly helpful. It certainly wouldn't have helped me in January as I begin treatment with taxotere.


    The drug can also cause permanent liver problems. In rare cases it can cause a blood problem five or six years post chemo.


    I didn't dwell much about later damage before treatment because it simply is the BEST drug for me and my treatment. I'd rather take the chance and live to tell about it than fear all the what ifs. Every drug has side effects...and some of them can be permanent.


    Herceptin can cause huge heart issues. I'm going to be taking it for a full year and then some...is it a risk? Yes, so is is dying from breast cancer. I watched my mom die of it...


    I'm sorry you are dealing with permanent hair loss. It's tough on a woman to lose her hair. If my hair was the cost of being cancer free...Ill pay it because I want the chance to watch my sons grow and to dance in a couple of decades at my granddaugher's wedding.


    I've gotten kinda used to wearing a cute cap everywhere. And it takes very little time to get ready in the morning if you slap on a cap or (if I'm meeting a client) to pull on the wig.


    I know people who've lost limbs to cancer. Even more who lost their lives to the blasted evilness. I still choose taxotere as my best darn chance.


    Slap away if you want. Remember you are slapping a person in treatment for breast cancer.

  3. I think your post is VERY helpful and I, for one, appreciate any information that migt protect me from side effects. I do believe all meds have them, but this is a side effect that you are saying they aren't acknowledging. That's not fair. So, thank you! How sweet and kind of you to put yourself out there and give other women the chance to make that decision.


    You are very kind and have been through a LOT! God Bless you!


  4. My dh just had this surgery almost two wks ago. His nose ran constantly for a full wk or more. He still has healed to the point that his breathing thru the nose is good. I think in the next couple of days he will be able to blow his nose for the first time.


    I guess everyone is different. But, I think that would perfectly normal.

  5. :party:


    I know that feeling!!! My son was epileptic from 3-8 yrs of age. The day we heard the EEG was normal was the greatest gift! I'll never forget it. God is good and I am so happy for you and your dd.


    He is fourteen today. :) No seizures. When I think back to those years, I'm simply thankful for TODAY. I don't know how I did it with all the visits to drs, meds, changing meds, lugging 3 kids around that were under 4!!! I have no idea other than the grace of God that got me through it.


    I'm very happy for you and can so relate to your feelings!!!!

  6. I hear ya!:grouphug:

    I think it is age related. They tend to pull away at 12-13 and not need to hear or take any advice from mom. It can be hurtful for sure! :confused: try to find some quiet moments with them so you can reconnect at times. Hang in there momma...they still love and need you very much:D they just need you in different ways. But, I still make mine hug and kiss me!!



  7. I would just like to add that you've implied that this young lady is a grown adult and has no real reason for a relationship with her bio-father. That she is already grown and this situation will only turn everyone's lives upside down. Those weren't your exact words, but I think that nails the point.


    However, have you consider that though she is really a young adult, her life is JUST beginning. She still has college, marriage, children (he will grandchildren) and lots and lots of milestones. Why would she not have the same entitlement as the other children he has fathered? I believe you called them the *actual* children. How is she 'less than'? Her conception was not by HER choice, but her father's and mother's. She has every. single. right to know him and have a relationship with him. Will it be hard? Sure! Would anyone want to have to deal with it? Probably not. But, that's just life. You can't pretend it away or dismiss events b/c they don't fit into your plan. Sometimes, just sometimes, you have to accept things that you don't want to. Life can be really inconvenient.


    Accepting the things in life we can't change is the healthiest attitude. By accepting, I mean embracing...not just simply acknowledging. There is a difference.




    I'm not bitter. My heart is fine.


    Just because you are unable to convince me that my position is right and yours wrong is no logical reason for you to make assumptions about my state of mind. It does say something for your ability to argue a position logically, however.

  8. My neighbor, and friend, has a kidney condition. I can't remember the details but its something I had not heard of before. I think she had cysts on one. She went in to the hospital a few yrs ago to rule out cancer. They did the scan and everything. IT was very detailed b/c she was having blood, etc. Anyway, she has cysts, but it's not cancer. It's fine. They just monitor them.


    So, you see, it can be just a little something to create a problem. It is NOT cancer!:grouphug: Cancer would be a worst case scenario....there are MANY steps between here and there.


    From someone that has had cancer scares, take a deep breath and embrace the fact that you do not need to worry yourself.:grouphug::grouphug:

  9. :iagree::iagree:

    I completely agree with all of this!






