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Posts posted by Tami

  1. Heaven. Actually a choice between life on earth and life in heaven is a false separation because the Scripture teaches that there will be a New Earth, and that paradise lost will be paradise found. This imperfect, fallen earth will pass away and be redeemed. As believers, we will inhabit the New Earth, restored like Eden. So, there will be no distinction between "earth" and "heaven" when the King comes back and restores His kingdom. I believe that we will continue to learn, continue to grow, and continue to enjoy things that we enjoy now -- only without the blight of this present darkness. There will be no separation between God and man, and our faith will be sight! Wow, thanks for making me think of this promise today -- it is awesome.


    Ever wonder what we will be doing in Heaven? Just sit around on clouds playing harps? A great book on this is "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn.

  2. Awwww - what a bummer to be stumped. With TruthQuest, the content is mainly in the living books -- it is truly a literature-based approach. We have used it for years with great success. However, if it has your head spinning, you'd likely do better with something more structured. How about BiblioPlan Ancients? Or Winter Promise Quest for the Ancients? Maybe something with a weekly schedule would get you going.


    Best wishes!

  3. Tami, I love DW's cds, and occasionally eye the rest of the curricula, but I think even at 5th grade we won't really be ready for it next year. Even so, I'm curious what you have planned for your own "phase 1?" I'm assuming you might choose some spine or will you be soley lit. based?




    Yeah, the guide says for 6th grade and up, and we will be using it for 7th. From what I saw, it looks perfect for middle school.


    I'm doing TruthQuest/Ambleside Online type stuff. Right now, I like the Usborne Internet-Linked Encyclopedia of the Ancient World, The World of Caesar Augustus by Foster, and Famous Men of Greece/Rome. We'll add all sorts of TruthQuest selections to that as time and interest allows. I hope that the Diana Waring guide will add some "outside the box" activities to do with our little co-op.


    I love the revisions by Answers in Genesis! The discussion questions and scheduling helps will be great for a co-op.


    When do you plan to use it?

  4. Thanks so much, ladies! I looked at MOH, and the structure and lack of choices doesn't appeal to me. ;) I am comfortable with products like KONOS, and TruthQuest which leave the scheduling and choices up to the parent. I actually dislike being structured by a publisher.:D


    Yes, I am doing my own "Phase 1" but plan to have dd choose ideas from phases 3-4. See, I think searching for the information and asking questions is half of the fun! I'm the type of teacher that is pretty comfortable with student-led, prefers choices, and loves open-ended, creative ideas. In fact, I am in the process of putting a middle school co-op together, and am looking for some challenging, creative unit study ideas for us to use.


    I have heard that the new revision from Answers in Genesis does have a map and timeline answer key. We are going to go for it!

  5. I am looking for a supplement to use with our literature-based ancient history studies for 7th grade.


    Today I perused "Ancient Civilizations and the Bible" by Diane Waring and it looks tailor made for middle school. This is the new, revised version that is written in a 4-phase format. I am looking for research, writing, and across-the-curriculum ideas that are challenging enough for middle school, yet have a creative spark.


    Diane Warings material looks like it has choices that would appeal to a wide variety of learning styles. I'm leaning toward getting it, and was wondering if there is anyone who has used it. Did your child like it?


    This would be a resource for student-selected projects and research, and I'd love to hear from anyone who's used it.

  6. Oh, I didn't think about that, sorry! I'm not sure how high your student's ability is - but I think that overplacement is detrimental. I was thinking if she isn't doing well with Apologia, maybe she is overplaced?


    If she is working up to ability, I would give credit to my dd for a P-H course in high school, provided the hours were put in, and some supplemental research projects were done. I am comfortable, when comparing what passes as high school credit in our local public school. I'd rather have her gain a working knowledge of the subject, knowing the basics WELL.


    Just a thought - from a mom of a somewhat non-academically oriented dd.

  7. We are going with Prentice Hall's Chemical Interactions and Chemical Building Blocks. I ordered the student text, guided reading workbook, lab video, and interactive textbook online/cd ($3). I already have the Lab Zone Planner cd, which works with the whole SE series.


    I also ordered Delta Science's "DSM II" Chemical Interactions to use with a co-op class.


    I have had good results with Science Explorer, provided the extra activities and demos get done. SE is very different than Apologia - and much better for different types of learners, imo.


    : )


  8. I don't know about Judas, but here is a theme I see from the New Testament: if, and only if, we hold fast and abide TO THE END, it is the proof that we are really saved."


    Here are some sample Scriptures:


    Hebrews 3:6 (New American Standard Bible)


    6but Christ was faithful as (A)a Son over His house--(B)whose house we are, ©if we hold fast our (D)confidence and the boast of our (E)hope firm until the end.



    Hebrews 3:14 (New American Standard Bible)


    14For we have become partakers of Christ, (A)if we hold fast the beginning of our (B)assurance firm until the end,



    2 John 1:9 (New American Standard Bible)


    9Anyone who goes too far and (A)does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God; the one who abides in the teaching, he has both the Father and the Son



    1 John 2:19 (New American Standard Bible)


    19(A)They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out, (B)so that it would be shown that they all are not of us.

  9. I really like the Prentice-Hall Science Explorer series because of all the integration of technology, hands-on activities (Lab Zone CD has activities for every SE title for $30), availability of lab video, Discovery channel video, workbooks, etc. I just love the SE series!


    Also check out DSM III at the Delta Education website. Newton's Toybox looks really fun!

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