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Posts posted by MrsRobinson

  1. I don't even know what to say about yesterday. My brain is numb. The one image from yesterday that keeps flashing in my mind was walking up to my car door and seeing ds (age 5) standing in a pool of 3 spilled hot fudge sundaes on the seat of my car. And that was the least obnoxious, stress inducing thing that happened yesterday. :scared:


    Well, we will just keep putting one foot in front of the other and see what this day has in store for us. I'd like to get phnics, language arts and math done before 11 am eye doctor appointments for the big kids. Then we'll do science and history when the baby naps this afternoon. Piano lessons, grocery shopping, and lots of medical related phone calls need to happen today, too.

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  2. Non school related: after a lovely walk at the park yesterday, my cell phone got crushed when an ambitious kid decided to fold up the stroller before I cleaned out the basket :( :( So we are heading to a repair shop to see if there is any hope.


    School related: I think I am going to try a 4 day school schedule. Then use Fridays for planning, housework and projects. I haven't gotten my sewing machine out in forever and I miss sewing and the diy/upcycle projects I used to do. All my upcycled furniture are my favorite pieces and I have a few pieces that have been waiting in the garage.


    Today will be a regular 5 subject school day and I'll add an extra tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday. We'll see how it goes.

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  3. It is not a school day for the local kids here so mine got up and went through school at lightening speed in order to have a play date. Kids had packed up snow clothes and were outside loading in the car when the other adult flaked out and texted to let me know she had to go grocery shopping and wanted to push back time 1hr. Such disappointed kids :( It was awful. I ended up making other plans so we ate lunch out and went to barns and noble and made a nice day if it anyway. Other adult is annoyed at me but I put a high value on my time and children's emotions, and I certainly don't sacrifice/condense a school day for nothing.


    But anyway decent school got done. I don't think I posted again yesterday but I finished that whole list which I was proud of.

    Umm, that other adult has no right to be annoyed with you. :glare: They could have easily said "bring your own snacks, it's shopping day for us!" and gone grocery shopping after the play date to honor the original plan. I bet their kids were disappointed too. Grocery shopping with mom instead of play date with friends?! Major bummer. Poor kids. Good for you for not caving yo the unnecessary change of plans! :thumbup1:


    And a big :grouphug: for Jean.

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  4. Just now making it back here. The boys are up early this morning so we are snuggling on the couch watching Masha and the Bear.


    We accomplished everything I wanted to Monday afternoon so I'm very happy about that. Tuesday morning dd practiced piano and did a long math lesson with dh. His method of teaching can exhaust her sometimes so I just let her unwind after that. :lol: She just did her independent reading without any more lessons. She did end up doing a 2nd piano practice after dinner.


    Ds picked up Green Eggs and Ham and read the whole thing aloud to us. We celebrated afterwards and he declared that reading that long book was his lesson for the day. :biggrinjester: I was planning on it anyway, but it was hilarious that he made the connection. :laugh:


    We also observed a groundhog in our yard. After it walked off, ds tapped my phone and said, "ok, look up more pictures of groundhogs." :laugh: So we had a little mini lesson of the characteristics of groundhogs. I love homeschooling. :001_wub:


    Dh had medical tests in the afternoon so the kids had a movie day with the sitter while the baby napped. Today, we should get a full school day before heading out for piano lesson and grocery shopping. I think I forgot what a full school day consists off! I better get out my planner and figure out what needs done.


    Have a great Wednesday everyone!

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  5. Up early this morning to take all 3 kids for dental appointments 30 minutes away. We should be back right after lunch.


    My goal for school is piano practice, read alouds, a math lesson (3 times table practice), a history video and discussion questions for dd. For ds, I want to do a phonics lesson, buddy reading, handwriting practice, and a short math lesson. If we get through that this afternoon, I'll be happy. :)

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  6. Oh, yes, Home Interiors! Did they have any of the wall butterflies? :) I think also remember Home Interior candle sconces and artificial flower arrangements.

    Yes, the wall butterflies! I remember those at my grandma's house. She always has to decorate with a theme. Ducks, butterfies, fruit, Coke-a-Cola. Right now it's chickens. She doesn't "get" me when I say a decorating scheme doesn't have to be one thing repeated over and over. Costal Cottage, Costal Americana, Mid-Century Modern, whatever you call the Joanna Gaines look. All these and many others allow for more flexibility in choosing pieces. Nope. According to her, I haven't decorated because I haven't chosen a single object as my theme. :lol:


    My mom was big on the glass votive candle sconces. Her go-to was a framed print of a Victorian house, a shelf underneath it with fake ivy and a porcelain Victorian lady on it. A votive wall sconce with a hunter green or burgundy candle in it finished off the look. She had that ensemble with different houses and ladies in the living room, master bedroom, and master bathroom.


