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Posts posted by gr8tcook

  1. I think the biggest thing to remeber here is that those in courtship are not ever alone. My younger sister lived with us as a teen and we insisted she bring boys into our home to get to know them. I remember her being so frustrated because 1/2 of them wouldn't come. I was,and still am of the firm opinion if a teen age boy/girl doesn't want what he is doing to be observed even casually then he/they up to no good. (we left the room and went about our business) One of our biggest rules was that she couldn't ride alone in a car with a boy...the only time she broke it the boy came on way to strong and she left the car and walked.

  2. Have you asked her why she watches it? I think I would start there. Sometimes as parents we look at a situation with our adult perspective and attribute that perspective to our children. (ie when the little boy asks mom where did I come from and mom assumes he wants the birds and bees talk but he just wants to know his nationality) Her interest may be innocent. However a show like this could be like a "gateway drug" and grab her interest for things that are not ok. that is why knowing what is going on in her head and heart would be the best place to start. I don't know that I would block or forbid without a non-confrontational conversation first.

  3. Thankyou....I looked at all those boxes and my brain just siezed...I couldn't get past those boxes needing little check marks. Ok I will start with a blank schedule. One of the reasons I chose TOG is so I could pick and choose and not spend my whole life reading aloud. How much hands on projects do you do? Does everyone do the same project or do you have them pick and choose and just get them started?

  4. Ok I think I have entered the fog....could any of you offer some basic insights as to how you break down the components into a daily schedule? I have 1 d,2ug,1lg students. so I am using 3 levels. I have a digital version with out a printed version. I am starting in unit 2 of y2 because of where we left off in history this last year. I have read the loom helps 2xs now and the unit helps and am not sure where to begin. I love the choices available...but goodness I can't wrap my brain around it.

  5. I purchased a Dk kids cookbook and we cooked the recipes that they wanted to make...they had to read mom the recipe so I'd say we started about 6 with each. (them doing more than just helping) many of my friends think I allow my dc too much freedom in the kitchen. Everyone cuts some things. (ds 6 favorite job is to slice green onions for me) My ds 11 is a boy scout and I can let him make a whole meal on the grill including starting the coals. I don't leave the house, I am available for ?'s but I don't hover either. I guess the simple answer is I help them do the portions they are interested in doing and complete the parts they aren't with them beside me. The parts they don't know how to do we do together me demonstrating them imitating...just like with schooling. But I recommend starting with a couple of kids cookbooks they choose from the library and go from thier.

  6. My dc all went through a faze like this. I gave them a bowl of cereal with a whole in the middle and some string(or pasta) and let them string for a while...then i printed off pictures of things and had them glue them onto the picture ala mosaic...Dltk.com printable crafts for kid and enchantedlearning.com also coloring books we cut out the pictures and glued them on to scratch paper...we water colored coloring book pages we played with playdoh...we played in shaving cream (spray a little on a table and make shapes) we decorated a cardboard box to be a puppet theater and make puppets. These are all I can remember right now.

  7. The best way to keep it simmple is to use round numbers. We don't give an allowence in the traditional sense. We expect certain things to be done because you are a part of the family. Then there is a list of jobs to be paid for with the dollar amount offered. All of those jobs are round numbers. (ex vacuuming the van is 4.oo) the only job that is not a round number is pulling weeds. (.10 per weed) but that is usually a round number by the time they get paid for it. Our youngest is six and when we pay him 5.00 we pay him in one dollar bills. We have 3 envelopes and everybody, with money in hand distributes their money to the three envelopes. (giving, saving, spending) So we round,if 5.00 is earned 1dollar to giving. 2.00 to saving and rest to spending. sometimes my dd who likes to be exact will ask us to break change but for the most part it works (10% to giving,20% to saving, rest to spend) oh and the envelopes are the small brown package envelopes like when someone mails you software. We learned the hard way that regular envelopes don't hold up to well. this is just one way to do it. hth

  8. The well trained mind has some good ideas

    Honey for a child's heart

    Books for boys

    both are books with lists of books and age recommendations they have summaries in them too.

    plus my favorite is my MIL. she brings books to us from her shelves at home...many of them were from when she was a girl (in the 40's and 50's) she actually brought us a signed copy of the "the door in the wall once". She also brings us the books dh loved as a child. (she is a book horder)lol

  9. It may actually be cheaper to purchase for htwt website directly. All we used was the chalkboard and a small sponge and I did use the small pencils. The cd is more for a classroom setting as are some of the manipulatives. I would still do the stamp with a magnetic board(ie magnadoodle) and playdoh (with the laminated letter cards) some little people need the work to get their small motor muscles ready for handwriting.

