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Posts posted by AmandaVT

  1. You haven't started spelling yet *with a 6yo*?




    Just kidding!!!! :laugh: I wouldn't feel the least bit guilty about that. He's just 6. :-)


    I'm a Spalding geek. That's all I got, lol.


    I know, I feel a little silly worrying about it! 


    I think what ends up taking so long is that my kid loves the darn flashcards and wants to go over the phonograms and key cards every time we do spelling. And then we'll work on the lesson, but he loves to review stuff, so he'll also want to do review words for fun and take turns quizzing each other or making hangman games for each other on spelling words that he's done already. So all good stuff, but it makes spelling take a long time and next thing I know a half hour has gone by. He does something similar in math - we do a lesson in MM and then he wants to flip the pages over and take turns making math problems for each other, so math can end up taking 30-45 min too. 


    So maybe I just need to spread out the lessons a bit and convince my child that we don't actually need to do the flashcards every day.  We don't do the tiles either - he doesn't need them and they seem to get in the way. 

  2. I haven't started spelling yet this year and I'm feeling guilty, so I came here to post. :-) DS worked through AAS1 last year and we both liked it fine - he's a good reader and speller for his age. Every time I think about pulling out AAS2, I get overwhelmed this year. We're doing more for 1st grade and I feel like AAS takes such a long time that we won't get to everything else before he is done for the day. DS is a pretty compliant, happy learner, but tacking on 30 min of spelling a day means we'll have to cut back somewhere else. 


    For AAS people, is there a way to work through daily lessons quicker? How do you break up a lesson throughout the week?


    For non-AAS people, tell me about your spelling program. DS taught himself to read early and was spelling words for fun at 3, so I'm pretty sure he can handle a spelling program that is a little less intensive. 

  3. I just read this whole thread and now the word shower just looks weird. I voted take a shower, but I am much more likely to hop in the shower. I agree with PP that baths are not for getting clean too. 


    I thought this was going to be about shower order of operations which are very important. I tend to be a bit shower OCD and have an order to my shower. If get out of order, I get all confused. (probably the lack of caffeine since showers are usually pre-coffee). If anyone is curious: get in, get wet, wash hair, condition hair, wash face, shave, wash body, comb through hair while washing out conditioner, rinse off. 

  4. I just tried to PM you, but I can't for some reason. Kept getting weird error messages. 


    Anyway, we're in Vermont and my son is doing a 50 state postcard swap this year. I'm happy to send your daughter a Vermont postcard. We even have fun facts on ours! PM me your address and I'll get it out with our next batch of cards. I ended up with about 40 extra, so I have plenty.



  5. Any RI homeschoolers out there? I have a friend who is considering taking her Kindergartener out of public school and homeschooling him. I started to look up some information for her and RI laws seem quite onerous. I had heard VT was a tough school to homeschool in, but RI seems worse. How hard is it? If you are homeschooling there, do you have any good links or FB groups I can direct my friend to? 


    Thanks in advance!

  6. Early 90's in RI - 1 year mixed PE and Health. No gym suits or showers, we just had to be dressed to workout. We were in the gym the whole time and I remember playing ping pong, badminton and whiffle ball. We could lift weights if we wanted too. Mostly we just stood around and chatted until we saw the PE teacher heading our way and we would play something until she went elsewhere. Nothing was organized - we would have around 30 kids in the gym at once, doing whatever we wanted.

  7. What Peterson did was abuse - from the report: "beating allegedly resulted in numerous injuries to child, including cuts and bruises to the child’s back, buttocks, ankles, legs, scrotum"


    I'm a football fan and follow many sports writers on twitter - I've never seen a group of people so collectively horrified. I'm not going to click on the pictures - they'll probably keep me up at night, but apparently they're pretty terrible.


    There are many other and more effective ways to parent aside from beating your child. So to answer your question, yes, using the switch is abuse.

  8. The workers at CPS/DCF have a really hard job to do. In some states, they overstep, but in others, they don't do enough. We've had 2 babies die this year - in both cases, there had been repeated calls to DCF that weren't followed up on properly. VT is a pretty small state, so 2 deaths due to DCF neglect is a big deal. They absolutely do not follow up on every case presented to them - they don't have to. The worker can make the call on whether a follow up is necessary. Obviously, somewhere in the middle of being too intrusive and allowing babies to be killed by their parents is ideal. I don't envy their jobs though. 

