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Posts posted by ChrisB

  1. Found it--Brian Kinder?


    It looks like Brian is more recent. I'm looking for something probably from the 70s, maybe early 80s.


    I found that too, but he's not the only one to sing that song. It's called "Shake a Friend's Hand" and apparently was written in 1982. http://www.higherpraise.com/lyrics6/s/5056.htm


    We used to sing it at camp, and one of the verses we added was "pick a friend's nose, pick the nose next to ya..." :D


    Not quite the song, but sounds just as funny!;)


    Thought I'd ask for clarification...could it have been a Christian album/singer, or is that unlikely?


    He could have been a Christian singer. I wouldn't put it past my mom to buy it. But I don't remember any Christian references in the album.


    My money is still on Hap Palmer. He kind of talks the songs and he's been out for a loooong time, even in the days of vinyl records!


    This sounds close.....

    Feelings (Getting to Know Myself by Hap Palmer CD #3)


    Touch your hands to your toes touch your elbow to your knees

    Touch your wrist to your ear touch your nose to your knee

    Touch your shoulder to your ear touch your fingers to your back

    Touch your neck to your wrist touch your toes to your nose,

    Touch your ear to your knee touch your toes to your toes

    Touch your ankle to your wrist touch your elbow to your stomach

    Touch somebody else’s hand touch somebody else’s foot.


    Now I think the guy sounds like or close to Hap Palmer, but everything that I've come across in my search for Hap Palmer doesn't quite sound like I remember. If I remember correctly, it almost felt like the guy was in a room with kids sitting around him. I remember him saying to the kids, if you have red on stand up, if you have green on stand up.... I emailed my mom to see if she could recollect his name and she came up with Mike or Mark Warner or Warnke or Wornke. I've search all possible name combinations and nothing related to children's music comes up. It has been many years so I'm not so sure my mom's memory is the clearest. ;) The search continues...

  2. Ok, here's an OLDIE--


    Was it Mitch Miller?


    :D Nope. He sure is an oldie! Love some of his music though. I think the man was interactive with the children and probably just basic music like a guitar or something... My younger sister loved the album too and the only words she remembers are something like, "touch your neighbor's nose" when he was talking about body parts... Again, not much to go on...

  3. I just looked at each of the artists and their works that y'all have suggested. Unfortunately, I don't think any of them are the guy I'm looking for. While I was looking at these, I remember the guy talking to the children more and the songs more talking songs, if that makes any sense... Any other ideas? Thanks!

  4. I remember a children's music album that I listened to as a kid (early 80's). I'd like to find it and/or who sang on the album. Ok, I don't have much to go on, but here goes. It was one male singer, possibly with a guitar, singing to kids, but it was also interactive. He sang about colors, shapes and basic kid stuff. I remember him being funny. I know, not much to go on, but maybe someone might have a lead that might help me? TIA

  5. Greetings! This is my first post.


    My wife and I have been discerning what to do with our kids for school (the oldest will be entering K in the fall), and while we have a good public school and a very good parochial school within short walking distance, we're leaning towards homeschooling, primarily because we want to follow a classical curriculum.


    We actually bought a copy of _The Well-Trained Mind_ 2nd edition a few years ago, but have only read through the prologue and just bits of chapters 3 and 4.


    Because the fall is approaching, I decided that it might be good to do a thorough read of the book, but I also know that the 3rd edition is coming out in May (we plan to purchase it), and that brings me to my question: based on what we know about the 3rd edition, should I hold off on reading the 2nd edition and just wait for the 3rd, or is it safe to guess that the updates from 2nd to 3rd are primarily with regard to available resources, and that the rest of the content is nearly the same?


    Just curious about the opinions of posters here.


    Thanks in advance!


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