  10. So...help me love my ds 11...he is a confrontation waiting to happen always has been. lately I don't want to be near him. I have often thought that he was secretly doing the worst things he could think of while asking "do you love me now" taking it further and further away to "make sure" I love him. Scary thing for me is I am becoming indifferent. (wow I actually said that) Our relationship is one big standoff all the time. I have lost touch with how to communicate love to him. Thankyou for your heartfelt observation. (he won't let me hug him, kisses are out and high fives are ignored, don't mess up my hair mom ect)

  11. Was married at 20.

    1ds born at 21

    2dd born at 22

    3ds born at 24

    4ds born at 27

    I have a year of an early childhood degree in college and certification for early childhood and daycare. (the one required by my state to administer those services)

    Yes my education played a part in my decision to homeschool. I was in a practicum with 12 3-4 year olds and noticed that the children who were not a behavior problem recieved very little attention...and eventually bacame a behavior problem. We had one 4 year old who could read but the head teacher said she couldn't really read, was just memorizing and forced her to do the same programming as everyone else (yes she could read but I couldn't argue bc I was just "a practicum student" ) Even at 18 I knew I didn't want this for my dc when I had them.

    The local ps in my neighborhood has the highest english as a second language rate and the 3rd highest free lunch rate in our district. So the local ps system also influenced our decision.

    I truly believe that if you can read well you can learn anything. I often model this to my dc and so don't feal inadequete (spelling) in teaching right now. I relish the idea that each of my dc gets an individual approach to thier education and have the time and energy to pursue a subject in depth if they choose to.

  12. I am sorry your dad is gone. You are doing Great!!!! Just keep chipping away. We who are at home don't have an office to leave our work at. It surrounds us all the time. Do you have a friend you trust who will come and sit and talk to you while you declutter so you don't feel alone...or even someone who is born organized that can help you. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed because we feel alone.

  13. I am not a Roddick fan but I am a fan of the underdog and he definately fit that bill this tournament. It was almost as exciting as last year's final....perhaps the men's final will continue to be exciting for a few years. Not that I don't like the Williams sisters it just isn't as exciting to see them always playing each other...As far as Federer is concerned he definately puts the "gentleman" in the "gentleman's sport". It is so nice to have someone else who appreciates a good match, in my home town it is all about football (ugh)

  14. a true bibliophile cannot choose...but I have read paddington bear to all 4 dc also the real Winnie the pooh and all of Beatrix Potter's stories ...I found the Great Divorce by CS Lewis gripping it changed my perspective about living. There is this little book called Mountain Born that we all loved at our house. I wasn't a great reader when I was younger so many of the books we read for school I am also discovering...

  15. We tried lapbooking and it was too much for us. We settled into a happy medium with notebooking. Similar concept less cutting and pasting. most of our notebook pages have a blank space at the top and lined paper at the bottom. I write what the children narrate to me on the bottom and they illustrate or cut out a picture and glue it. For the older children they write a who, what , when, where and why sentence and then illustrate. We found this much less daunting and still allowed for some creativity. A nice happy medium and they do look at them again. We spent about 10 weeks studying mammals for science and they still refer to these notebooks or spout information they put in them about the animals they chose to study. Our homeschooling experience would have been just fine without lapbooking.

  16. we have a school room but it really is used mostly to store the "stuff". When we are schooling one will be at the kitchen table another in her room another the living room and one sitting at the table in our school room. When mom reads aloud usually we are all in the living room. But when it comes time to clean up it all lives in the school room. If they are making a project like a diorama it can stay out in the school room. It is nice to not have everything all over the whole house.

  17. We sat everybody down and gave them a list of about 50 things they get to do that is fun like: paint with watercolors, ride thier bike, go swimming, go the movies, rent a movie, play video games, color,play legos...just normal everyday stuff that they like to do. We explained that these are privlidges and no one can have privlidge without responsability. Daddy and I promised to say "yes" to these things all the time as long as 2 things happened...they had taken care of thier responsabilities and they clean up after themselves. So far only one of the 4 has regularly been denied fun because he hasn't done the "have tos" everybody is flush with excitement that the can choose thier own "get tos". Plus dh and I compiled a list of jobs they can get paid for if they are finished with their everyday jobs. We listed the name and all the steps to do the job and priced it according to difficulty. ex:mowing the lawn is $7.00 a week but dusting the baseboard's is only $1.00 per room. Now everyone has pocket money and feels "grown up" without mom hovering or nagging. If they don't do it they forfiet their freedom to choose activities.

  18. Thankyou for your input. I was spending my time trying to find books for my oldest to read and hands on activities for everybody. I also had to find additional books for everybody. They never were satisfied with the blurbs in the usborne books...they wanted more information. I will try the 3 week sample of TOG and see if it works...It is daunting looking.

  19. Help, I have been using sonlight for the last 3 years and and made it through ancient history and medievil history. I am gearing up to start Am history. I am toying with the idea of using TOG instead of Sonlight. I have used sonlight with all 4 dc.ds 11, dd10, ds 8, ds 6. All are now reading. I have taught to the middle and scaled down for younger and up for older. This has cost me much time in lesson planning and tracking down books etc. plus finding hands on things to do.TOG seems like it is all there. I'm a bit foggy as to its ease of use though. Am I going to spend severalvhours a weekend lesson planning like I did before? Is it really a stream lined approach like they advertise. I love the literature in Sonlight but have found it decidely lacking in the hands on area and want all the literature to line up with the history study no matter the reading level. Any thoughts from those who have used both would be appreciated.

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