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Posts posted by I.Dup.

  1.  The idea is that with one's character shaped with skills to identify, prevent, and overcome obstacles, "making good money" is a side effect.


    That all sounds very nice, and thank you for explaining...but I'm still not getting how seeing money as a "side effect" is enough to translate into being able to pay all of the bills. I'm not even talking about college or European vacations...we do not have a high standard of living around here (my husband is blue collar, I stay at home)...so we are not money-driven or high society, but I'm concerned about giving my kids the opportunities to really thrive on their own. More than anything I want them to have options. Options that dh and I do not have. That is the big fear holding me back.


    I want to second this. The thing people miss when they say 'my kid would just play computer games all day' is that that child is already burnt out from hours of schoolwork. There's a big, big difference between what a child chooses to do with their 2 hours of downtime a day, vs what they do with their 12 hours of downtime a day.


    I will say that this particular child has closer to 12 hours of downtime than 2 hours of downtime. Well, I take that back...for screen time he gets about 3-4 hours a day, max. That still is not enough for him. He eats, sleeps, breathes thinking about video games.

    • Like 3
  2. Children aren't placed in counselling and on medication because they are "spoiled." 


    I can say in this case, she absolutely has been spoiled. It is the fault of the parents for not dealing with her and getting her help sooner, they were too preoccupied and selfish to deal with it in the ways they should have as she grew up. It's really tragic when parents wait until it's too late and the problems are huge and ugly before doing anything about it. Now many lives are being affected and put in danger because of this.

  3. Thank you all for the advice. I have given as many details as I can in an online format, without invading anyone's privacy, etc, etc. I think your responses have helped my friend- some are way off base, but for the most part you all seem to get what all parties involved are going through (again, on the limited information we all have) so thanks for helping.

  4. I think the text (and this is just one of many) combined with the history is what is so scary to me. I am really encouraging my friend to do anything she can to protect herself and her son, I think this situation is SO screwed up. I agree that the bio parents have created a monster (those are my words) and they need to deal with it now...but I feel badly for my friend who is trying everything to hang in there and bring some semblance of sanity to the situation.


    Apparently the girl was mad she wouldn't apologize (in the OP text) for threatening to call the cops on her. She demanded that she apologize for that.

  5. Is your friend's child the half-sibling of the stepdaughter?





    How long has your fried been married to this man? About 2 years?

    How does the girl do living with Mom? She cannot live with her mom. She has attacked her mom and threatened her stepdad with a knife. The stepparents (my friend and then the bio mom's husband) are the only ones trying to set limits. Obviously, this is a disaster.

    Does Dad have bio kids with your friend? No.

  6. Do the biological mother and biological father talk regularly and get along? They need to be on the same page to help their daughter.



    Yes, but the bio mom's main concern is getting more money and she also tends to spoil the daughter. The bio dad (my friend's husband) regularly goes up to visit and sleeps in the bio mom's house, which my friend is uncomfortable with.

  7. She has also attacked her mom, pulled a knife on her stepdad, and been in a mental facility 3 times. She lied one of those times about swallowing a bottle of Advil (that wasn't even in the house all the time). Now she wants money to go to Costa Rica. Her dad is actually considering it, instead of making her go to summer school (she is failing school).

  8. But we don't know what has been done to her.  Maybe she is justified in her hurt and anger.  Just because she is a kid doesn't mean her feelings don't matter and that she should be expected to be in control of her feelings.  It might not be the most mature way to deal with hurt and anger, but plenty of people react that way.


    So you think because she's hurt she can be expected to cuss, lash out, yell, scream, break things, etc? There is no way to stop it or set limits?

  9. I don't know if it's normal, but she sounds like a very angry, hurt kid. Apparently her father offered a sincere apology for something, and the stepmom did not. Something like that can also cause tension between the parents. She claims the stepmom is not telling the truth, so who knows. If what she says has any truth at all, the stepmom herself doesn't sound too classy.


    She is trying to set limits and not let her think she can get away with cussing at her and her son and acting violent and nasty. Obviously it's going over like a lead brick. My friend is not getting support from her husband (who tends to spoil the girls)

  10. what would you recommend for my friend in this situation? The girl is constantly cussing her out, calling her names, demanding money, demanding the dad come visit her and give up time with my friend, etc. They had to kick her out because she would get violent and so nasty with my friend's young son and my friend (her stepmom). I get that she's hurt. My friend is very torn and has no idea how to handle this. It is definitely impacting their marriage.


    She doesn't only act this way with my friend, she also is unable to live with her mom as well.

  11. oh wow, I had never noticed that between DP and JB!! Ewwww that was so gross and awkward. I don't think JB did anything wrong, I agree with what Catwoman said about it. I'm a JB fan though, I think he's cute and funny. But the kisses he's planting on Michelle all the time would annoy the heck out of me, they don't seem to bother her though.

  12.  I think my kids are decent in math, but I cannot in 100,000 years imagine them asking to learn math.  Sometimes it feels like I'm dragging an elephant through mud.  But I don't care.  I could not live with myself knowing they weren't given math instruction. 



    Same here. In fact, this is the only subject I am 'militant' about getting done every school day, because everything else can be caught up on relatively quickly.

    • Like 6
  13. Well I am happier than ever with our library system after reading this thread!! I guess it's another benefit to living in a small-ish town. I don't have anything to compare it to, except what you all are sharing.


    We check out books for 4 weeks at a time.

    The late fee is only $0.10/day. (of course I hate paying any late fees, but this tends to keep it minimal)

    Our ILL system is good.

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