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Jean too

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Posts posted by Jean too

  1. But it doesn't work that way.  Many many people don't pay income taxes for many years of their lives.  If we're talking about elderly people with retirement savings / pensions, we're talking about people who have paid taxes for many years and from whom we could extract those final taxes in a more sensible way.



    Yes, I am aware that is currently doesn't work that way, hence the mess we have created with the current tax system. I think we need to simplify the tax code to a flat tax for all regardless of age, income, number of children etc.. Everyone uses the services provided. Everyone needs to contribute their share, which I believe should be a flat percentage (we'll say 10%) of their income without any exceptions. We could then eliminate, or at least drastically reduce the size, of the IRS and save bunches of money. Everyone would then have skin in the game and this give me attitude of having the government give all sorts of goodies might decrease too when they realize they are paying for those goodies and the percentages might need to increase to fund expected/desired new goodies.


    Also a $90,000 income is a healthy income and should be required to be taxed under the current system.

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  2. My trouble is between L-4 and L-5 also. Here is what has worked for me. Pulsing heat then ice every twenty minutes. 800mg ibuprofen around the clock even after the pain goes away for at least a couple extra days. Back pain exercises (you can google for these). When you are able to exercise you should begin to work your core. Getting your abs stronger helps support your back. I hope you find some relief soon.

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