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Everything posted by shoppinmom

  1. We have done a very thorough job of world history for 1-8th grades. So, we are doing this for high school: 9th: West. Civ Ancients - Ren. 10th: West. Civ Ren. - Present 11th: American history, Amer. Gov't and Economics 12th: I'm going to have each child choose an area to study in depth. It may have more of a literature focus or more of a history focus depending on the child's interest.:lurk5: I want them to practice a lot of writing and rhetoric during this year so I think a full year of an in-depth study will do them some good.
  2. I love TOG for my multi-aged family and we have gotten a lot out of it! What I found for the high school years was what someone else mentioned before. I would end up spending too much time planning for all the levels instead of using my time to read the higher level books. So, I opted out of TOG for high school and went to Omnibus I. Now, I do use TOG for elementary and middle school because I haven't found anything better out there and we're on a roll.:auto: Now, my highschooler will get his history credits done in three years with the Omnibus, instead of four and he will have the fourth year to pursue something of his interest such as more history :glare:, philosophy, or something else.
  3. Happy for you!:grouphug: Brenda @ http://www.thetiethatbindsus.blogspot.com
  4. We got several from Sams club, they are deep, so that we can have books on them and baskets or stacks of books in front too. double duty!:grouphug: Brenda @ http://www.thetiethatbindsus.blogspot.com
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