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Shannon in TN

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Posts posted by Shannon in TN

  1. It's been hard to get back into a routine this week with school starting.  The usual workout classes I went to over the summer are right in the middle of the morning, so no-go.  I did manage an mile and a half trail run Monday afternoon and got up for a 5:30 boot camp yesterday - first time ever!  Hopefully, I'll be able to find some time to run later this week.

  2. Wow, what a mess!  I have two aunts named "Susan" that married into the family, so their last names are the same, and as pp's have said, we call them "Tom-Susan" and "Bob-Susan" if clarification is needed.  My son is named after my maiden name and 5 months after he was born, I had a cousin call and ask if they could name their son the same name (it was my/cousin's grandfather's name).  Naturally, I didn't care, and was surprised they felt the need to ask permission for naming their son.  The cousins and I now live in the same city and when the boys get together, mine is just "Billy" and theirs is "Billy Joe", but honestly, I think that's because my son's middle name is longer and theirs is shorter - so it's easier to say "Billy Joe" than "Billy Michael" - not because mine was born first.


    All that to say, I agree with everyone else in that there's no way I'd change my name, nickname or otherwise.  I've had IL drama before, and still bear the scars, but nothing this extreme.  I'm so sorry you're going through this and I hate it for your dc, because grandparents should be in grandchildren's lives.



    :grouphug:  :grouphug: 

  3. Wow, you guys sound way more productive than I am!  Here goes my list:


    run <-- It's always difficult for me to find motivation for this

    call/visit tile company about new shower, try and get estimate today

    take kids to the pool

    figure out dinner?  or something?

    Keep working in the school room



  4. No, this is my 4th year hs'ing, but my first time really attempting to follow the classical approach in some areas and my first time with a middle schooler.  I'm familiar (and love) CLE, we've used Horizons for 2 years now, but HO, IEW are new to me this year.  Oh, and I forgot to add WWE for my 2nd grader, plus IEW's Bible Heroes for him, too....


    I know it'll all work out in the end, but this feeling of helplessness I haven't felt since my first year at home with my dd.  ugh.

  5. I've been working on plans for next week for school and I'm starting to get nervous about the new school year.  How do I move towards a more classical approach than what we've been doing?  What do I have my middle schooler/2nd grader read?  How do I integrate technology?  What about scheduling?  How about fitting in one-on-one time with each kid?  What's too much/too little work?


    AAHHHH!  Can't I just go back to bed and hide under the covers??

  6. I really appreciate these different viewpoints.  Looking back over the comments, I'm not sure what I'll do.  I do know that I'm weak in Excel and Power point, so I'm not entirely sure I'll be able to help her with any spreadsheets and presentations at this point, but maybe I'll just tackle word processing (we'll probably start typing this year, anyway).  I have a tendency to suffer from the "we have to do this, and this, and this, and this... this year!" curriculum planning, so this helps me to step back, take a breath, and focus.


    Thanks for the links; I'll be checking them out.  


    Anyone else have any thoughts?  I'd love to see more feedback and suggestions....

  7. Ok, I'm hoping there will be lots of opinions and thoughts on this.  How do you integrate technology into your classical education plans?  My dd is moving into 6th grade and I've been trying to think of ways to integrate technology that would give her a strong background (other than just playing computer games).  This is coming from my own weakness when it comes to basic computer technology.  I remember back in the day, in my elementary school, we had a basic computer and once a month or so, we would go and design/run a program.  This was the old-school black computer monitor with amber text; anyone else remember these??


    Anyway, I took computer classes in college (both basic Word/Excel type, and computer art graphics) but that was in the mid-nineties and I know everything has changed so much since then.  I don't feel qualified at all to teach the behind-the-scenes work of computers/computer programming. 


    I'm not looking to make her into the next Bill Gates/Steve Jobs/Garcia from Criminal Minds - although that would be really cool! - but I don't want her to be left behind, either.  She hasn't really expressed an interest other than playing games on the ipod and computer, but in this day and age, I can't imagine her not having some sort of techie education.


    Anyway, maybe I'm not looking in the right places, but I haven't seen any kind of tech ed within classical ed.



  8. I'm stuck working upper body today. Legs got overworked yesterday. I have to rest them today. So upper body and hopefully a bit of yoga stretching so I don't get overly stif.


    Edited to ask: what is the best exercise for inner thigh toning? I know it is a problem area for many. What have you found that works?


    Squats, lots and lots of squats.  It not only works the quads, but slight alterations will work other parts of the thigh as well.  I've noticed a huge change in the overall shape of my legs since I've started these boot camp classes and the lower body always includes squats and deep lunges.  I think for the inner thigh, I forget what they're called, but if you raise one leg on a step then do them, it works more inside the leg.  Also, you can do lunges with the back leg elevated on a step.  I hope this helps :).


    Over the weekend, I tore up my big toe (including tearing the nail up a bit - ouch!) so with boot camp yesterday, I had to modify everything with the lower body.  But, I finished 50 minutes!  

