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Posts posted by soufflegirl

  1. DS (almost 4) can summarize the day and draw identifiable pictures. DD (2) can summarize, but I can't tell what she's drawn just by looking at it. DS is a chatterbox and it rubbed off on DD, I guess. I remember my brother having trouble with the whole concept of yesterday/today/tomorrow, though. To him, yesterday meant any time in the past, and tomorrow was any time in the future. So there's definitely a pretty wide range at that age.

  2. Cruiser bikes generally have the handle bars positioned so that you sit upright when you ride. That's what I use for riding on the bike trail (converted railway line) near my house, and I haven't had any problems with my back/arms. It sounds like extending the handle bar shaft on your bike would do the same thing.


    I didn't get any special clothing for riding, beyond a pair of $5 shorts from Old Navy. If they're in the wash, I'll wear jeans or a sundress or whatever. I'm not trying to set any speed records, though - I just like getting some fresh air for an hour or so without small children climbing all over me.

  3. I have The Well Planned Day planner. Like the other posters, I'm not crazy about the pre-printed subjects - I'd rather have it divided into time slots. It's pretty, and I was lucky to win it through one of their Facebook contests, but I don't think I'd pay for it next year. For what I need, I'd be fine with one of those teacher lesson planner/grade books from Staples for half the price.

  4. I never heard of them being required at my university, but they were fairly common. Everyone was required to take 9 credits each of Theology and Philosophy, and you needed only needed 18 credits for a minor in either one. A lot of people just used 3 of their electives to get the minor to throw on their resume.

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