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April Showers

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Posts posted by April Showers

  1. To all who may be of help.

    I have a daughter finishing up her 5th grade year and Math u See Zeta. Can anyone tell me if they think it would be to big of a jump to go into Chalkdust pre-Algebra starting 6th grade. If so, what would you suggest we try. I definately want to use Chalkdust pre-algebra, but I don't know if I should start so soon, and If I don't, what I should use to transition.


    The reason I would use CD pre-algebra instead of basic math is that I have just purchased a used pre-algebra and don't really want to spend the money for the basic math.


    Any suggestions



  2. There is a good chance my 5th grader will be going back to public school for 6th grade in the fall. I'm thinking about using IEW SWI-B with her starting this summer, but will likely go into the new public school year. I'm curious how I will need to schedule this. It will help to know what others schedule using SWI looks like.



  3. Mostly what all the other posters have said. Logical, affordable, easy to implement, easy to understand, can be done orally (for that reason my daughter likes it even more). My daughter retains the information. It is the only curriculum that I've stuck with without second thoughts, and I have been through a good share of curricula.



  4. My daughters friends are a few neighborhood kids who vary in age. My daughter is 11yr. in 5th grade. She just recently began playing outside with some of the kids who go to local public school. One day I saw a little girl outside on her bike, so I thought to encourage dd to go out and get some fresh air. Well, she did and made a new friend instantly. The little girl is a petite 1st grader who just adores my dd. It seemed that each day that went by, more kids began showing up outside. My dd said "wow, nobody used to come out and play until I started too". My 15 ds in public school noticed the clan of playing kids afterschool seemed to get bigger and bigger every day. The ages are from 4 to 13 and they sort of all play together. This was a blessing at just the right time.


    Birthdays are kept small. Just family usually. One time we did a party with no more children invited than my daughter was in age. So, for 10yr. old you invite no more than 10 friends.



  5. My daughter will be in sixth grade next year and I plan to primarily focus on math and language arts. History and science will be either unschooled or a unit study. I feel liked I burned her out with school this past year, which may have led to some of her anxiety issues right now. I feel guilty about this and think we should get a little more laid back in all other subjects.

  6. Thank you so much to everyone who replied. Reading your responses helped me feel so much better about leaving these subjects out or going lightly for a while. I guess I must be going through a little anxiety/stress myself because reading your responses almost brought tears to my eyes. Just knowing that there are people that I don't know accross the country/world that are willing to provide support for me is so beautiful. I've always been oversensitive.


    Thanks again for responding so kindly.



  7. Are there any families who choose not to do science and/or history? My daughter is currently 11yr. 5th grader. I'm thinking of dropping these subjects temporarily. She had an axiety attack the other day, took her to ER etc., and until we figure out whats going on I want to make school a little lighter.




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