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Posts posted by 3browneyedboys4me

  1. Hunter- I forgot about Paces. I need to check into that further. :)


    Pentecostalmom- I've looked at Sonlight over the years. I almost bought it last year. But, to me it seems very mom intensive. I'm not that familiar with it, so I'm guessing I have it wrong. I don't know. I can actually put some of the boys together. But, as my oldest is approaching 8th, he's really in a different place than my others. He's more serious, independent, loves the read alouds,etc. What I have noticed is that we do NOT do well ALL together. The 3rd grader loves to pick- on or at anything for attention. He doesn't do all that well with read alouds. He does better independent.


    I don't know...a lot to think about. Now, I'm off to look at sonlight again! lol

  2. Ok, this is good to know b/c I had just about convinced myself to order Oak Meadow. But, I do not want anything teacher intensive. I want them to work as independently as possible. I have used several things with BJU and I do love them; I just HATE going from one manuel to another and trying to organize it all in some logical fashion without forgetting something valuable. Although, I've never bought the entire program and wonder if they have one manuel for the whole program that would help with lesson planning?? Just curious.


    So, Oak Meadow would not be open and go? What exactly would it require of me? I'm wanting something that is well laid out, lesson planned, and offers creative, learning. I don't want dull, boring, busy work. I want something that gets the job done but my boys aren't going to scream when they see it b/c it's so predictable. Does that make sense?

  3. HOD looks good, but I'm not really looking for that for the older son. I am wanting to find something that will take him thru 12th grade. Right now, I am really leaning toward:


    Oak Meadow

    BJU DL


    Memoria Press- although I am wanting thru high school- so, I might change my thought on this.


    Oak Meadow is really drawing me b/c it looks perfect for the 3rd and 5th graders. I also, love the fact that it takes you to high school. Anyone have any other experiences they want to share about this program? Pros/Cons? I'd love to hear from you!



  4. As I am looking over the Memoria Press website, I only see up to grade 6 for packages being offered. Is that correct? I will need 8th grade for my oldest. I just want to make sure I'm not missing something. I did look over their online academy, but it doesn't really look like a good fit for my oldest. Just want to make sure I'm not missing something.


    Thanks for all the replies!

  5. Tuzor- that is exactly where I am at- something has got to give! :) I just can't keep the same pace with a two yr old. He is honestly the reason I have to change things up a bit. Having a toddler and a teenager is really a balancing act! I'm realizing I am going to have to change. I LOVE the thought of Sonlight, but I know it will be too much for me to do.


    Hunter- I am looking at Christian.



  6. I asked a similar questions yesterday, but I didn't get a real response. I am looking into new approaches to our homeschooling for next year. I've never, ever used boxed curriculum or online programs. I am going to need something for an 8th, 6th, and 4th grader next year. My goal is to make our days less chaotic and more thoughtful. I would love to have the children working more independently. I am thinking that b/c I piece everything together that it's requiring too much of my time. I have a two year old now that needs me a LOT. :) Anyway, in thinking about next year, I am hoping that I might completely redirect my approach and change homeschooling (in our home) as we know it. I might even buy the kids laptops for their rooms. I don't know. I'm just exploring all my options right now. It just seems that with the programs I am currently using - swr,mus,bju,writeshop,apologia,biblioplan- I'm thinking that a boxed or online curriculum would just be easier. I realize that I am giving up an awful lot of control here, but I think it's time for a change.


    Anyone have any advice on their fav's? I have been looking over Calvert and I am really impressed. Thoughts?

    Thanks so much!

  7. More specifically, I'm thinking of an all inclusive approach. But, I'm new to this sort of thing and really just need a jumping off point. I've always pieced everything together for my kids. We've never used a box curriculum, and now, I'm just exhausted. I have no idea if a change in our approach to curriculum would make a difference or not. I guess I'm just searching for some less demanding options at this point. :)


    Grades would be for 8th, 6th, and 4th!


    Thanks again!




  8. I'm thinking about online programs for next year. Can anyone give me some good suggestions and experiences that they've had with these programs? I have no experience b/c we've never used an online program before. So, I am interested in hearing about anything out there at this point.


    I appreciate your help!

