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  1. Maybe it's this book (first one on list)? http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_3_24?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=harcourt+family+learning+grade+1&sprefix=Harcourt+family+learning%2Caps%2C135
  2. Thank you everyone for your help! He is busy working on the opening paragraphs!
  3. My son is in 8th grade and is involved in an oratorical presentation that he has to be ready for February 12. He wants to memorize a section from "The Hobbit". It has to be fairly long. I'm not familiar with the book and he hasn't read it for awhile. Does anyone know it well enough to give me some direction on this? Thanks so much! Staci
  4. Thank you so much for all of this! I am going to print it and read it again so I can digest all the info contained, but I SOOO appreciate all the helpful information! Off the top of my head, I can say that they do not use BJU science at his school, and although he's getting his worst grade in that class, he likes the teacher and how she teaches the best. She does a lot of lab work, which he likes, but even in labs gets somewhat distracted, although I'd have to check on that because I haven't gotten any complaints in the last four months. Again, thank you so much for all of this -- I'll probably be in touch again soon with more questions! (Just looked -- his science book is a Holt Science and Technology book.)
  5. I've searched the posts and, wow! So much awesome info, and as always, I'm so impressed with the parents on these WTM boards! I realize I probably need to go to the high school board, too, but since this is more a 'struggling reader' question than a high school homeschooling question, I came here first. A short history of where we've come from, and where we are now: I home schooled all my kids, ending at various ages and for various reasons. I taught all of them to read using "How to Read in 100 Easy Lessons" (maybe not exact title, now can't remember). My son is now in 8th grade in a private Christian school that does not offer any LD services. He was diagnosed with ADHD/Inattentive type. He reads fairly fluently, but does have to go back and repeat words, and does stop and start here and there, but usually not to the point that you really notice. He also has some speech issues, but that has improved tremendously, and really isn't such an issue anymore. This year we are realizing he is not growing in his ability to read questions thoroughly and get the important details out to answer questions (comprehension?). (Sometimes I just think he thinks he knows what the full question is and doesn't bother reading all the way through.) He doesn't love to read, but he will sit for 30 minutes and read on his Kindle. He also likes actual books. Right now he's reading "The Hobbit". HERE'S OUR CONCERN: He is going to be high school age next year and we feel like he isn't a good enough reader for high school level, and we feel his comprehension/writing needs work. We had him tested at Lindamood Bell, and they said he does need some remedial work on phonics, then needs to move on to learn how to "visualize" what he's reading -- etc. As you know, this is very expensive, and we could actually pay it (yikes), but after reading so many others' comments, I'm not sure it's worth the expense in his case. My husband is VERY concerned -- he is basically depressed over all of this. I am much more optimistic -- I believe he needs reading practice, practice, practice, but I don't believe he's as behind as my husband thinks. I read over his science homework yesterday (8th grade), and he wrote out the questions, read the text, and found the correct answers. He has come a long way since 6th grade. I really just think I didn't train him to work enough when he was younger, and sometimes he just doesn't want to put in the time. My husband wanted me to research alternatives to LMB, and it's overwhelming what's out there: Barton, talkingfingers.com, Abecedarian, highnoonbooks, PACE/MTC, Orton-G, Visualizing and Verbalization, etc., or a speech/language pathologist? What do we seriously consider for a 14 year old who is almost ready for high school, but who has some struggles with reading/writing? Please help! Thanks so much!
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