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Posts posted by Ipsey

  1. I have no idea why it would be borderline R, honestly. 

    A naked butt is no big deal in my family, and while there were a few "naughty" words, they were mostly comic, if I recall. And certainly appropriate to the situation.


    I took my 8, 10, and 12 years olds who are all Who and Sherlock fans, and they loved it.





    • Like 6
  2. I read it --it's Weird. And creepy. It's actually one of my favorite novelty novels, as poppy calls it.

    One of the story lines had a lot sex. Adult, not porn, but pretty descriptive. You just have to know your kid. I wouldn't let mine read it quite yet, but I don't think she'd want to.

    Some of the images still haunt me, in a good creepy way.


    Did you know about the lines on the cover and how they came about?


    I don't!

    Enlighten me. :)

    • Like 1
  3. I read it a couple of years ago, Lewelma.


    Honestly, I don't remember much sexual about it. I'm sure there was sex, but nothing graphic, probably more of a "this happened".


    I didn't find it depressing, but I found it odd--well, maybe a tiny bit depressing. Though there's one depressing twist--doesn't involve children, though. I liked it more than Metamorphosis. 


    I liked the strangeness and the interlocking stories. I don't think they're that complicated to keep apart.

    I enjoyed the eeriness of it.


    I found the ending too ambiguous and I came away oddly unsatisfied.


    I wouldn't have any problem with my 14-year-old daughter reading it.


    ETA: I agree about making sure you get the book with colored fonts, etc. Adds to the read.  I borrowed one from the library.





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  4. I think I'd call the ped. They can do a quick x-ray to check whether things are blocked up in his intestines. There's a book called It's No Accident that one of my best friends is using with one of her kids (under doctor advice). They're at the enema-every-day-for-a-month-stage. Urg.


    Oooh! How ghastly. Poor thing.

  5. Thanks for all the ideas. He's got a Dr. appt in the next few weeks, so we'll mention it then.


    Meanwhile, based on your ideas, we'll start having him drink more water, eat more veggies (he does pretty well with all veggies, but doesn't mean we can't do more), and well keep up with the fiber drink. Also, we'll make sure he gets probiotic yogurt every day. 


    I'll let you know if everything comes out all right ;)



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  6. I'm sorry to have to ask this, but I'd appreciate any insight.


    My son, 8, is regular in his #2, but they are HUGE! I'd say tonight's was not quite 3 inches in diameter (didn't measure LOL). Poor kid. It takes him about 10 minutes, and he's sweating by the time he's done. He doesn't appear to be getting any fissures over them, but ... I worry that it's a matter of time. 


    We've begun giving him drinkable fiber, and we thought that might help, but it seems to just make his trips to the toilet go faster (he used to take a book and sit for 15-20 minutes). 


    If I Google this problem, it takes me to scary places on the web. Please help, hive. :)





  7. I have a Masters in teaching ESL and have been teaching for 15 years, and can't get a job in my new district in the public schools. :( 


    Most ESL programs are extremely underfunded and districts can't support the sorts of programs that will give these students the intensive English instruction they need. And it's a problem not limited to ESL teaching.



    • Like 3
  8. Yes, I do know people there and my daughter and I both would be in a position to make a positive difference in a lot of people's lives once we get there.



    Has your daughter been called too? Has she come to you, independently, saying that your god has called her to this?  Have the people "there" indicated to you that your god is preparing them for your arrival and has indicated to them that you (specifically you) are supposed to be there?  If so, it's curious they haven't offered, of their own accord, to get you and your daughter there.


    I think the best way to identify a calling as opposed to a want is independent confirmation, completely unsolicited, from other individuals.


    When I was a Christian, I would have given you money only under these circumstances.

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  9. I'm only halfway through this right now, but it wonderful so far.


    It's called "Give me Sex Jesus" which is unfortunate on a number of levels. :)



    It's a Really Well Done documentary about the (past and present) American purity movement. Interviews with people who are abstaining until they're married, and how their faith supports them, people who struggled with this concept as young people, even Bill Bright's grandson (the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ) is a part of it.


    It's really even-handed and interesting. It really resonates with me.



  10. My daughter forgot the password on an ipod she lost. Lo! She has found it again, unfortunately she has forgotten the password.


    Additionally, she never backed it up on a computer. 


    Is there any way we can get back into this ipod and save/rescue anything she has on it?



  11. Thanks, everyone, for the replies.


    If I recall, he did a huge allergy workup but wasn't allergic to anything. I may need to look back into that--perhaps I forgot. Or maybe we need to have a new one done, since we moved to a different region of the country.



  12. Just looking for any input/experience.


    My poor DH has had chronic sinus pain for about 15 years. He gets headaches and terrible pressure in his face several times a week. He gets terribly stuffed up and gets frequent infections.

    He netipots sometimes, and this can help.


    Several years ago, he had his deviated septum fixed, and that made things better for a while, but it's getting much worse again.


    I'm going to set him up with a drs. appt (again) but can anyone give my any insight to what's going on, and in particular, if anyone has had sinus surgery that has helped anything like this, we'd be encouraged to know that there may be something out there to help him.


    Thanks much.

  13. The idea of a mellow border collie is super disconcerting.


    Talk about NOT typical of the breed.  LOL


    Tell me about it. :)


    I grew up with 2 of them (sequentially, not consecutively). We lived in a ranching town out west, and they were work dogs. Man, they could go and go and go.  But I always swore I would never have one in a town or city or any place where they couldn't be able get out that energy.


    And, yet, here I am.  I have no idea. We've had her since she was 8 weeks old, and she's been the most low-key dog. *shakes head*  (If I could just train her to retrieve!)


