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Posts posted by yellowperch

  1. Would someone who has used these kindly tell me what you think, and what your child thinks? DSs are soon to finish decimals and I'm about to order the next two books but I thought I'd ask for a reivew before I hit "purchase".


    My boys are great at math, but I'm concerned the biology and economics might be beyond them. They worked diligently and happily through the first two books.


    Also, how much time would you allocate for each book? How did you use them?


    Thank you.

  2. Sart with easy and low-brow.


    Captain Underpants then

    Diary of a Wimpy Kid series then

    the 39 Clues then

    Percy Jackson series then


    he'll be on his way...


    Once you get to the 39 clues I would read aloud to him, the stop reading at a particularly exciting part. Leave the book lying around. Keep busy. Don't look at him. When he reads do not comment. Give him snacks.

  3. They are out, across the border in Tunisia where they will be met by a medical team, and then home once they get shoes (theirs were taken) clean clothes, and travel documents.


    The relief is total, but they were not well-treated. Theirs was quite an ordeal and their driver was killed (they think) in crossfire. The short of it is this: they were at a newly erected government checkpoint and being forcibly detained when the checkpoint came under rebel fire. It got worse from there.


    The rest will come out as the four decide how and when to tell their stories. I really appreciate the kindness shown here. My husband loves Tyler like a brother, and I'm just so relieved.

  4. We're all sisters here! My mother just came to help out for a couple of days so I can get my root canal finished and go to two other appointments, and maybe (she doesn't know this yet) take over for me overnight tomorrow so I can go to NYC to say bye to DH who is about to hit to road again. Who does that? Comes and makes dinner and takes care of the kids, and chases them around laughing and listens to them so intently as they tell their stories? And cleans the house so it is really nice when you come home? Your mom, that's who. We are lucky....



    And yet, she came in with arm loads of groceries (I just went to the market but she always comes in with groceries because she misses shopping for a family) including no small amount of junk food. And she get everything to the back door before coming in. So instead of having my boys carry things in as they should for their mom an grandmother, she did the heavy lifting. Because I make my kids do too much and it's drizzling, she thought I'm sure. See....isn't that annoying?


    My mother brags, and tells very personal stories to everyone and never asks anyone about themselves. To be fair she is an extremely entertaining woman, so people really do like to listen to her. She's just forgotten the other side of the social conversation. And she reveals everything. No editor.


    Everyone loves her. I really, really love her. But she makes me crazy...crazy, I tell you. Then she makes me feel guilty because she makes me crazy. Which depresses me.


    Did I tell you she is always late? And hugs people all the time.


    I think mainly she makes me feel like I'm 13. Mortified and scared of what she is going to say next.


    A better woman I do not know.


    We should trade mothers for a week. I bet you'd love mine and I'd love yours. We are lucky to have them. Now excuse me while i try to wrest the Oreos from the baby...

  5. To CCM: No plans of any sort yet (that I know of). I'm hoping to connect with people here on this thread and start getting organized. I've never been to a convention so I don't know that much about how they are organized and so I don't know what makes sense. We'll figure it all though, I'm sure.


    As far as the kids go, I hope you don't feel chastised by the anti-crying people. I've had to do so many things with all my kids, and often solo. I just keep my head up and smile and remember that more than 1/2 the people I think are disapproving are just glad it's not their children raising a rukus this time.

  6. I would rent a car for a day and head to Plimouth Plantation, and I would not miss the Museum of Science. The last time we were there a docent was doing a sheep heart/lung dissection at a table the kids (and I) could pull chairs right up to. I almost swooned I was so excited. This was in the anatomy room I think on the second floor.

  7. Here's the post.




    Wild horses couldn't keep me awy from Philly now. Time to firm up those plans. And we WTMers really must find each other.


    Of course, the real reason I am going is because I really need to think and read and listen and learn about how to teach my minions to write. I will keep my primary purpose foremost and try not to scuffle on the other issues.


    I'll be flying solo, kidless, and looking for roommates at the hotel attached to the convention center. I keep meaning to call the hotel to see if they have a suite for 4. Would anyone want to do that if one were available? It might be less expensive than a double for 2. And it might be more fun.

  8. My children are 11, 9, almost 7, 4 and 1.4. I like the looks of this program, but I need to keep costs down, and keep things relatively simply. We have lots of art books already so maybe I just need to make a commitment to reading them and doing art projects (we have a projects book based on aparticular artists already, too.) Has anyone used this with a range of ages? Does having the program make it more likely that you follow through? How are the projects to execute? What would you really need to order to have a good chance of making this work.


    Ca you tell DOING art not my forte?






    Thank you,

  9. This I morning as I opened my paper I said to myself, "I miss Charlie Sheen." Somewhere back there, before Libya really turned, before the earthquake, before Congress started going really full bore, I (who had CS and the guy in the pirate movie and that other guy who i knew form grocery store lines had been in and out of rehab conflated into one bloached, silly hollywood fool. I really did think they were all the same guy) was enjoying the spectacle. Until, that is, I read an op-ed piece about how CS is has repeatedly physcally abused the women in his life. Then watching him self-destruct wasn't so funny any more.


    I can understand people missing the news re:Libya--its not always easy to keep up--but you can't really blame the press. This has been front page, top of the hour news in the NYTimes and NPR since the protests began.

  10. The closeness of Morman families

    The the activism on behalf of the poor evident in several strains of Catholicism (conservative and radical leftist, etc.)

    The Catholics' consistant pro-life position (pro-life, anti-death penalty, pro economic justice, etc.)

    The intellectualism and justice-based traditions of Judaism.

    The progressiveness of lefty-liberal Protestant churches in my area--female clergy, etc.

    The wisdom of Buddhists.

    The courage of pro-democracy Muslims we've all witnessed recently.

    The steadfastedness, compassion, selflessness, and that is Christ's hallmark and that is striven for by many of the Catholics and Christians I know.

    The Christian notion of God as one who helps us carry our burdens and comforts us in our suffering.

  11. Domestic engineer, thanks for the link to your friends blog. I think I love her lego set up. Is there a chance you could ask her how it's working out two months later. I'd ask on her blog but I have no idea how. I don't think I can just post a question/comment. I'd also love to know the specifics of the tool kit, and how many legos it holds (very roughly, of course). Also, are those sharp, toddler-damaging corners? And does the top really work as a building area and do things stay sorted and get put away by the kids? Thank you!


    As an aside, I have always wanted one of these for my kitchen: http://www.homedepot.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10053&productId=202033596&R=202033596


    But I'd need an entirely different kitchen, of course.

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