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Peace out muffins

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Posts posted by Peace out muffins

  1. So I took your suggestions to investigate more fully to heart, and did so by pulling a copy of the novel off the Archive (http://archive.org/details/NeverLetMeGo). Get it done, I figured, that way I can just play dots that day, write a paper as soon as topic/rubric is released. Then I sat down and slammed through it.


    This was basically my reaction:





    I cannot believe I wasted so much energy and emotion on such a flat little pissant piece of nonsense. :nopity: :ohmy: :toetap05: :smash: :ack2:  I've read Yahoo comment wars with more valuable commentary on the human condition.




    Had the summaries/themes actually been reflected in the text, I think my concerns would stand. Now that I've read most of it the summaries seem like they're for another book, so I kind of get what some of you were saying about not getting why it upset me so badly. (I say most because I know I skimmed because I was soooooo bored.)



    PS- Thank you.

  2. It's hard to put into clear words, but it's a kind of depersonalization/derealization/existential crisis-thing. (very eloquent, yes?) In a lesser form, it's why I haven't watched Wall-e yet.


    I admittedly overthink/overfeel things, I'm very sensitive about this particular issue. I know that I need to deal with it, not least of all because thinking about having to read this book is making me really upset.


    I really don't know. I just know it's an awful trigger.

  3. I know this is completely off-topic, but you ladies are generally very sensible, so I figured I'd ask...


    For one of my courses this semester, a certain novel has been assigned. I can't -- won't -- read it. The novel is Never Let Me Go. The short version of "why" is because I'll never get it out of my head. :sad: :scared: :crying: The topic is going to trigger a kind of existential panic attack. Like a visceral, physical reaction-- reading the summary is enough to start it.



    As a rule I don't mind heavy subject matter, and I'm not planning to protest either Paradise Lost or Frankenstein (which I actually read once before). I'm happy to do extra/different work, and I don't usually raise a fuss over assignments except when they strike this kind of cord. I've found my tolerance for certain subjects and genres is minimal at best and this is one of them.


    So the question is, how to approach my instructor about it? I have to take the course, it's required during this semester. I checked a few other sections, looks like it's assigned to all of them.


    Thanks in advance for any ideas.




  4. I would call... They may or may not go for more testing... assuming that they don't find any neuro-damage (so to speak), it is possible that it's the concussion plus/minus the glasses. How is her mood, sleeping, concentration, etc? Concussions are a very misunderstood animal. Sometimes they are very subtle.


    Also... she is 12? Could she be approaching menarche?





    [edit because i can't brain today]

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