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Posts posted by nevergiveup

  1. What are your favorite things to wear to stay cool?

    I've never worn dresses, but yesterday was 95 here and I am rethinking them (too many spider veins for me to let my legs out in public).  Bonus points if they have a built-in bra.

    And, skorts--why?  Pros/cons?

  2. I second going to the extension office.

    Ours has bags that you put samples in along with directions on how to take the samples.  We have a lab that we then ship them to.  I think a test cost $9.00 or something.  I remember that the postage to mail it off was more expensive than the analysis.

  3. I've had Le Creuset.  I've had Aldi's.  I've also had a stoneware cloche.

    Best one by far for bread baking is the preseasoned Lodge I got from Amazon.  Due to the high temperature used to bake the artisan bread, the white interiors of both the previous ones discolored horribly and I never trusted the knobs.  The Le Creuset's pretty blue enamel (mine was blue) chipped.  I believe the interior of the Aldi one pitted.  The cloche was difficult to use and the handle on the lid broke off right away. 

    Lodge all the way.  I have  two of them and the preseasoned doesn't rust like my original one does.

     I have some artisan bread rising as we I type this.

  4. Just heard that she had 13 pups!

    I have known all her dogs since they were pups, too--she has 3 adult German Shepherds.

    How soon will I know what their adult personality will be?  I've never net a pup I didn't like!

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  5. There seem to be a lot of diseases where we live so we have to have our fruit trees on a regular spray schedule.

    If not, all we get is small fruit, every one with a worm or something in.


    So, ours are a lot of work.  All fruit trees benefit from pruning and some are then prone to sprouting lots of branches to compensate.

    Some need to be pruned in different shapes for optimal production and minimal disease.


    We also thin the fruit and pick up all the fallen fruit each week as well as clean the trees off in the fall to minimize diseases.

    We net our cherry trees so the birds don't pick it clean.

  6. I thought some professional bakers swear that freezing a cake makes for a better cake.  They were probably referring to an unfrosted cake, though...


    That being said, heck, I would eat the cake and then order another for when your son is feeling better.

    The more cake the better in my world.....

  7. Thank you so much, Storygirl!  That was really helpful.

    As I understand, the school (in Wisconsin) wasn't really helpful.

    My sister has always thought there was a problem but they didn't do anything to address it.

    She finally had outside testing done and the result was the diagnosis of ADD-in and the testing place suggested medication and a 504 plan.

    Since the school has been reticent to do anything on their own, I thought it would be helpful if she had some suggestions in place for their meeting.

    Thank you again for your very helpful reply!

    • Like 1
  8. I prefer an actual rice cooker for rice, it’s a lot less error prone than the instant pot, what can take some fiddling to get different rices just right.


    What rice cooker do you have?  And it has different settings for all these different rices?


    I have cooked rice on the stove in a pot for years.  It usually boils over regardless of the pot I use. 

    That's a pain in the behind, but at least I am forced to clean my stove, which isn't a bad thing!


    Thanks for all the replies!  I am still torn--I like that the IP is versatile but I also like that a  rice cooker apparently does rice very well.

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  9. Which one do I want?  Help me decide!

    Here's the scenario:

    I like to cook different rices:  white, brown, red, black.

    I sometimes cook steel cut oats.

    I cook all sorts of dried beans, lentils, etc.

    I have a stove top pressure cooker which I use a lot for meats.



  10. Does anyone have that cork-pierce-pour thing that lets you have a glass of wine but leaves the cork sealed? I think it’s called Coravin. I want one of these. I have wine I am not drinking entirely because this is the problem. I only want one glass. Nobody else wants wine; DH doesn’t drink it. So I end up only having my wine when I have guests who will drink it too.


    My contribution to this thread: the No-Yank Tank and the Long-Tail Tee shirts from Duluth Trading co. My torso is long and shirts that are too short get on my last dang nerve! But these longer-than-average shirts are awesome. They come to the lower hip and stay down. They are the best!



    ETA: name. And wow, I did not know Coravin was so expensive!


    Drink your one glass of wine then freeze the rest for stews and sauces.

  11. Scouts will accept money donations and get 100% of the proceeds instead of the small percentage received through cookie sales.

    I have gone this route in recent years as I realized how small the boxes of cookies have become--I just give them the money in lieu buying of the cookies. 

    • Like 4
  12. I'd be really frustrated too.  My dd got braces as a sophomore too, though she did get them off just in time for her graduation (and senior pics then).


    I do wonder about the idea of photoshopping though, if necessary.  Some good friends of ours had a son with severe acne, and they had his acne photoshopped out!


    But, then where do you stop?

    Hate your nose?  Photoshop it.

    Hate your chin?  Photoshop it.

    Women already have such trouble with body image, etc... from looking at photo shopped models, do we want to encourage this?


    Back in my day, we all looked like dorks in our senior photos.

    Braces are temporary. 

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