    My childhood bff had the same thing going on at her house. :laugh:

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  7. Skip - it

    Punching balloons

    Leggings with stirrups

    Overalls worn with one strap unhooked


    Those drinks that looked like barrels with foil tops... can't remember the name


    And my mom, my grandma, and all my friends moms had their homes decorated wall to wall with Home Interiors.

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  8. Another week is getting away from me, you guys! Grrr! :cursing: The toddler has gotten off rhythm somehow and has been up in the middle of the night ready to play 3 nights in a row. Needless to say, focusing on schoolwork with the kids has been a huge struggle. I'm exhausted, the baby is cranky. It's so hard to be productive with those conditions.


    Anyway, I was feeling a little more with it yester and did an order of operations math lesson and history lesson with dd.


    I did a phonics lesson, buddy reading, and handwriting practice with ds.


    Piano practice and independent reading got done every day as always. I could have done more but piano lessons and other out of the house activities shortened the seat work portion of the day.


    Let's see what we get done today. I'm exhausted again but feeling the need to get school work done. We should be able to manage as much as we did yesterday. Then maybe I'll feel like I deserve a nap this afternoon.


    Hope you feel better, Critter!

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  9. Where'd everyone go?? Critter, you're so faithful!


    It's turned into a rough week here so I haven't posted. School has been catch as catch can, as has laundry, showers, and errands. :glare: I am determined to get back on track next week! This weekend will be all about getting some new chore and screen time routines in place so we can get back on track and start fresh next week.

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  10. Happy warm Tuesday afternoon, everyone!


    Monday dh had a doctor's appointment 2 hours away and we had some other business to take care of in the same area so it was a long day. I sent backpacks full of educational fun things for the big kids to do at the sitter's. So I'm counting an hour of school towards our yearly requirement. :D


    Today we had a bunch of morning errands to do, a lot of which were time sensitive and the other portion were follow up things from yesterday. So it's going on 2:00, we've just finished lunch, the baby is rocking to sleep for a nap, and I'm ready for a nap rather than school lessons! The big kids are enjoying the nice weather outside so I think I'll just leave well enough alone and get the basics done when they come inside. I'd like to hit phonics, buddy reading, handwriting, and a short math lesson with ds and a solid math lesson and a little handwriting remediation with dd. She's already done piano practice and science independently.


    Critter- keeping avoiding that virus!


    CadenceSophia- good for you canceling school to get the paperwork done! I hope all is well with you and baby. Take care of yourself! :grouphug:

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  11. Grading status:


    Algebra - all caught up except for one page which appears to be missing and today's work. (Dd is looking for them)


    Logic - all caught up


    Literature - all caught up except for one revised draft which needs to be handed back to me. (Dd is looking for this too.)


    Geography - all caught up.


    Biology - all caught up


    Japanese - all caught up


    Grammar - all caught up.

    Way to go, Jean! :) :)

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  12. Wrapping up our homeschool week this afternoon!


    Here's what we've been up to:


    Thursday- dd did a short order of operations math lesson with her dad, independent and family reading time, a dictionary skills lesson, writing remediation for 30 minutes total, spread through the day,  a 30 minute piano practice, and some work in her history notebook. Ds did phonics lesson 71, handwriting practice 2 or 3 letters (don't remember which ones), and a 100 chart math lesson.


    Today- dd did independent and family reading, poetry tea, writing remediation, Multiplication 2 Ways lesson, a history video and more notebooking. She is reading a story to her younger brother now. Once the baby wakes up, she needs to practice piano. Then I'm calling school done for the day. Ds did phonics lesson 72, handwriting practice letters h, m, and w. We also started practicing his numbers on the dashed mid line paper at his request. So today we practiced 1, 4, and 5. He did a little math lesson on the white board with me. 