    I feel very lucky with her. <3  (Heart here, not a butt)

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  14. Lots of countries don't recognize any kind of religious ceremony.  I personally think that's a pretty good system.  I'm a Mormon and our religious marriages are also legal marriages in the US, but in most countries they aren't.  It's really not a big deal.  You get married civilly first and then go to the temple afterward.


    It's actually quite interesting to see the interplay between civil and religious marriages in some places.  In Kyrgyzstan it can be difficult, expensive, and time-consuming to get married civilly and religious marriages are recognized by the community even if they aren't recognized legally.  It's not uncommon for people to wait until it's more convenient to get the civil marriage done and they aren't legally married for a while. In many Middle Eastern countries there are only religious marriages. For Mormons, you cannot be married religiously until you have a civil wedding, if the religious marriage isn't legal in your country.


    In the end, I am not any more worried about a church being required to perform marriages for same-sex couples than I am worried that a church would be required to perform a marriage for someone who follows a different religion  Both groups are protected classes (sexual orientation/gender and religion) and neither can expect to be married by everyone with the legal right to perform marriages.


    It seems simplest to me, as other posters have said, to have civil marriages that outline and recognize your legal rights and responsibilities, and then, if you so choose, you can also be married religiously to signal your acceptance of religious rights and responsibilities associated with the marriage.


    When I lived in France and first learned about this--when I was a very serious Evangelical Christian--I thought it was a brilliant idea! Even now as a non-believer I think it's a great way to go.

    • Like 2
  15. I have 2 close friends with labradoodles. I absolutely hate the dogs. They are wild and high strung. Even the one who lives on a hobby farm with lots of land to run around on, and is taken on long walks once or twice a day is wired all the time. He eats everything. She's had him in to the vet 3 times in the last three years removing stuff from him. Mouse traps, underwear, tennis balls, socks, a bird feeder, a chewed up 5-gallon bucket. Unbelievable. 


    I find it hard to spend time at their houses because their dogs are a mess. 


    I'm sure there are great labradoodles, but based on these, I would never have one.  (I'm very happy with my almost worriedly mellow black lab/border collie mix.)



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  16. Interesting. My intent was not to mock, but to point out that people often default to the belief that makes it easier to do what they want to do.


    And yes I have heard that some people come away from reading scripture believing homosexuality is ok. To me there is no possible way that can be true. So again we are back to no common ground at all and no way to get there.


    Ok, so to you, based on your understanding of the Bible there is no possible way EVER that homosexual relationships can be ok.


    To some people, including my Mennonite and Amish friends, according to their understanding of the Bible, there is no way EVER for divorce and remarriage EVER to be ok.  Not in cases of abuse or adultery--NOTHING. They might divorce to protect themselves or their children, but they can never remarry.


    How would you feel if our government were based on that religious belief and you were prohibited fro divorcing and remarrying.


    Do you think our government should make laws codifying this religious belief?


    Why the double-standard prohibiting gay marriage? (How do you square that with the issue of sincere Christians believing absolutely from the Bible that your current relationship is a state of adultery and yet not trying to get it codified into law and disrupting your life?)

    • Like 5
  17. I can't spend the necessary time right now to try to answer this because I have 25 people coming over for dinner. But, I said God's image in us gets distorted, not that gay people are distorted (or people with physical or mental difficulties). I think there's a difference that I'd like to post about later if you don't mind.


    Yes, I'd like to try to understand that distinction.


    Have a nice dinner. (Better you than me! I think I'd lost my marbles with that many people. :))

  18. You're not coming across as making fun at all.


    I do believe we are all made in the image of God. At the beginning there was no sin in the world and therefore everything functioned as it was supposed to. After the fall, when sin did enter the world there was death, disease, etc. So, I believe that there are many ways that the design for the world has been affected and the image of God in us gets distorted. God didn't make us to have the difficulties and struggles that we have.



    I'm familiar with this viewpoint. Could you share some of the other ways we get distorted? Would physical and mental differences be considered a distortion?


    I understand that sometimes the biblical god didn't allow for Levites with any sort of "imperfection" (blind, hunchback, dwarf) to serve priestly duties. They weren't permitted to perform holy duties because they were blemished. 


    It just seems so sad that this god permits these distortions in people and then punishes them on top of it. 


    Can I ask, if one of your children were gay, would you feel they were distorted and imperfect--beyond the "normal" distortions that all people have? Would you grieve and fear for how your co-religionists would look upon your child and how your co-religionists would treat him/her, how they might change their relationship with him/her, and more?


    Can you understand how people not of your religion are frightened for the ways their children are treated and talked about by people of the "gays are distorted" persuasion?

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  19. I think you are reading a little too much into it. I happened to be drinking a glass of (very good) wine when I read the remark that drinking is a sin and that I know it. Had I thought that TM was disclosing a drinking problem rather than simply pronouncing me and anyone else who enjoys an occasional libation a sinner, I would have been more circumspect.


    FTR I don't believe in sin, and I certainly don't have much regard for people who take it upon themselves to call others sinners.


    Honestly, the first time I read the "drunkenness" post, I thought it said, "drinking is a sin" as well. Reading too fast, I suppose.


    I didn't realize she was talking about having been an alcoholic either. In fact, it wasn't until reading these other posts that I went back and re-read and saw that it says "Drunkenness". I could have sworn it said, "Drinking."  I think if you can go back and read that post, you can see that this one misreading does throw the whole thing into confusion, and it doesn't take "twisting" so much as careless reading.


    I can see that I was wrong in my understanding, and Bibiche acknowledges that she was mistaken in her understanding as well. 

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