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Peace out muffins

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Posts posted by Peace out muffins

  1. Sunbutter is a fab pb sub.


    i feel for people who have to deal with us food-allergic. Even my mom was a little skeptical until this summer when all those kids got sick/died in quick succession. Now she's almost more vigilant than I am.


    That said, your inconvenience, un-food-allergic-lady? Does not come close to not being able to breathe and hoping your epi works.


    (this, and the smokers whining about not being allowed to smoke on campus pisses me off. sorry that you can't pollute, stink, litter, give yourself or others cancer, and make it impossible for me to breathe, in public. only not.)

  2. Defintely don't worry about what other people are doing.


    I had to do this stupid assignment once too, about "life-changing experiences," and my idiot instructor put the guy who broke up with his GF to spend $75k at a private US school (and not a good one)instead of a free one in his country in the same group with a kid who escaped Sudan, a kid who watched his mom get murdered, and a couple of death/depression/abuse stories. Said she tried to group serious-nesses together. They're dumb and cheap assignments.


    Your kid changed your life, probably positively, right? Write about her. Write about the day you decided to go on your first date with DH. Pick an event and write about the positive of it, even if there is a negative, too.

  3. What kind of heart disease runs in his family? Like coronary disease or like hypertrophic cardiomyopathy? Either way, I'd think asking about basic physical (with a good cardiac exam, not just the oh-yeah-I-hear-a-heart-beat kind), bloods (CBC, CMP, lipid profile), resting EKG... the performing facility might give you a discount on the initial testing if you don't have insurance and are able to pay up front.

  4. Man, at this point, I wouldn't even bother being nice. I'd also document as much as I remember and from now on. I'd also tell her that the scooter better be returned in the condition it was stolen in by the next AM or I'd be reporting it. And I'd tell her that she or the kids come on my property or in my house, and they're trespassing, breaking and entering, whatever, and I'm calling the cops.

  5. I completely empathize with her. She's definitely not alone.


    Maybe some lower-level, less literature-y sad/scary/suspenseful books? Even if they're below reading level, like the little Nancy Drew ones (I think they had a junior series), BabySitters Club mysteries, the Mandie books, Caroline B Cooney's books (YA, so a little harder). I think sometimes it's the weight of Serious Literature that makes the book heavier if you're sensitive to it. A lighter, funnier book like Bunnicula might be able to get her into the genre, and then increase the seriousness from there.


    What about trying cuddling up with a stuffie and a blanket when she reads books that trouble her like that? It's comforting. Maybe offer some silly media (the equivalent of a lolcat) for afterwards (yes I totally do this).


    Does she say what exactly the problem is? The element of surprise, the tone, etc? Has she had any experiences that she feels affects her like this?



    Here are some lists that might help if you go that route:




  6. Oh, my.


    We'd be skipping Halloween and grounding, definitely. Maybe a month, then there's still 2-4 weeks to meet up with friends. Can he do chores for other people? Even his brother? I'd subtract from Christmas, too. They're old enough to start realizing some longer-term consequences. Not necessarily all the $, but like 1/3-1/2.


    Also... the lying (assuming he didn't tell you), cheating, stealing...  That worries me.


    And free internet time would be gone until the New Year.  Was it Dad's game?

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