  9. We do almost exactly what silver does - one or a few problems from each set, all the puzzle corners and word problems. DS is doing 3A right now and today he did pages 39-41. I had him pick 3 problems on page 39 to do, then he wanted to do more because he liked circling the answers on the number line at the bottom of the page. He did all of the problems on page 40 (word problems) and on page 41, he did 1 problem from section 3, 1 from section 4 and the puzzle corner.

  10. We love the dark chocolate mini peanut butter cups. They sell a bucket of them, but they also have small packages at checkout. The mini rice crackers - multiseed with soy sauce are delicious as are the peanut butter filled pretzels. I haven't tried the ones dipped in chocolate though - too dangerous to keep in the house! :-) The cereal is a great deal - Joe's O's and rice krispies are $1.99 for a big box here which is less than half the cost of the ones in the regular grocery store. DS loves Joe Joe cookies (oreos). 

  11. I'm so sorry you're in so much pain happycc! My MIL has this  - was diagnosed about 10 years ago. From watching what she's gone through, I'd recommend you find a neurologist first thing. They can help you find meds that work for you. She's currently on neurontin I believe and that seems to help a good deal with the pain. I've noticed that she does better staying ahead of the pain rather than reacting to it. In the past, she'd stop taking the neurontin when the pain went away and then it was harder to get the pain back under control. If she takes it as directed, she can stay pain free better. I know cold and stress are two big triggers for it as well. 


    Good luck!

  12. We have limited storage space, but I like to keep what we have pretty well stocked with basics. We'd probably be good for a couple of weeks as it stands now. We have a wood stove and about a cord of cut and stacked wood that we could use in a power outage situation. I started keeping us a bit better stocked up after hurricane Irene in 2011. That one took out our road and we were stuck for a couple of days. It could have been much worse (some of our neighbors had extensive flood damage to their houses) but it was an eye opener. 


    This thread is reminding me that I need to go through the medicine cabinet and pantry and first aid kit to get restocked on those. We're in a great location - surrounded by woods and next to a stream, so we could always have heat and water (would have to filter and boil) and we have very nice neighbors and I am sure that if anything happened, we'd pool resources and help each other.

  13. I had an emergency root canal followed by a crown almost 2 years ago. The crown was really not a big deal. As PP said, it's a little loud and the drill can be slightly uncomfortable, but it didn't hurt. The temp crown was fine - my dentist got a great fit with it. I was just told to avoid chewing on that tooth until the permanent crown was put in. The permanent one requires a snug fit so there was a little pressure when the dentist put it into place. I was pain free from the time of my root canal on - a bit of tenderness at the site of the Novacain injection, but that's about it. 


    Be very sure of your bite after the crown gets placed. The dentist will check it to make sure, but it took a bit for mine to be 100% right. I actually had to go back a week or so later for a bite check. 

  14. DS has an ipod nano that is loaded with music and audiobooks. As a family, we have an ipad (DH) a Kindle Fire (me), an xbox 360 and a wii. DS gets 30 min of game time most days - he can choose between kindle free time, wii, minecraft with daddy on the xbox or pbs kids on my laptop. He also can watch a little TV before dinner and occasionally a show in the morning when he gets up. He has an easy time regulating himself with TV - has no problem watching a 30 min show and then finding something else to do. He has a very hard time regulating himself with any kind of game, so we need to keep tighter tabs on those for now.

  15. I did DH's credentialing 2 years ago and more recently did the credentialing for his group practice. I, personally, think you'd be ripped off at $1200. I'm not sure which companies you're looking at, but 90 days is about right on average. BCBS was a bit quicker and we're still waiting on Medicaid. Cigna is quite slow - I think close to 6 months. I'm going to call them to follow up this week and I'm guessing the credentialing will "suddenly" be complete once I make the call. 


    I definitely did not spend between 10-30 hours for each company. Maybe 10 hrs total. Maybe. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions!

  16. I'm good with cold, but I get crabby once it hits 85 (80 if it's humid). Not particularly sensitive to it, but I'm grumpy. I am more sensitive to trying to sleep in the heat. I toss and turn and can't get comfortable on the hot nights if we don't have the A/C on. Thankfully there were only a few of those this summer and the A/C was in the window ready to go!


    Not sure on the vitamin deficiency. I'm probably low on D, but I do take a supplement. 

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