  9. Thank you, Aime! You explained that very well. It made perfect sense to me.


    I will use them with my fifth grade and seventh grade sons. My 3rd grader can wait until next year. That will make a big difference for him. His reading is still not strong enough to read indepth literature. He does well with grade level material, but I'm not sure he would understand much more than that at this point. I'll probably assign some lit. reading this next semester and just test the waters. :)


    Again, many thanks!!!



  10. Thank you both so much! I just don't understand why I haven't heard of them before now? They look amazing!


    Aime- have you ever used "story grammar" for the elementary levels? I know you had mentioned not using it for children with little exposure. I was just curious if the elementary level was helpful in that area.


    Well, thank you so much. I feel very confident in purchasing several of these books now. I always hate to take a plunge without any reference to guide me in my decision.




  11. I just have to say that I've been extremely moved by the testimonies of the women on this board! I was so concerned when I first saw this thread that there would just be nothing but hurt feelings. I have to say that even though there have been some extremely inappropriate responses, I have just been so touched by all the women that have had the courage to put their stories on here and share their journey. I think that you all are amazing, and I am so glad that you found help- whether it be in the form of therapy, medicine, or both!


    I pray that you all continue on your journey to good mental health!!!


  12. Just for the record...I want to add that there are plenty of doctors (psychiatrist) that do NOT write out prescriptions without extensive therapy sessions.


    I think what appears to be the biggest problem that some have with the topic of women and medication is that it is too readily available? I had a general MD explain to me that she was learning how to treat mental health patients b/c patients could not afford, or did not have insurance for psychiatric therapy. It was extremely expensive. So, she said that a lot of ppl were coming to her and getting their medicines b/c they couldn't afford other options. So, its seems to me that the system is more broken than anything. I think that MD's are trying to diagnose mental health issues that they have no business diagnosing. And, therefore, they are guessing as to the medications for treatment. I do believe psychiatry is a science. I believe it has taught us much about human behaviors. And, I guess I could go so far as to add that a scientific study, or data of any kind, doesn't make me feel any more valid or comfortable with treating illness. I am a devout skeptic when it comes to most anything that comes from the scientific community. You can't simply go to any doctor and trust that the info you are getting is correct. You have to research and take control of your own health.



    I guess what I'm trying to say here is that there seems to be just waaaay too much scrutiny over this particular health issue. You could take just about anything that has been said on this thread and apply it toward any illness.


    Also, there seems to be a lot of ppl that have strong opinions based on negative experiences. I understand that too. I just think that you should guard your harsh judgments and criticisms and keep them in line with your experience. You might also consider that if you had taken different steps you quite possibly could have avoided your experience all together.


    Lastly, I am just amazed at the condescending tone many of these posts share. It seems that there are several on this board that really, truly think that the women on these medicines do not have the intellect to actually make this decision for themselves. I find that extremely offensive. I cant imagine taking anything more serious than the treatment of mental health! I will agree that it's definitely not a 'one size fits all' science, but that doesn't exist for anyone.


    Ok, I'm done. I don't want to offend. I just want to clarify what I feel is being miscommunicated. It breaks my heart that many people just simply do not understand the complications of mental health. That even though there are those out there that say if you need meeds, by all means take them, just don't quite understand the gravity of what they are saying. So many ppl would be incapable of functioning if they didn't have medicine to help them cope. Think about what i just said... COPE. These women are not walking around doped up and feeling happy about life. Many of them are taking a medicine so that they can get out of bed and be the mother, wife and daughter they need to be.


    Just think about that...think about if you couldn't get out of bed tomorrow because you were mentally ill. You absolutely. could. not. get up and 'do your life'. Can you imagine? Most women have this hit them after they become a mother. How devastating for them! You cant just say.."oops, made a mistake. I shouldn't have had kids..I can't handle it" No, you have to make the best decision that you can for the situation that you are in. You have to be present, and in the moment. You have to be there.


    Im just suggesting that some of you think a bit more about what you are actually suggesting. I realize that its difficult to see drug abuse in our society, but I really do think you are looking at the exception, not the norm.

