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Posts posted by Hkpiano

  1. Ya know, I kind of liked Twilight. Lol! One website called it an "old fashioned bodice ripper" which I thought Stephenie Meyer did well. The tension was there without bare flesh. Also in her second(?) book, I think she nailed how a young girl can feel distraught/lost when her first love leaves her. She was able to put into words similar feelings from when my first love dumped me. But, it was the usual. The first book in the series hooks you and then it goes down a steep hill. Pretty much forced myself to read the last book. Just freaking creepy and weird! My vote for worst book is Breaking Dawn.



    I agree with this 100%. I read the first three but couldn't bring myself to finish the last book. They were all poorly written and had a terrible message, but the first one at least kind of sucked me in, in a junk food kind of way! :)

  2. CraftFriend and DD were at our house crafting. I suspect OtherGirl had called CraftFriend's house and was told CraftFriend was at our house. So her mom drove her over, CraftFriend ran out to the car, made plans and came back in to tell DD about it. OtherGirl and her mom had driven away but were going to pick up CraftFriend at her house a little later.


    Why did the other mom go along with it? Because my DD didn't go to school with them because we homeschooled. She told me that on a different occasion...a Girl Scout outing where OtherGirl ran up to my DD and a couple other girls and addressed each of them by name: "Hey, Susie and CraftFriend, let's go look at XYZ!" And they all left my DD standing there alone. It happened too fast for me to say something to the girls so I said to the mom, "That really hurts DD when she is excluded like that." And the mom said, *oh that's because they all go to school together, so they naturally want to do stuff with each other.*


    I said something like...*but they go to church together and play soccer together and are in GS together.*


    The mom just shrugged.


    This was years ago but it still rankles.

    How hurtful. I experienced similar snubbing in church youth group in junior high and high school. I feel for your daughter! I hope she has found some kind friends since then!

    • Like 4
  3. Perhaps this woman is truly that socially inept that she does not realize she is being rude.

    I had (well, still have, we just live in different states now) a friend who would do stuff like discuss parties she was throwing in front of people who weren't invited. But she was very socially inept and everyone around her knew it. Either they avoided her because they couldn't handle it or they made allowances for her because they realized she was truly clueless and, despite the frequent faux pas, was actually a kind and generous person who really needed friends. She didn't gossip about others though. This sounds like a different situation entirely.

    • Like 1
  4. I voted other because I am kind of in a transition stage between myself (or DH if he's around) being the one responsible for getting breakfast on the table, and the kids being able to fix their own breakfasts. So I'm teaching them how to make eggs, spread cream cheese on the bagel, pour the cereal, whatever. I try to serve fresh fruit with breakfast but they seem like they'll eat more fruit later in the day so sometimes I don't bother. My kids are ages 7, 5, and 3 by the way. They don't tend to eat much for breakfast which really worried me when DS went to public school, but now that they're homeschooled it works out great. They are hungry again around 9, so I give them a light snack while we do circle time or morning meeting, whatever you want to call it. Bonus is that it gets them excited about circle time and happy to sit still. Maybe the lazy way to parent but it works for us! :)

    • Like 1
  5. My name was popular from the mid 70s to late 80s. It was #9 the year I was born. Now it is very unpopular, ranked in the 800s.


    Interestingly, my grandma had a doll as a child that she named my name, same first and middle name. (This had no influence on my parents' choice for naming me). It is especially surprising because my name was not very common in the 40s when she was growing up.

  6. Number 2 if there is anywhere for the kids to go beyond the yard, otherwise they might be bouncing off the walls. We looked at a house with a small garden/yard. That would have worked for us if the wood next door had been accessible. When we visited, although we had the legal right to roam through it, it was pure stinging nettles, so wasn't an option.


    Any park very close by?

    This. Our current house is in a neighborhood with houses close together and not very big yards, but we've enjoyed it because there are lots of kids in the neighborhood for my kids to play with, and there is a park within walking distance.

  7. "Really? I'm surprised he's that choosy. I mean, my dog is always barfing on people's shoes, but so far, I can't say that he prefers sneakers over sandals...say, you're wearing sandals! Let's see if it matters!"


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  8. I should hope so bc there are not near enough words beeped on TV imo.

    I should add that there are plenty of Mormons that would ask their friends nicely to avoid hard swears like f--- and sh-- in addition to using the Savior's name or G-d's name in vain. It's just that the words that are used to replace those aren't considered particularly offensive.

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  9. What about *oh my heck* ? Or *oh my stinkin' heck* ? Do only less strict Mormons use these?

    LOL, I just asked my husband and he laughed and said "Oh my heck!" is a favorite phrase in Utah. Probably more in the college age crowd vs the elderly piano teachers though... ;)


    We've never heard "oh my stinkin' heck" before though. :)

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