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Cz mama

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Everything posted by Cz mama

  1. ...testing new signiture
  2. Curves strength training 4x week, walk 7000-8000 steps a day
  3. We are Dave Ramsey fans, so we stick to our budget, and we each get 'blow' money every pay period for fun, non-essential things like lattes, movies, etc. and I seem to have to spend my 'blow money' on library fines at least every couple months... lol
  4. What wonderful thoughts, I am overwhelmed with the support here...thanks a bunch mama-bees! I really like the thought of my DD being my primary audience. Thanks a bunch you all! :)
  5. Thank you all for the responses... I felt the hugs... :)
  6. My DD is 7 months old. She has a massive port wine stain birthmark on the whole left side of her face and scalp. There are multiple medical side-conditions that go along with it (laser surgeries, oral, eye health, brain health, etc.), but from a social standpoint I am struggling with it. Many people (young-old) stare and keep looking back at her. I try to give a nice friendly smile, ignore it and keep going along with my business-- although I am keenly aware the whole time that they keep looking back. Some people are very gracious and totally understand what it is. But other times I have had such callous remarks and looks. I've heard things like "disgusting..." as I walked past, or "did your baby get smacked?" I have my little set recording of what I say to children which is "Oh, this is Claire, she has a birthmark. It's just extra pink color on her face. Almost like our lips are pink, she just has extra. It actually doesn't hurt her either. She's a very happy baby! :)" But, deep down, I'm drowning. Some days I have my big-girl boots on and it's all good. Other days, its just so hard to go to the grocery store... I am fully aware of this being a 'beauty out of ashes' situation, and my little darling is sooo sweet and precious and beautiful and I accept that I can educate others, it just gets so hard some days. Any thoughts or words of wisdom from the trenches? Thanks...
  7. Shelf salsa with an avocado cubed and thrown in. Makes it de-lish. Side of chips.
  8. I like the smell of fall field burning. I believe that a woman's place IS in the kitchen... ;) I hate gardening.
  9. Okay, thanks for those suggestions... (: What exactly is deschooling? Thanks
  10. Hello! We recently started homeschooling, and we are on our journey of using the WTM format. We pulled our DS out of his school (3rd grade) because his motor tics were becoming quite embarrassing (squatting down, with bottom sticking out--no fun), and the other children were starting to make fun of him. So, here we are...I am actually excited about homeschooling, but being mid-year, I am feeling a little overwhelmed with jumping in. Luckily, the school he came from was a classical format. My biggest issue is that we are also looking at selling/moving in the next 3 months on top of everything else, and we have 3 little pre-k kiddos running around, and I am feeling SUPER guilty about not having a structured set-up yet. We are doing about 1 subject a day (writing with ease plus extra reading) one day, then another day we'll do a lesson of Saxon math (which is what the other school was using--smooth transition). Any suggestions for dealing with guilt (I'm trying to be okay with easing into the whole homeschooling gig), or with being okay with minimal school until after life normalizes in the next 4 months? Thanks a bunch, Tara
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