    Hopefully, we'll be back to full speed next week. I have been planning away after the kids go to bed. Next year will be my first year record keeping for 2 students.  :ohmy:  I think I am only undecided on spelling and grammar for dd. Everything else I have chosen and am happy about. I just have to add a cute little story: The kids got their dad to help them surprise me with a Happy Planner to use as my homeschool planner this coming school year. I use a Happy Planner for everything else. I quite literally carry it around the house with me all day. So they had their dad pick one up at Michaels. They wrapped it and drew cards for me and everything. Dd said, "now you can have even *more* fun planning our lessons with your favorite planner!" I was totally surprised. I had my eye on a certain homeschool planner and at first, before I processed their gesture, I was a little bummed I wouldn't get the planner I wanted. But now, I love it and think of their excitement every time I pick it up.  :laugh:

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  13. My oldest boy will be in first grade this year. He is so excited. :)


    I've got all but one thing figured out:


    Reading- just increase fluency. Will have a long book list to work through. We might do some Moffat Girls stuff.


    Spelling- Spelling Workout B and C


    Grammar and Writing- EIW level 1


    Handwriting- undecided


    Math - Math Mammoth 1a and 1b


    History- SOTW Vol 1 (group subject)


    Science- Science in the Ancient World (group subject, may have to tweak it down for him)


    Art- we'll do our own thing. He has natural talent so a curriculum or program just frustrates his creativity.


    Music- he'll start piano lessons this fall with me. I'll do it for as long as I can. I'm hoping to be able to teach him myself for the whole year and not have to hire an instructor until he's in 2nd grade. We'll see. He can already improv pretty well. Looks like Ray Charles. :coolgleamA:


    Phys Ed- swimming lessons in the summer and gymnastics lessons in the winter.


    In addition to history and science, we do memory work, poetry tea, cocoa classics, and family bible time together.

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  14. I can't believe I will be the parent of a 4th grader this year. 4th seems so... big.


    Here's what I've figured out so far:


    Reading- same as usual, work our way through a big 'ol book list for read alouds and independent reading.


    Spelling- I think I want to try Sequential Spelling this year. I really think that method will fit the way her brain works.


    Grammar- haven't decided yet. I'm really drawing a blank on this one.


    Writing- IEW Theme Based Writing Ancients


    Handwriting- undecided


    Typing- undecided


    Math- Math Mammoth 4a and 4b


    History- SOTW Vol 1 + a short summer session for state history (group subject)


    Science- Science in the Ancient World (group subject)


    Art- we'll do our own thing, exploring various styles and media (group subject)


    Music- continue piano lessons


    Phys Ed- swimming lessons in the summer, gymnastics lessons in the winter


    Other group work includes memory work, poetry tea, cocoa classics, and family bible time.


    It looks like I have a few decisions to make and then actually *do* all the planning. :svengo: At least I already bought my planner! :thumbup1:

  15. Hello, everyone! Checking in since we are slowly getting back to school as the baby is getting better every day. :thumbup1: He's still very clingy and coughs quite a bit so we cuddle and play together in the mornings and save school work for his nap time.


    The problem is that the big kids are not as focused in the afternoon so yesterday we didn't get it all done. We did our first Cocoa Classics and finished a book we've been working on for a while. The kids loved the added "cocoa" aspect. :) Dd practiced piano and did a long math lesson (multiplication). Then we went to piano lessons.


    Ds did phonics lesson 70 and handwriting practice letter h, j, and w.


    A decent attempt at school after 6 days in a row off, I thought. We'll see what we get done this afternoon. No pressure.

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  16. Good morning everyone!


    Tuesday went well. Dd was finally willing to try multiplication. So we did lesson 1 and she loved it so much, she insisted on doing lesson 2 and 3 as well. She bragged to her dad later how good she is at multiplication. I wished I'd tried to tell her she'd do just fine... :rolleyes:


    She also did the 2nd half of her Bible time, we did our read aloud all together, she did 2 grammar pages, writing 8s for 10 minutes morning, afternoon, and evening. She watched another history video, practiced piano for 2 15 minute segments, and prepped for evening out of the house activities. She colored in her spiffy coloring books during silent reading time again. We didn't get anywhere on that front. I don't want to battle her about it so I'm trying to be patient.


    DS did phonics lesson 69 after lunch because he decided to whine all morning about everything. We buddy read more of his snake book, and he practiced writing letters j, r, and u.


    Today is a busy day. I want to get as much school work done as possible before the boys have mid morning appointments. Dd is rolling and will take some of her work with her to work on while she waits. Then after lunch we are trying the nature preserve again. It was too muddy on Monday from the winter storm we had over the weekend. Then I have an appointment at 2, followed by dd's piano lesson and weekly grocery shopping. Then dinner at the in-laws. So we have a lot to squeeze lessons around but I really think we can do it if we are diligent.


