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Posts posted by MountainViewMama

  1. I would really like to do American History in one year so we can move on to World History but Sonlight is the only one I can find that offers a one year version. Everyone else is split in 2 years. I don't really have anything against Sonlight but I would really love to know if there are others to choose from . If anyone knows of any, PLEASE let me know. :bigear: My son is 10, just in case it matters.

    Thanks so much for all your help!! :001_smile:

  2. Hi,

    If you buy SOS used from someone, do you need to get a new registration code or anything? Is it ready to be used just like when you buy it new? I'm asking because I was given TT used and then it wouldn't work on my computer and I had to have the person call and get a new code. Is SOS the same way?


  3. Okay, I went to the HOD message boards and tried to ask this but I had to set up an account so now I am waiting to be approved. In the meantime I thought I would ask here. Here gos.....

    After reading all the wonderful reviews about HOD, I have decided we should give them a try. The problem I am having is that I really want to do American History this year so that would put us doing BHFHG but ds turns 10 in a month and will be using this for 5th grade. I know it says that it has extensions for 5th grade but is it pushing it to make it stretch that far? He LOVES to read and reads very well but he hates writing and is a horrible speller. I am also concerned about stretching it for this year and then every year after would then be stretched as well unless I skipped a year, kwim? Do you think it is worth it to stretch this for him or should I find something else to do for American History this year? :confused::confused:

    Thanks for all your thoughts!!! :)

  4. If you'd like Calif history from a Christian perspective, you can't beat Lesha Myers' "His California Story." I was one of the proof readers for her first edition, and I *loved* it. Lesha was a support group leader (and PSSP director) at that time; everything in the book was tried out on the children in her group. I wish it had been available when I was doing Calif history with my dc. :(


    I forgot I had this book! Thanks for reminding me. :001_smile: I pulled it out but I was wondering, is there a teachers manual for it? Do I just read straight through it? Is there somewhere to find worksheets or activities to go along with this book? It does look nice.

    Thanks again! :)

  5. So I'm at my MIL's house and she asks, "So, when are you going to teach CA history?" (she works at a school so she knows they teach it in 4th grade and my ds is doing 4th) My mind started racing because, to be quite honest, I hadn't even thought about it. I calmly looked at her, smiled and said "Whenever we want. Thats the beauty of homeschooling." She didn't return my smile but proceded to ask, "Well, isn't it scheduled in the curriculum you use?" So, I go on to tell her that it isn't and that it's something we have to add in. She didn't seem very thrilled. :glare: Anyway, now I'm sitting here wondering how in the world to even teach it. I really like my teachers guide to tell me what books to read and what to do but I don't think I have ever seen anything like that for CA history. Can anyone share how you taught CA history?


  6. Okay, I was planning on starting with Sonlights Core 3/4 and then moving on to Core 5 the following year but I just read where someone said they thought it would be better to do core 3 the first semester and then do core 4 the next semester. They said that you could easily double up the reading work. But why? I don't want to double up and I also don't have the money to buy 2 cores for 1 year so now I am wondering why doing that is better than just doing the core 3/4. Are we missing a lot by doing core 3/4? Should we just start with Core 3 for this year and then move onto core 4 next year? I have read some great stuff lately about core 3 so I guess that also has me questioning if we will be missing out by doing core 3/4. Anyone done core 3/4? My son turns 10 in April and will be using this for his 5th grade year.

    So, what do you all think? I look forward to your great insight!! :001_smile:

  7. Today I took my ds9 to the doctor today and he was diagnosed with the h1n1 virus. They did test him in the office and it came back positive. He put him on Tamiflu and he just started it. This all started Sunday with a fever and he is very tired with no energy. He only got out of bed 1 time yesterday to go to the bathroom. He hasn't really eaten anything since Sunday morning except for a cracker at 1:00 this morning. He has had a few sips of a smoothie but other than that it has just been some water and gatoraide. Anyway, he started throwing up at about 1:45 this morning and he has thrown up about 6 times since then. Of course there isn't really much to throw up other than liquids. So he just threw up again and there was bright red blood mixed in there. Should I be concerned? I plan on calling the doctor in the morning but should I do anything tonight?

    Hold on, he's throwing up again...... okay this time it was a brownish color and looked like old blood. Anyone else ever delt with this?

    Thanks so much!



    UPDATE- I really do believe that it was the Tamiflu. He even started acting weird and cranky. My husband picked up the prescription from Walgreens and didn't talk to a pharmacist. The paper that always comes with the prescription with the warnings was blank! :001_huh: So he called and the pharmacist said there shouldn't be any side effects and we just took his word. Anyway, after he was throwing up again and acting funny, I looked up Tamiflu online. OH MY GOSH!! The websites I read don't even recommend Tamiflu for children. There was 1 website that people could put there experience with it and it was sooo scary to read! Lots of people vomiting but the scary stuff was major mood swings, depression and lots of people saying they wished they had never taken it and saying they would never give it to there kids. Needless to say we haven't given him another dose since and he has been fine. He never threw up again and he hasn't had a fever all day. His energy is slowly returning as well. I also know that he was past the point that he should of even started it. It had been 55 hours since the onset of symptoms when he started it. Anyway, just wanted to update.

    Thanks for all the advise and concern! :grouphug:

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