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Posts posted by trulycrabby

  1. I know from experience that it takes a few years to get to "know" your disease; which basically means to learn about the various signs and symptoms you experience as a person with sls. Also, you will learn what side effects from medications you tend to have, and what other illness or infections you are prone to get. So, as time goes on, you will get a better sense of who you need to call.


    You might consider contacting a few of the types of doctors (such as an internist or coordinated care facility) that the other posters recommended, meet with a few, tell them what you are looking for, and see who can best meet your medical needs.

  2. Oh, to answer your question; mil brought up large pieces of cardboard, completely covered the puzzle, then put several heavy objects on top to keep kitty away from her puzzles. It worked pretty well, but if kitty could reach under the cardboard to the puzzle pieces, then the puzzle was destroyed.

  3. My Kindle Fire 8 is absolutely wonderful for amazon and netflix streaming videos and for reading late at night using the blue shade function, which removes blue light. Battery life is short; it charges and drains quickly. I might have gotten a lemon, so if anyone else loves theirs, then take my words with a grain of salt. Net surfing and page loading are slow, slow, slow, so for internet stuff like WTM I use the ipad (latest model, whichever that's called).


    My absolute favourite tablet is an old Kindle Fire HDX with a six inch screen and a workhorse processor. I wore out my old one and bought one for $50 bucks as a warehouse deal. Battery life is better than the Kindle Fire 8, but it doesn't have the blue screen function, and of course the viewing screen is smaller.


    There is a new model Kindle Fire with a fast processor and ten-inch screen, but I prefer smaller screens for reading.

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  4. Flu A is primarily respiratory but can have intestinal symptoms such as nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting. Flu B is primarily intestinal with vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, and diarrhea.


    Flu A is the dominant circulating virus this year, but the pediatric nurse told me she has also seen Flu B in the last few weeks.


    If you can't get tamiflu, then stock up on Sambucol/elderberry syrup.

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