    We have been doing so well on school work lately and getting everything checked off the list but the housework is suffering. My babysitting charge came in this morning. Well, her daddy usually cuddles with her in the couch for a few minutes to ease the transition. Today he sat at the dining table looking right into the kitchen. Then she had to potty so he took her to the kids downstairs bathroom (which also contains the washer and dryer). After he left, I began looking around to see what he saw. Dishes on the counter, stuff all over the bathroom counter. Dirty laundry piled on the floor in front of the washer and clean laundry piled on top of the dryer. Uggh! So embarrassing! :svengo:


    I'd love to hear how you all work chores into your school days to stay on top of the basics. I've tried fly lady and others in the past, but I don't want to bother with an elaborate system. I just need to get it done.

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  17. We are doing school work today. We have out of state family visiting and we are supposed to get together with them after the little ones nap to explore a nature preserve. (It's in the 60s today!) So if they are asked what they've been up to, I want them to be able to say, "school work." Probably shallow and insecure of me, but there it is. :leaving:


    Today's school work:

    Sit with dd and decide on her next book for independent reading. She flies through books so fast! She has spent our 3 day winter weather weekend coloring, drawing, and doing puzzles during independent reading time because she didn't want to read anything I suggested. I guess she needs a break or I don't know what. Gotta figure out what's going on there.

    Read aloud time. 20 minutes Bible time with Dad this evening. Table of contents and dictionary skills lesson, writing 8's three 10 minute sessions, math graph lesson (dd's request), history video, and plenty of science discussion at the nature preserve later. Oh, and piano practice, 2 15 minute sessions (another DD request).


    DS did phonics lesson 68, we buddy read the first 1/3 of Everything You Need to Know About Snakes, and he practiced writing letter b and p. I am skippng math with him today. I really don't think he needs it every day at 5 years old. He joined his big sis for the history video.


    Welcome extended forecast! :seeya:

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  18. We got it all done and had a good week in the end. For some reason, I just don't seem to get on the computer as much as I used to. Overall, this is a good thing, so I'm not complaining. But I'm "slacking" with reporting to the Accountability Threads, that's for sure! Oh, well, at least we're actually getting to the school work. That's what matters most. Have a great weekend, ladies! :)

    I feel the same way. I am not on the computer or my phone as much and I'm not sure why but I think it's a good thing. I just need to forget about the confusion and roll with it. :)

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  19. Tuesday went well. Crossed off everything on the list.


    Wednesday... well, I don't really know what happened Wednesday! :laugh: I noticed Monday and Tuesday that my little one and the 2 year old I babysit were hanging off of me and desperate for attention all morning while I did lessons with the big kids. Then in the afternoon while they are napping, I can't run the vacuum or put away laundry in two rooms. So we tried to flip the schedule. Chores and playtime in the morning, uninterrupted lessons in the afternoon. Well, after I put the little ones down for naps, the big kids and I made energy bites, cookies, and fudge. Then we had to wake up the little ones and get to piano lessons. Then everyone wanted to enjoy the nice weather at the park. Then I needed gas and groceries. Then it was dinner time! I just completely forgot to do school work in the afternoon! :lol:


    I guess we'll try again today!


    Mama25angels- :grouphug:

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  20. Good Tuesday morning! I never made it back here last week but there wasn't much to say. Dd was still sick on Friday and by then I was feeling really crummy, too. So we read, slept and watched movies all day.


    Saturday and Sunday, I just kept feeling worse and worse. So I wasn't going to put a ton of pressure on myself to get a full school day done yesterday. Here's the little we accomplished plus what I hope to do today:



    Dd did writing 8s for 10 minutes morning and afternoon, piano practice for 15 minutes morning, afternoon, and evening to make up sick days, read alouds, independent reading, practice for a speaking engagement she has tomorrow evening, and Bible study 20 minutes with her dad.


    DS did phonics lesson 65, read chapter 1, The Universe, of a new science book he picked out, and handwriting practice letters h, y, and c.



    On dd's to do list is read alouds, independent reading, speech practice, Bible study, writing 8s for 10 minutes morning and afternoon, Easy Grammar Days 138 & 139, math lesson- we are supposed to be starting multiplication but after so many sick days, I think I'm going to do 1 more review day-, I will probably let her choose a science topic to explore today, and lastly, piano practice for 15 minutes morning, afternoon, and evening.


    DS needs to do phonics lesson 66, he chooses something else to read, probably Chapter 2 of his science book, handwriting practice 2-3 letters, and a math lesson that has been ready to go on the dry erase board since Wednesday evening.


    I gotta get up and going, my babysitting charge will be here soon. Have a great day everyone!

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