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Posts posted by Caitilin

  1. I like all of those, except that nasty pecan pie! :P


    I make key lime, apple, cherry, chocolate, banana, unbaked strawberry, peach-raspberry, lemon, and pumpkin. Pumpkin is not my favorite, but if it's made with enough spices, I'll eat a little bit. ;)

  2. I have had hamsters, my sister has had gerbils, my kids have had both rats and guinea pigs. Agreeing with pp, hamsters are cute but dumb, gerbils are fun but very active and very nocturnal. Guineas are sweet and cute and great for veggie scrap disposal, but IME kinda dull. We prefer rats as they are fun and interactive, affectionate pets. But dd9 is getting a guinea pup for Christmas, so... ;)

  3. You must be in a very VBAC friendly area? Or else it was a bit ago and the tide has changed. Everyone here seems scared.to.death of a VBAC. Even 5 or 10 years ago they didn't have such one-size-fit-all policies against VBACs. I have no idea what is forcing this change.

    Youngest ds is 5; my area is not especially vbac friendly (South Dakota is not known for its crunchiness!), but I have a great midwife. This last time I had to meet with a doctor who was required to lay out for me what the risks would be, which was a new thing with that birth. She "couldn't advise me to do the vbac" but there was no hospital policy prohibiting it. I think it's largely to do with the docs themselves and their CYA concerns vs the hospital, in my experience.

  4. I had 3VA2Cs, and I'd not trade any of them. I went to 41 and 5 with last baby, and we had an induction scheduled for the following day when I went into labor. (I was about ready to perform csection on myself by that point! Lol) I had such good experiences with my vbacs, I can't imagine opting for a section, given the choice. Best wishes as you decide, and many congrats on new baby bean!

  5. Remember that if you are making *real* hot chocolate, i.e., with actual milk instead of using a packaged hot cocoa mix to which you just add water, the hot milk will form a skin on the surface as it cools, which is why you put whipped cream or a marshmallow on top after you pour it into your cup. Our children have no idea what real hot chocolate is like, lol.

    Lol, except for mine, Ellie, who only get the real stovetop kind! ;)
  6. I just meant that I like having friends and "friends" on FB, as well as the groups. I have a hard time regulating my time, which is why I'm taking an advent break, but I don't think that my time there is wholly wasted either, kwim?


    ETA: hope I didn't speak badly upthread, as I admire your gumption in using it as you do. I just know that, lord have mercy, I'm not there yet. ;)

  7. I am taking a FB break for advent. In ordinary time, I use it nearly exclusively use it for my groups. I know Milovany uses it as you describe, but that would not work for me: I have to either be connected or not, no halfways. ;) I have made some really good friends through my groups, and I don't want to give that up permanently.

  8. I guess I feel that it is more like an ultimate, or extreme, version of the experiences of Sam and Boromir in the presence of the lady Galadriel in LOTR. Boromir feels her presence as painful, unpleasant, and disturbing, while Sam finds it beautiful, powerful, and unusual; as Sam says, he thinks it is that those who find her troubling have brought their own trouble with them, rather than that Galadriel herself is the cause of trouble. If you come to the end of life open to God and the brilliance of His love, then you'll find it as Sam did. If not, then you're going to experience Him as Boromir did Galadriel.

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