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Everything posted by luckymom

  1. Direct Instruction Mathematics (Silbert, Carnine & Stein) and Connecting Math Concepts (Engelmann, Carnine, Kelly) were recommended to me today for my struggling DS11. I am daunted just thinking of starting with yet another math program. :) Does anyone here have any experience with either of these? Please share if you do.
  2. Are low glycemic foods better for you? A friend told me that it is better to sweeten food with agave than maple syrup or sugar because it is low glycemic. Is this correct? If so, what are other good switches to make? Thanks.
  3. Is the TJ sprouted rice any better for you than white rice?
  4. Thank you for all of the information. I will share it with my dc.
  5. Thanks for the responses. My dc are 10 and 7. They are looking for basic information.
  6. Hi - If you are Orthodox Christian please help me out... For our history lesson, we were just learning about the how the Roman Catholic Church developed in the West while the Orthodox Church developed in the East. My dc would like to know more about the Orthodox Church - beliefs, rituals, traditions, requirements, saints, holidays, etc. Also, the doctrinal differences with other Christian churches. PLEASE, I am not looking to start a theological debate. I only want information to share with my dc as the lesson made them curious. Many thanks.
  7. I am sorry for not updating sooner. It has been pet and dc mayhem around here lately. After posting here, I remembered a local farmer who everyone turns to for any/all questions and texted him. He was kind enough to tell me he'd be over and take care of it! He was amazing with our dog and removed every quill while soothing her with his words. He wouldn't take anything more than a cup of coffee and some avocado toast! Dog is in great shape.
  8. They are saying a 45 day quarantine. Poor cat. She is used to the great outdoors. She keeps meowing by the door.
  9. Thanks. She has her first shot and received the wound two weeks before she was due for her booster. The wound was discovered when she came in for the booster. (she is not a pet-able cat and it was a wound on her chest where we could not see it). The tech administering the second rabies found the wound and said that it was already healing on its own. We have been administering antibiotics. Honestly, she seems totally fine. She hates being locked up. It's been at least three weeks since she got hurt. Can she really develop rabies at this point?
  10. Cat people - We were out of town for two weeks and left a caretaker at home with our barn cat. The cat has been vaccinated for rabies. During our absence she was wounded. We do not know if it was an animal wound. We got her another booster shot and she is on antibiotics. Can a vaccinated cat still get rabies? If so, how long would it take to show signs? She seems perfectly fine.
  11. I am not sure what to do. Our dog got a chin/lip-full of porcupine quills. The vet is saying that at MINIMUM it will cost $300-$500 to have them removed. I CANNOT afford that. And, I tried holding her and removing them but she is snapping at me and won't allow it.
  12. Thank you all! I appreciate the information and have decided that we will use SWB's high school level book for Medieval Ages as our spine at home and combine with some of the other resources mentioned here. I do wish WTM combined those two courses! Thanks again.
  13. Thanks. The reading list is: Beowulf Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Song of Roland Chretien de Troyes, Yvain and Perceval Thomas Mallory, Le Morte D’Arthur Dante, The Divine Comedy Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales (any translation) Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene Christopher Marlowe, Faustus William Shakespeare, The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
  14. DD is taking the online WTM Medieval Lit class. It is considered an English credit. DD is taking lots more in the way of English, so I would like to use this class toward a History credit instead. What would you add/do to make it so?
  15. My ds 11 has lost (let's hope temporarily) all understanding of basic arithmetic. He is doing well in all other school subjects this year (we started last week), but cannot get through a math lesson without lots of confusion about simple things like double digit addition and subtraction, borrowing/carrying, order of operations. We have done all of that every year using Math Mammoth. True, we did not work hard all summer, but we did do math light, and yet it's all new to him! I do not want to go out and buy another full year curriculum. And, I also do not want to make him feel badly by buying a first or second grade math workbook for review. Is there something that's a quick refresher of the basics and is not geared to little kids? It can be online or printable worksheets with a quick review explanation and then some samples/problems. Thanks.
  16. Is there an advanced online French course (with live teaching) out there you can recommend? (dd is at a C1/C2 level) Thanks.
  17. Is there a high school transcript form available rather than creating my own? I have done a search on the forum but can't figure it out.
  18. Thank you. I will try this method. PLEASE share your bread and pancakes made with whey recipes. I have so much whey here!
  19. I have been using a ready made, full fat yogurt as a starter (not powder). I will try lower temps again.
  20. Not if I would like to support my local farmer.
  21. In the meantime - is there anything I can order from my library or from amazon?
  22. I am trying to make Greek-style yogurt. I have tried different temps and cooling times. My friend's recipe calls for heating to 190 and cooling to 120. I have re-started with different starters. I have stirred and not stirred. I get the same thing every time. Delicious, thick yogurt with tiny lumps. The lumps seem to be yogurt too - the don't taste different or look different. I am using a half gallon of whole milk with a quarter cup of cream. That heats to 190. I then cool to 120. I take a bit of the milk and temper with my starter. I then add the starter mixture to the milk and give it only a mild stir. Then I wrap in a towel and place in a 100 degree oven with the oven light on (and oven turned off at that point) for 12 hours.
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