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Posts posted by RKWAcademy

  1. If you get a Roma type tomato that is not so wonderful (i.e. most in the grocery store), you can bring out the flavor by roasting in the oven for just a bit, cut in half with a touch of olive oil and S&P.  You can then cool them and use them in caprese salads or similar.  The flavor is much better. 


    As far as fresh, the best are Cherokee Purple and Kellogg's Breakfast.  Just about anything at a farmer's market is going to taste fantastic.  Cherry/grape type tomatoes would be easiest to grow.  I find San Marzano and Cherokee Purple grow well for me. 

  2. DD7 does competitive gymnastics (9 hrs/week) almost exclusively due to time.  She just dropped dance due to time but she loved her years there.  She and I play tennis every chance we get.  She also swims.


    DS7 does gymnastics (1 hr rec class weekly) and cub scouts.  He also has speech therapy which I always count as one of his activities (because it takes time and money but he loves going so it's good).  He swims also but has yet to be interested in tennis :sad: (which was my love).


    I would love to add piano lessons for both but time and money won't allow right now.  4-H sounds right up their alley too.  I wish my son would get more involved in sports.  He loves gymnastics.  He might move to parkour type activities.

  3. Yep, she needs to see a good endocrinologist.  I was diagnosed with my Hashimoto's (auto-immune hypothyroid) at 20 but probably had it years before.  Hair loss was one of my biggest symptoms (I have PCOS too, though I don't know which caused my infertility).  I'm sorry she's having to deal with this at such an early age.

  4. Yep my washer spends an inordinate amount of time "sensing" while making odd noises and turning the clothes 1/4 turn.  Then it will spray 1/4 cup of water across the top.  And sense some more.  Heaven forbid I find a sock on the floor and want to toss it in the washer.  It has to think about whether it can open the lid or not.  An hour or more later, I may get clean clothes out.  The buyers for our house want my washer and dryer.  So I'm in the market for a new one soon.  I'll be looking at Speed Queen before they are regulated out of existence for having the nerve to fill the tub full of water.  The only thing I like about my current washer is lack of agitator despite being top load and the big capacity. 

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  5. My first graders used FLL 1 and WWE 1 this year.  I started with FLL and didn't add WWE until mid-way through the year.  We all loved WWE.  FLL was a bore to all of us.  And, like others have said, it's very simple and easy (we didn't do the copywork in FLL).  But, even with the simplicity, my kids didn't retain much and moaned when it had to be done.  I'll continue with WWE next year for 2nd.  I'm on the hunt for an alternative to FLL for 2nd. 

  6. Afternoon quiet time is my only solution.  We had nap time (best time of the day ever) but let it slide when they outgrew naps.  I recently re-introduced it as quiet time.  It's magical.  If they come out of their rooms, yell for me, fight, or in any way disturb the peace during the hour, their time starts over.  It took one day for the complaining to stop.  I just wish I could bring myself to make it two hours :001_smile:

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  7. In real life, I've not heard people talk about him.  I have heard his radio show a lot over many years.  I read one of his books 15 years or so ago.  I like his radio show.  I don't necessarily follow his advice but I enjoy money and real estate, so it's entertaining.  Plus, I never watch tv but do listen to talk radio daily.  So, he's around. I think people in christian churches are more likely to talk about him since that's his main niche.  I just ignore that aspect but still enjoy money talk and he's on in the evenings when we drive home from gymnastics. 

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  8. I've used United and BCBS of a different state.  Hands down, I'd pick our BCBS any day.  They are more expensive, so I'm with United now.  But I hate it.  They nit-pick every little thing (like refusing to allow 3 mo supply of a normal prescription when BC has allowed it for ages (think Vitamin D and thyroid med)).  Since you're wanting platinum level, you probably want the best.  In my state, that's BCBS.

  9. I was about 11-12 when my dad gave me Catcher in the Rye.  I loved it!  It was absolutely perfect timing for me.  To this day it is still one of my favorites.  I'd let it go.  If he likes it, chances are he'll re-read it in a few years and pick up more, perhaps asking better questions then. 

  10. Our realtor told us 4 months.  We have a very specific type of house in a rural location with acreage.  A friend sold her suburban house 15 minutes from here in 2 days.  Our location and the poor schools here are hurting us.  If you have a good realtor, he/she should have given you an estimate of how long. 


    I know how hard it is.  Keeping this place pristine with two kids here all day every day is tough.  It's also tough driving by other houses that seem to pale in comparison to ours, yet they have "under contract" signs.  One can only assume the price was right to someone. 