  13. I've read many of the posts. My issue wasn't any single post, but the fact that this topic is on here. I've found, historically speaking, that these topics rarely end with anything positive. It usually creates hurt feelings and hostility toward something that we can't agree on or understand. There is a reason for the saying, "don't judge me until you've walked a mile in my shoes''. How different the world would be!


    I think something to take from this discussion is this:


    Try to understand that ppl that treat themselves with anti depressants also use all the other cognitive treatments that have been suggested on here. I'm sure that's not true for every. single. person, but most ppl use diet, exercise, and medicine to treat their mental health issues. It's not the misguided image of women 'poplin a pill' to make life better. It just simply doesn't work that way.


    Let's not under estimate the power of the mighty brain! Think of it this way: the same brain that tells you the sky is blue, the grass is green, how to love, what to eat, what to avoid...this is the very same brain for some women that tells them that life isn't at all worth living, that creates extreme anxiety (creating a fear that doesn't truly exist), or a massive panic attack that completely shuts them down. Their brain is sending them legitimate messages and their bodies are reacting to them. It's a real thing. It's physical and mental. What makes mental illness so scary is that it is something happening that most women understand isn't 'true' but still they have the feelings and the physical manifestations from the experience. It's still happening and they can't stop it.


    I understand that this topic, like most everything in our lives, is not fully understood unless you experience it for yourself. I sympathize with both sides. It hurts me to see so much misinformation and judgment towards each other over something that most ppl just don't seem to understand.


    Hopefully, someone will read these posts and learn something. IT won't just be a forum for judgment and placing high ideals on ppl that are viewed weaker. I truly hope that we can be touched by the choices that women make, and we can love one another with true compassion. Maybe, just maybe, we might view "that friend" that we know is having trouble and taking medicine with more compassion. Maybe we might offer an ear and a hug. Maybe support. Maybe we can help make a difference for her.


    In life, often, there are very few easy choices. Whether they are schooling choices, parenting choices, or medical decisions. Our decisions should always be weighed with the upmost respect and care. I assume that most ppl weigh their choices in this manner. If I assume that, then, I can also assume they are making thoughtful, educated decisions about such topics. I, therefore, grant them the respect they deserve for their decisions.

  14. I wasn't going to post bc I think this thread is simply inflammatory. I think it's sad to take "one" medical issue and ask the question if medicine is being over prescribed to treat it. Let's ask these questions, shall we?

    Are medications for high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and cholesterol over prescribed? I bet you they are! Have the thousands of ppl that are taking a pill to treat these medical issues considered changing their diets and incorporating exercise into their days? Hmmmm I wonder! Do we ever stop and ask ourselves these questions when we read the statistics in the paper? I think it's such a shame to pick on women for treating mental health. How sad to have this thread on the boards. Women have the hardest road in life, in my opinion. Most of us rarely get the support we need to handle the daily stresses we deal with. Most of us give selflessly, especially if we are homeschooling, and never stop to take time out for ourselves. There often isn't time.


    Am I shocked at the stats? No. Women have had the same types of struggles forever. However, most of us were a different type of statistic. Think about what happens to untreated mental illness like depression, panic, and anxiety? Our bodies are constantly reinventing themselves because of our hormone changes and chemical changes. It's hard. Throw our modern, fast-paced life styles into the mix and it's crazy and a recipe for disaster.


    Why is it so hard to simply be compassionate for women. To love one another and share 'her' burdens. If you have a friend that suffers, try listening to her and being a 'good friend'. There is no need for judgment. I can promise you that whatever you think you know and want to say to her; she probably has said to herself a thousand times before. I don't know many women that are taking anti depressants that want to be on them. Why would they? I just don't understand the concept of someone abusing these medicines. I guess there are ppl out there that would, but I think that's the exception.


    Lets show some compassion and think less about the 'awww' of how many women are on these medicines. The only difference that we can make is how we look at and treat other women. Let's lift each other up instead of tearing each other down bc one can do something without the 'aid' of help. At some point, we all need a helping hand. It might come in a different form, but it's help.


    Sisters...lets love one another for the beautiful women we are. We have a hard road....lift each other up!



  15. I've done an extensive search on writing programs, and I'm really leaning towards writeshop. We've tried: iew, jump in!,and a little shurley english.


    Anyone have any helpful opinions about this program?



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