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  1. I appreciated coming across this post. I seem to get a lot of negative feedback when I say that we are Saxon users. Having only used one level, I too am wondering whether the new versions are just as effective as the older ones? I just purchased the new homeschool 5/4 edition.
  2. Wow Lori...thanks so much for your insight. I really appreciate the time you took to help me!
  3. I am looking for a program to use with my daughter who is currently close to finishing her 3rd grade year. We used Drawn Into the Heart of Reading this year (as we use Heart of Dakota and it is written by and recommended by the author). My daughter has no problem with reading comprehension and is reading several levels above her grade level. I'm wondering if there is something out there that focuses more on literary elements?? Any advice you can give on what worked/didn't work for you would be greatly appreciated!
  4. We are finishing up GSWL now, and are planning to go straight into CAP Latin for Children A. We have really enjoyed GSWL...hoping LFC will work as well for us!
  5. I too am interested in hearing responses, as we are considering both for next year!
  6. Thank you for all of your suggestions...this thread has really helped me in my decision making process for a timeline!
  7. Thank you so much for all of your input! I really appreciate it!
  8. I've been researching different timeline products online but am having trouble deciding on one to purchase. Any suggestions as to what worked/didn't work for your children would be so helpful!
  9. This is definitely less expensive at Homeschool Buyers Co-op...anyone have any experience with the curriculum??
  10. I bought them last night after reading the comments on this thread :lol:
  11. Thanks Jess! I initially purchased LFC A, but as this is our first year homeschooling, and our first year with Latin, I thought it might get us off on the wrong foot in jumping in too deep too quickly. I think I may take your advice to do 1&2 in a single year. I truly appreciate your feedback. Thanks for your time!
  12. It looked like there was some review when I checked the samples on the CAP website...I just wanted some reassurance before purchasing a particular level. Latin for Children A is just too much for her right now.
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