    I live in Italy. You know who the fat people are? The Americans. You can spot them a mile away.


    Italians bike. Italians walk. Italians buy fresh ingredients and tax their processed items - the more processed, the more taxed. Italians take pride in their food and use fresh herbs to season their dishes. They savor, not inhale, their meals. They drink socially and getting drunk is frowned upon.



    Americans live a life of excess. They complain when gas reaches $4/gallon while the rest of the world pays $8-10. They complain about their rights when the idea of banning the sale of soda greater than the size of an average stomach is talked about. They fill their carts at Cosco with boxes of salted and sugared foods. Children stay in strollers until age 4 or 5, but have 16oz sippy cups filled with juice.



    The problem is not the diet. It's the lack of one and the sedentary ways that American people embrace. People in the 30's and 40's ate largely carb diets, but stayed skinny because the work exerted equaled the intake of energy. I mean, the "fat lady" at the circus in 1900 would be simply average in our country of a 2/3 obesity rate! Carbs are not bad. Meat is not bad. Having a portion size grow 300% is!

  10. :grouphug:


    My oldest son is just like yours. Except, he doesn't like sports of ANY kind and rarely is interested in group activities.


    It's really hard to watch them struggle with relationships, but I do think it's because they are so thoughtful and kind that 'casual' relationships are hard for them. I think that they love and care deeply for ppl and most ppl do not reciprocate that at this age level. I know my oldest son has a very hard time with casual play and just simple hanging out kinda stuff. He's more serious, sensitive, and thoughtful. He is lightening up a bit lately. But, I don't think he will ever be like my other boys- sports driven, they can talk to anyone, they don't care too deeply about most things bc they are young and just want to play and have fun.


    I wonder if it's the oldest thing?? It does hurt to watch, but I'm noticing that he is at the age now to where he can take on more adult relationships and this seems to work out best for him. He is more active in our youth, working with the youth leader and being more responsible in different things. IT's almost like he was born an adult!:001_smile:


    Hang in there and just encourage him. I also let my son know that if he doesn't invest time in other kids his age he can't expect them to want to maintain a friendship with him. It's work. He's starting to understand that now. But, he is still quite picky with the ppl he wants to visit with. He rarely asks for time with friends his own age. It's almost always older ppl.


    Good luck and Big hugs!:grouphug::grouphug:

  11. As a buyer and seller, I would expect more info on the condition of the book. I would also assume that this seller wouldn't expect to get a positive response and might have been looking for a quick, one time sell.


    I try to list everything when I sell an item. I like to purchase like new and would expect to offer something in the same condition to others.


    I'm sorry this happened. I hope you do find a solution!:grouphug:

  12. I'm not sure that I understand the financial gain in renting? Your husband is unemployed and you are going to pay a mortgage AND rent? I'm not sure where you live but most houses are on the market for six mos to a year now. How will you afford to continue to pay THAT mortgage and pay for a rental home?


    I own another property that we rent out. It's currently on the market, but if I were looking at this scenario as a potential, I would want to see financial statements that indicate you could afford both.


    I'm sorry. I know what it's like to want something even when it's not going to work out.:grouphug:


    Hang in there. I'm sure something will work out for you all.

  13. Gotcha! Lightbulb moment! hehehe!


    For me, it depends on the subject. I find with math, science, and grammar that I'm much more rigid and feel like I need to finish the entire text. If you are piecing it together, I would probably feel like I've finished when certain skills have been mastered. Of course, there are years that you have to just say 'good enough' for various reasons!:D But, as a general rule, I like to finish up when skills have been mastered. I think math is easiest to figure out. History is just one of those subjects that I've decided I need to be reasonable and pick only 'so many' books for reading. Otherwise, we will never get done! Grammar is a little like math, I find it easier to plan. It's much easier for me to determine areas that need more depth of study and areas we can just skim over or skip. I find those subjects easy to plan. I,like you, can get lost in Science and History. I think you just have to narrow your goals for those subjects, or you might find you get lost on too many bunny trails. I use textbooks for all my subjects so my spine is in tact and I know where my ending point 'should' be. That helps. :)


    I do like to try to stay flexible. I find that as my children get older, it's much easier to 'see' the areas that they have mastered and move on to something more challenging. If there are areas in a subject that they don't need much review, we will just move on.

  14. I'm not sure I understand the 'planning out' subjects? What exactly do you mean?


    I take each subject and just schedule the lessons according to how they break up for the week/year. I do not plan out the subject material. I just use the TM and review as I need to.


    Wish I could be more helpful.

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