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Posts posted by yellowperch

  1. I lived in NYC when my oldest was 4. The insanity is pernicious and horrible. I managed to avoid it not because I have wisdom or strength of character--it would take far more than both of those anyway--but because I was 1. toying with the idea of homeschooling, 2. too cheap/broke to pay outlandish tuition, and 3. on my way out of town. Had these factors not been in play I fear I would have been swept up too.


    Among my beautiful, smart, down-to-earth, not-weird friends there was not one who managed to resist going at least a little insane trying to get her child into preschool. It was hard to watch. Six year later all the kids are fine, and the moms are too.

  2. Intense is what you think it is. Tough workouts, by your estimate. I usually do two 90 minute hard core boot-camp style workouts a week, and 3 not so hard but still energizing 40 minute rides on my lifecycle. Want to hit the running trails again but need to get myself a 13 year old first.

  3. Above 103, I call the doc and get to work bringing the fever down. 104 crosses the serious line into potnetially dangerous. 106 I'd have flown to the ER. I'm glad your babe is doing better, but I wouldn't have waited, and I wouldn't have asked here about it first. Book recs, yes. Parenting advice, sure. And I'd ask here after the fact because this is a great pool of parents. But your child's doctor should have been the first call. Please forgive me for sounding so bossy, but you asked.


    I'm happy all is well. It's always tough when a child is sick. Hope you both have a restful night.

  4. My children, and especially my daughter, loved these as well, and we never really did find anything like them. Your son might enjoy the Billy and Blaze books. These are much shorter but they are a series about a boy and his horse and are quite lovely. Also not quite as great but still good for this level: Tomie DePaola's 26 Fairmount Avenue series.


    I agree that the books are perfectly paced and kids seem ready for each one as they complete the preceeding book. But there should be more!!!

  5. http://www.amazon.com/Jamie-Angus-Stories-Anne-Fine/dp/0763633127/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1299721673&sr=8-1


    Mrs. Piggle Wiggle is also a great choice. The chapters stand alone so you don't have to finish the book if you run out of time. The first book is by far the best. Mr. Popper's Penguins and EB White books are great, but some of the children may already know them (not that hearing them more than once is a bad thing)

  6. Okay, I'm back in.


    I have some questions so I can think about the best way to travel. I didn't find a schedule on the website. Does anyone have an idea about what time of day this is likely to start and end, and whether the opening events are great or not? (for example, I'd miss a fluffy general talk if that also meant missing a 6 am flight or train, but if SWB is speaking at 9 on Thursday, I'll make sure I'm there)


    I just found it. The games begin at 2 Thursday. That should make for an easy travel morning.


    And I'm serious about bunking with someone(s). I don't snore and I pick my socks up. Plus, I always carry snacks, a deck of cards and a few good books. An I'm not bringing any kids. Not even one. (ETA: I love my kids! all of them! but I really want to concentrate and when I'm with them I end up concentrating on them, of course.)



    I will probably take the train, but I might drive. Would anyone from NE want to carpool? That would take some planning but it's a thought

  7. I think I'm going to go for it. Dh probably will not come with. I'd love to find a roommate to share the costs. I'm looking into travel options now. Train, plane or drive?


    We should do a meet-up, of course!


    This is my first, so I am excitied. Still need to work out Dh's work travel and my mom's availibility with the kids.


    Are most of you coming without children?


    ETA: Just read the statement of belief. That's a little much for me. Now I need to think a little more.

  8. Okay, I am ready to enter the IEW universe. I've been on their website 100 times, but I still can't figure out exactly what I need to buy. I think my mind fritzes at the $$$$.


    In any case, my 5th grader needs writing boot camp. We need to start somewhere well before the 5 paragraph essay (but well past sentences) and build our way forward. I want to do the middle ages history theme because he is bright and likes non-ficiton and will probably weep if I read him dictations from Alice in Wonderland or ask him to narrate from Little House on the Prairie.



    I need the whole kit and kaboodle. I will roll my advanced 3rd grader in the fall. From what I understand I need SWI (a or b? suggestions), plus the TWSS kit, and some notebooks, binders, workbooks?



    What do I need to buy now? And what don't I need?


    Thank you for any help.




  9. Oh my gosh! I found this book used online and it arrived today. It is gorgreous, fantastic, wonderful. I've just started looking through it but I had to come here and say--what a find. So far, I especially love to large detailed close-ups. I can almost feel the paint.


    Love, love, love it. Thank you!


    The videos are next!



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