  11. We did Adventures in America in 1st grade and it was great! It isn't just a schedule but a spine too, and it's very affordable. My son was a strong reader so I tied in the readers from Sonlight's US history (3rd & 4th) plus lots of biographies from the Who Was series. We did mini unit studies on Lewis & Clark and the underground railroad in addition to Adventures in America. Oh, he watched Liberty's Kids too. We didn't do the state study. It was a great year!


    Wow. You did so much more than we did with it.  We ditched the states fairly early on.  My son really liked this.  Made him love history and ask for more! more! more!  I'm glad we stuck with American history for this age.  Of course, we've read all the Little House books and are just now starting the Rose books when they move to Missouri (which we just found out about on here somewhere!).  So my kids love that time period.  Can't get enough, in fact.


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  12. We live far away.  They're always expecting us but it would never occur to me to knock on their door.  However, I couldn't imagine NOT knocking on the door to an in-law's house (no FIL, MIL in nursing home, so this is a non-issue for his side).   I'm trying to think if they've ever come here and not been greeted before getting to the door.  Probably not, so I don't know if they'd knock or not.  Again, long drive, never a pop-in situation. 

  13. Like others have said, we just assume he won't be there.  I make meals he can heat up or take the next day.  I *try* to make meals ahead of time just for him, so he can grab actual dinners to take with him.  I also *try* to do maintenance type chores myself so when he is home, he doesn't have a long honey-do list and can spend his time with the kids.  Plus, we try to schedule a family night once per week or so - usually Saturday.  We eat together and watch a movie.  Or I get to go away (so rare) and he and the kids play games.  Plus, he makes himself available to call the kids before bed if he won't be home or accept my help-me-discipline-this-hooligan phone calls as best he can.


    Really, I just accept we have to live like this so I can stay home.  He already works odd hours because of his career choice, and he grabs every bit of off-duty he can find.  They're rare in his city, so he takes them without considering anything we have going on.  We make it work and fortunately, the kids have been understanding.


    It's even worse when he's taking classes (he's slowly working on his degree).  And now we're adding selling/building houses, and he's responsible for his mother in a nursing facility.  I try to understand he is just as stressed as we are.  It's not easy.

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  14. One of mine, does better with MUS, also.  I first tried her on Singapore which didn't fit her at all.  Now, we're doing Math Mammoth.  It works for her now (although I tried it before MUS and she hated it.  Again, MUS is the only thing she didn't whine and complain about).  So I had her complete the entire level of MUS first.  Then, I came back with that same level of MM and cherry-picked what I had her do, so not all of the pages.  If she demonstrated she was comfortable with an area already, I just skipped that whole chapter (or had her do only the chapter test).  It's working right now, although she is being challenged a bit by MM because MUS just isn't as strong a program or perhaps because its scope and sequence is different.  Mine is younger, so she's only completed Alpha and MM1A/B.  She's about to start MUS Beta.  Then, she'll do MM 2A/B.


    Neither program takes very long. 

  15. Yes!  I'm a mover in general.  I love the change.  Before getting married, I got the itch every few years or so (I'd owned 5 houses in four states before marrying DH at 29).  That said, since we had kids, we haven't moved (same house 10 years now).  And we likely won't.  I married a man from here with no desire to move away from here.  Another downside to my wanderlust is that I have no family where we are.  I'd love to be back near family.  I'm in the south right now.  I'd like to pop over to Colorado near my sister for about five years.  Then, I'd like to pop to Florida.  Maybe home to Texas - haven't looked back since I left at 18.  My stick-in-the-mud kiddos would never let any of that happen.  DH thinks I have a screw loose every time I mention how nice it would be to move to wherever (and I show him real estate listings). 


    If your kids are game, go for it!

  16. We've had two (the third died) for almost a year now.  Every so often I make sure they aren't dead, but otherwise we never see them.  Nocturnal doesn't mean every night for our crabs.  We have them in coconut substrate.  They do like to bury themselves, sometimes underneath the water dishes.  You need various sized extra shells so they can pick new ones.  I read those painted shells are bad for them.  All of ours immediately moved out of the painted shells and into normal shells.   They really require very little care.  Of course I'm the one who does that care.  Oh, and I don't provide extra heat.  After the tank and food and all the extras, those cheap crabs picked up on a whim became very expensive, so a heater was out of the budget.


    My recommendation - get fish.  More interesting to watch.  Some have funny personalities.  But set up is more expensive unless you get a steal of a deal on a 55 gallon tank on craigslist.

  17. It's been awhile since I have done baked potato soup.  But I make pureed soups (potato leek, etc).  I would think the red potatoes would be the wrong texture (maybe mealy?) in the soup.  I'd think you'd want the russets.  But I could be wrong.

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