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lots of little ducklings

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Everything posted by lots of little ducklings

  1. Gotcha. I guess I'd missed that the inspections were a side gig. (((Slashie family)). Praying for the right door to open for him.
  2. I can't remember if The Office has lots of OMGs... I've learned to tune them out, since they are so obnoxiously prevalent in media. But otherwise it's clean in terms of language; at least, inappropriate words are bleeped out for comic value. Hugs on Dh discussion. Can you fill me in on the bolded? I miss too much of the thread, I guess.
  3. Happy Friday! The coffee booyah was the best, and is re-energizing me for the day after a long (late-start) morning. Kids are finally lunching now (2:45) and we still have 2 math groups to complete after lunch (if I can manage it). Ugh, and bills. We really liked House, btw. In spite of a lot of inappropriateness. As with everything, we binge-watched it about a decade after everyone else. Currently finishing season 7 of The Office.
  4. "When I ring the bell, I mean it!!" -Dd10 just now Stealing my lines, as usual.
  5. Gasp! This kind of language is not allowed in our house, and is punishable by death, or cooking duty, depending on the Magistrate's mood.
  6. So did Dd9, but there weren't any leftovers to bring home. Our Monarchs of England cards just arrived, and Ds12 is next to me right now, drooling over them.
  7. Happy Tuesday! Coffeeeeeeee! Quiche in the oven for a meeting I have this morning. It smells yummy. Dh is working from home so the kids can work from home too. Time to warm the van. I think I’ll get a coffee from the coffee shop on the way.
  8. Monday is killing me. (No offense to Her Majesty.) I hope Dh remembers to bring pizza home with the choir kids. Or without. There just better be pizza.
  9. Cheering for Packers AND an anti-folder. I LOVE YOU KRISSI!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Oops. No longer lazy day. We are going hiking (which is also good... except that I have to get dressed.)
  11. Did I tell y'all that I got the tree down last weekend? Go me. This weekend is lazy (as is evidenced by the fact that I'm still in my pj's and it's noon). Dh and I have a date night tonight, and the temps are mild so we are going to one of our favorite port cities, and our fave Mexican restaurant. I had planned on starting our Chaucer study last September, but procrastinated. It has paid off. We finally started it last week and it's aligning perfectly with our British history lessons. Another win for laziness!
  12. Wooo-HOOOOOOOOO! Another ITT baby!!! A hive full of busy bees over here, apparently.
  13. We have mini-stairs in our tri-level house, so I guess we get the best of both worlds? Except you can't really do much to add on to a tri-level (it's basically a split level, but you enter into the main living space, not a landing). As tri-levels go, it's a cute enough house, but the inability to expand really stinks. And we have one toilet in one little bathroom. The bathroom sink is in an old closet because it couldn't fit anywhere else. Hence eliminating the closet. Whine. We should move to Texas. Housing prices here are outrageous.
  14. So glad to hear you are feeling better, Toto. Do get things checked out if it happens again, though. We have rules around here, you know. 💞
  15. (((Bookie))) Praying you are able to find drama-free closure.
  16. I didn't, but so smart! Hadn't thought of that. Thanks for the tip.
  17. Also, I remembered to write 2020 on piano teacher's check. 🏆
  18. Speaking of procrastinators....HAPPY NEW YEAR! Yesterday was recovery day (we all stayed up for the countdown, even ds5). Today was a super early double appointment at the orthodontist, followed by piano lessons times five. I'm counting it as warm-up for next week (we start school again on Monday). Tree is still up.
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