  9. I know it's a new week (being that it's Sunday and all) but I haven't been around the forums for a while and just found this thread.  I've been doing boot camp classes twice a week since Feb and I'm down 22 pounds!  I'm finally, as of this week, able to fit in my pre-kids bathing suit (don't ask me why I still have it - I'm a bathing suit hoarder).  I've also started running to prepare for a local obstacle 5K mud run (Sept) and a race called the Zombie escape (Oct).  And the best part about it all?  My hubby is starting to work out too!


    So, last week: Monday 50 minutes boot camp, Wed 55 minutes Tabata boot camp, Fri 1.2 mile run of hill work (we live on a biiiiig hill)

  10. My dd is finishing up America the Beautiful this year in 5th grade. The textbooks (there are two) are nice and sturdy - the hardback versions are what's included when you buy the set. The reading sections are relatively short, with lots of beautiful pics and there are various activities at the end of each section that you can pick and choose from (as a pp said). There's a timeline to fill out - usually just one sentence to copy, various maps to fill out, plus the student workbook. You might consider getting the Lesson Review questions if your dc is older. I believe the questions/discussions are a little more challenging than the red workbook. The student workbook has a mixed bag of activities like crossword puzzles, word search, and fill-in-the-blanks. Honestly, if dd wasn't in a co-op, I would have considered switching from the red workbook to the green because she needed the challenge. There have been several instances where I would catch her doing the work without reading :glare: .


    It's a pretty good overview of American History IMO. I'm hanging on to it for my ds to use later.

  11. We have it in our co-op for K/1st and I really don't like it at all. Very simplified and barely scratches the surface of the topics. I know science isn't supposed to be hard in these grades, but the K/1 child can get much more science just from various readers and projects related to what they read than from PD workbooks.

  12. Hang on... Not trying to stir the pot, but if we back up this argument about rice with Vitamin A added was delayed being used and so 8 million children died - it sounds like there's enough Vitamin A added to the rice for a full day's supplement. Has there ever been enough of any one thing added to a single "natural" food (ie, milk, cheese, wheat, rice, apples, beans) to be considered the exact amount needed to sustain life? According to the article, there isn't even an agreed amount of rice needed. One study in the article said it would take 15 pounds of rice a day, another said 2 ounces would give 60% of the Vit A needed.


    My point is, isn't it possible that someone, somewhere is twisting their statements and statistics to make the people opposed to GMOs look bad by blaming the deaths on them?


    BTW, I did read the Slate article and while I'm sure they tried to balance the journalism, there is a definite slant against those opposed to GMOs.



    I know that you're not saying a direct quote, and hopefully it's taken out of context, but I'm really shocked that someone who is supposedly trying to sell a "classical" education would even joke about that.



    No, it's not a direct quote, but that was the gist of it. I have a recording of the panel that I attended - I'll have to go back and see what exactly he said. I completely agree with you. There were several books we studied in high school and college that really gave me a better understanding of what I was reading and why. But, then, when I mention to my dd - who LOVES to read - that as we progress through the years, we will be actually analyzing some books, she's so against it. She doesn't want her reading to be work and analyzing the book will "take all the fun out of it."


    As an aside I've been wondering about this specific aspect lately. I've always thought it better to just let children enjoy good literature, especially as they are young. Now I'm wondering if I'm/they're missing out because I'm not asking the "right" questions. My ds, 8.5, absolutely loves Grimm fairytales, he enjoys Anderson and Perrault as well but prefers Grimm. I could see us doing an in-depth study of them in the future, however for now it seems to me that we should just read and enjoy.


    One of the things Kern said in Greenville was that the best way you can destroy a book is to study it and break it down. Not sure where that falls if you're trying to teach analyzing lit.

  15. Mom2bee's suggestions are great. I took ASL in college and became an interpreter for a while. There aren't many options other than the "dictionary" style sign books/videos, which is great for building that vocab. The thing about ASL is that it has it's own grammar structure and is considered a foreign language because of that and because it has it's own culture, as well. Honestly, the best thing you can do is get involved in the deaf community and starting with your church sounds like a great place to start. Locally, we have an interpreting agency that offers sign language classes taught by a deaf person (with an interpreter) that last a few weeks at a time. You might see if there's something similar in your area. Your kids are the perfect age for them to learn and, as Mom2bee said, you might try and see if there's a deaf teen interested in teaching or helping.

  16. I started my dd with CLE LA in second grade and like it. There is some writing included in the light units, but not very intensive, so I added a little WWE. At the time, tho, I didn't "get" WWE and it seemed too easy for us, so I chucked it. It wasn't until the end of third grade that I learned the process behind WWE and started again in 4th with level 3, then 4.


    My son will start with CLE this fall (2nd) but I'll include some of FLL, too. I really like the way CLE is set up. My dd Is really good with grammar and I attribute that to the CLE.

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