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Posts posted by razorbackmama

  1. Yes, I get checked every 4-6 weeks. I'm just 2.5 weeks past my last thyroid check. In past pregnancies I haven't had to increase my meds at all (weird, I know), but I guess there is always a first.


    I've heard of less-than-midwifey midwives in OB practices before too. This is a separate midwifery practice...birth in a tub, birth standing up, birth however you want practice. I guess there are some cranky midwives everywhere.... (just like there are dreamy OBs too....)

  2. I do have hypothyroidism, but they checked my levels at 7.5 weeks, and everything was well within normal levels. I'm not sure about low progesterone, but I'm assuming I don't because I've had 8 previous healthy pregnancies. Is there any way to know?

    They did a super quick u/s at 7.5 to check for a heartbeat since I have had no pregnancy symptoms at all, which is highly unusual for me. We didn't even see the full baby - just a sac and a blip-blip-blip enough to know there was a heartbeat there.

    I think I'm most surprised that this has been the reaction from a midwifery practice. A cranky ol' OB, sadly, I could understand. But isn't compassion and a more "loving" environment part of the point of seeing a midwife? *shrug* Also I think I could understand if I had a tendency to call with every sneeze. But I'm on my 3rd baby with them, and the only other time I've ever called and wasn't in labor was when I had a high fever a couple babies ago.


    I dunno...just sort of taken aback, I guess.

  3. Thanks, gang. I have called twice (perhaps it's because it was after hours???????) to let them know I was spotting and wondering what I should do. The first midwife (yes, midwife) I talked to said, "But we saw a heartbeat at your last visit (2 weeks ago), so if you start to bleed red blood or if you start cramping, call back." I called back the next day because the spotting was still there and was pinker, not just brown anymore, and talked to a different midwife. She is the one who said, "Well, to be honest, if you're going to have a miscarriage, you're going to have a miscarriage, there's not a lot we can do about it."


    Yes, we did see a heartbeat at 7.5 weeks, but I have absolutely ZERO pregnancy symptoms (not even fatigue), and after 8 pregnancies of first trimester nausea and fatigue (both boys and girls), no pregnancy symptoms is not normal for me at all. When I mentioned that to the first midwife, she said that no pregnancy symptoms means nothing at all (which I know is true in some cases, but in others it means there is something wrong).


    I finally told the 2nd midwife that I'm going out of town in less than 2 weeks, so honestly I'd like to know if I need to cancel my trip because I'll be waiting around to miscarry. So she is ordering an ultrasound for sometime this week.


    BUT all that is beside the point...I was just curious as to whether their response was typical and my expectations were just too high. I've never spotted with any other pregnancy, so I've never had to deal with this before. I was a bit taken aback by their response, to be honest.

  4. What has your experience been? Has it been a, "Why don't you come on in and get checked out?" Or has it been a "Well, if you're going to have a miscarriage, you're going to have a miscarriage...there's not a lot we can do about it?" Etc.


    I'm experiencing spotting (not full-on BLEEDING and no cramping) at 9.5-10 weeks (been going on for days), and I'm just wondering if my hcp's (actually 2 of them...I see a practice and have talked to 2 of them) is typical.

  5. This is good to know, that only some lessons in FLL have that stuff. :thumbup1: I won't be using the WWE workbooks - I found the dictation way too hard when we used it in the past. We just use the textbook, which calls for much easier selections. :001_smile:

  6. Forgive me if this question has been asking before - I can't seem to find anything on these boards anymore! (Not that I could find them before, but it's worse now LOL!)


    Anyway, I have this vague recolleciton that to do all the lessons in FLL and WWE would be redundant becuase FLL has copywork, dictation, and narration as well. Am I remembering this correctly? Would FLL be enough then, without WWE? Or is WWE still needed, and just do fewer of the writing assignments in FLL?


    Or am I off my rocker and totally making this up, so do all assignments as written? LOL

  7. I have the most current edition (which I've heard is a huge improvement over the previous editions), but I'm still finding it hard to navigate and plan out. I've been told that spending one hour a week with my son is possible, with him working on assignments the rest of the time. I *think* I have that hour a week figured out, but I can't for the life of me figure out what he's supposed to do the rest of the time. The schedule (geared toward co-ops) says things like "Read Chapter X" prior to coming to class. So it sounds as though the majority of the instruction will be during that hour with me rather than him actually working on things during the week???


    To say I'm disappointed and frustrated with this program is an understatement. The MATERIAL looks good, but implementing it looks like it's going to be a nightmare.


    I will ONLY have that one hour a week to work with him - there will be no way I can teach him this one subject each day since I have 5 other kids in school.

  8. Can you post the question?


    I would but it's a geometry question with a picture LOL. Well, I'll give it a go anyway...


    In this figure parallelogram ABCD is divided by a diagnonal into two congruent triangles. Angle DCA and Angle BAC have equal measures and are complementary. Find the measure of

    a) Angle DCA

    b) Angle DAC

    c) Angle CAB

    d) Angle ABC

    e) Angle BCA

    f) Angle BCD


    There is a parallelogram with D in the upper left corner, A in the upper right, C in the lower left and B in the lower right. A line is drawn from A to C. Angle D is labeled with 60 degrees. There aren't any right angles labeled.


    Hope that is a good enough description!

  9. She called again today. I always like to clue the people in that I know they are calling illegally. So I pressed one, and when the lady answered and asked if I was responding to lower my interest rate, I said, "No, I'm responding to let you know that you're calling me illegally because not only am I on the Do Not Call List, I've asked repeatedly to be removed from your company's list."


    She replied with something along the lines of, "Ma'am, maybe you should be on the Obama list," and hung up on me.


    What on EARTH is she talking about? Anyone know?

  10. We use HST+ to print out daily task lists (or whatever they are called), so my kids are used to that sort of format. My oldest is about to start MFW AHL, and he would prefer for me to enter it into HST+. Record-keeping-wise, I would too. However...what a nightmare this is going to be! Any suggestions? I'm contemplating telling my son "tough" LOL. But just in case there is an "easy" way that I'm overlooking, I'd like to give it a shot....

  11. I asked Ds15 and he quoted. "You are in an open field west of a big white house with a boarded front door. There is a small mailbox there. . ." I figured that if anyone knew, he would.


    I used to play that! I didn't remember the name of the game though. I loved those game!
  12. I just read it again, and she states that CLE isn't aligned with the Core Standards. What? She doesn't say why, so can someone tell me what she means? :confused:

    She's referring to the Common Core Standards, which is a specific set of standards on what grade children should learn what in. She mentioned that CLE is ahead of the CCS in some areas and behind in others. The CCS is a set of standards that has been adopted by most of the states so that children in public schools in those states are learning the same thing in the same grade. (In theory anyway LOL)
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