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Posts posted by Anna

  1. To all WTM'ers---- Please, if I'm not here to keep bumping this all day, could all you guys help me keep this on "page 1" until she sees it. I've already PM'd her as well but I haven't heard back from her.




    Originally Posted by mama26:

    I sense her frustration. She has lately been saying things like "Everyone in the family would be happier if I was gone". She is depressed and frustrated....... Anyway, I have recently reconsidered taking her to a doctor and getting meds. She really wants to be happy.





    This is in response to your post in Catherine's ADD thread on the high school board.


    Your dd is already showing signs of suicidal thoughts. Please, PLEASE, get her to the doctor ASAP!!!! She will probably need to be evaluated by a psychiatrist to be properly diagnosed and put on the right meds. Seriously, this is nothing to wait around and consider. DO IT NOW!!!!

  2. mama26, I left you this post in Catherine's ADD thread but decided to also post it here in a new thread so you wouldn't miss. Please take this seriously.



    I sense her frustration. She has lately been saying things like "Everyone in the family would be happier if I was gone". She is depressed and frustrated....... Anyway, I have recently reconsidered taking her to a doctor and getting meds. She really wants to be happy.




    Your dd is already showing signs of suicidal thoughts. Please, PLEASE, get her to the doctor ASAP!!!! She will probably need to be evaluated by a psychiatrist to be properly diagnosed and put on the right meds. Seriously, this is nothing to wait around and consider. Just DO IT!!!!

  3. I sense her frustration. She has lately been saying things like "Everyone in the family would be happier if I was gone". She is depressed and frustrated....... Anyway, I have recently reconsidered taking her to a doctor and getting meds. She really wants to be happy.




    Your dd is already showing signs of suicidal thoughts. Please, PLEASE, get her to the doctor ASAP!!!! She will probably need to be evaluated by a psychiatrist to be properly diagnosed and put on the right meds. Seriously, this is nothing to wait around and consider. Just DO IT!!!!

  4. Please, please, PLEASE get a proper diagnosis and then give your ds the meds he needs. It will likely involve seeing a psychiatrist. A big word of caution--- Taking the wrong meds for any condition can be fatal. When my youngest was younger we were told she was ADD and tried meds for it but they didn't make a dent. Then a year ago we discovered that she was dealing with depression and on the advice of a FP, we put her on Wellbutrin. BIG MISTAKE. What we didn't know was that our dd was/is bipolar and putting her on meds for depression only made the depression worse. She began getting suicidal thoughts and fortunately told us about it. Long story short, we finally saw a psych doc, found out she was bipolar and put her on bipolar meds. Now she is doing wonderfully well.


    Regrets? I wish we had been more aggressive about finding the correct diagnosis many years ago. It's hard to diagnose these things when kids are young but it can be done if you're working with the right doctor. Emotional/mental well-being is just as important as physical well-being. Be proactive. Be aggressive in working with the right doctor. Don't waste time messing around with a doctor who really doesn't know what he's doing.

  5. My youngest dd is type 1 diabetic and I'm type 2. What type of doctor is treating your son? From our experience in diabetic language, an A1c of 5.3 is nothing, meaning no suspicions of diabetes. Have you asked your doctor your questions about beta cells? To date, I have not heard of any way to stop type 1 diabetes from happening. That's about all I can share from the little you posted. Feel free to share more.


    When did you start your child in Community level courses?

    What was your experience with this?

    How did you child do?


    Both of mine are in college now. My oldest only took French I at CC during her high school senior year. It was a positive experience and she made an A in the class. She took French II and more at her LA college and has been making A's in each class. Currently, she's on French IV and wants to take a French class each semester until she graduates.


    Youngest dd, LD, began CC in 12th grade taking 1 class that fall semester, 2 classes in winter term and 1 class that summer. Our experience was positive all the way for her. Currently, she's in her first year as a CC student. Last fall she did 3 classes and now for winter term she's doing 4 classes. She works darn hard for her grades and has been able to maintain A's and B's in all her classes. When I say she works hard I mean-- She wakes at 5am and studies until she leaves for school at 10am. She gets home around 3-4pm and studies until supper time. She often studies while she eats and she studies until bedtime. She limits her contact with friends for the weekend and even then, limits herself so she can study all weekend.


    She has an excellent academic advisor who doesn't mind helping dd choose courses each semester with me along sitting in on the meeting. Last semester I felt that dd needed to sign up for English Comp II and Spanish II along with whatever else she wanted/needed to take for winter term. When I made the suggestion and explained why, academic advisor wholeheartedly agreed with me. That is rare in college setting for faculty to listen at all to parents.

  7. I'd suggest putting a light under College A while you're appealing to College B for more time. Let College A know that another college is waiting for an answer and let them know, not in a threatening way, that scholarship money will make a difference in your dc's decision. Then I'd also suggest that you encourage your dc to lean towards the college which is the best fit. Don't let cost be your primary criteria. Four years is a good chunk of their life to spend at a college that they dislike.


    We had a similar situation. College A, Hillsdale, only offered full scholarship for tuition, not room and board, and it was out of town so we had to cross it off our list of possibilities. College B was a pricey private liberal arts college, similar to Hillsdage, which offered 3/4 scholarship. College C was a state univ which offered full scholarship. College B was the best fit between B and C so we encouraged dd to go to College B, which she did. No regrets!

  8. HBasically, I pick a book I think we'll like, we read a little about it on Wikipaedia to see why it is famous, I pre-read the intro and pick out which bits to read aloud (sometimes just scanning and reading while the children wait), usually something about the author's life and times, we put it on a map and a timeline, read it aloud together pointing out to each other anything interesting that we notice, do TWEM questions for the book, and then do some sort of project or paper.




    I'm curious to know why you follow TWTM's book list but then use the questions from TWEM? Is there a specific reason why you don't use the questions that SWB provides in TWTM?

  9. Part of our struggle: dh lost his job back in the summer of 2007, and once he did find permanent employment in 2008, we began the "sell the house and then move" struggle. He still works out of state. We're still here.


    Dd wants to go to college and live at home, but right now, we don't know where "home" will be. An extra year would help her Mom & Dad figure that out, as well. . . . . . . :confused:


    At the time of my dh's job change in summer 2003, he had to immediately move across the country to begin his new job. Because of the slow housing market, the kids and I weren't able to join him until 10 months later in summer 2004. As it was, our house didn't sell until a few months after we joined him.


    During the time of dh's move, he was supposed to be dd's high school math/science teacher because I couldn't. Well, that had to be shelved since teacher moved away.


    You do what you have to do. When we were going through our "2-step" move, it threw us way off. What are you going to do? You do what you can and don't worry about the rest. It will all come together in good time. Sometimes, family issues have to come first, kwim? What's 1 year?

  10. We kind of did 5 years with our oldest. When she began high school we were in the process of a huge, cross-country move. Needless to say, it set us back a bit. But she did fine. When my dh took her to her college to apply, they looked at her ACT score, looked at her transcript and immediately, on the spot, offered her a partial scholarship and invited her to compete for more scholarship money, which she did. She ended up with 3/4 scholarship at this private school. Nobody asked for dates of high school courses and nobody asked to see a portfolio.

  11. ... is there a reason why you're going to wait a year?


    Yes, I just had surgery last week and I will need another surgery sometime either this summer or early fall. My friend is in the same boat. Her mom just died. Because of our life circumstances, we decided to begin Jan 2010 to give us time to wrap up our personal affairs so we can focus on school once we start.

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