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Posts posted by MaeFlowers

  1. 43 minutes ago, Pawz4me said:

    Very rambly, mostly unformed thoughts --

    I think we see some of this in religion, especially prosperity gospel. Believe this stuff/do these things and you will be rewarded (or at least bad carp won't happen to you). Of course that's a totally false teaching but it really seems to appeal to lots of people. Likewise with parenting--so many believe if they raise their child "in church" or with their idea of what constitutes Biblical values then the child will grow up to be "good" or"right." It's a very false sense of control.

    But I do think personality plays a large role. We raised our boys with virtually no limits on technology or screens. Both are young adults now and have never had any issues with overuse. Maybe their brains simply aren't wired for addiction to that sort of thing. IDK


    I was thinking about this for a long time (prior to this thread). That certain personality types are drawn to more rule oriented denominations. Actually, I was thinking about the most rule oriented person that I know. They have chosen a church that leans towards legalism where what constitutes "right" and "wrong" behavior is clearly defined. They tend to be very rigid in their thinking, very black and white. Interestingly, this person was raised in a chaotic environment. I've always assumed their need for rules stems from that. 

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  2. My first impulse is to say that, yes, we need rules. Society needs rules to prevent chaos. The degree to which the individual needs rules is going to vary widely.

    In some ways, we have loosened up our rules as a society in other ways we have tightened the reigns. I'm not sure we have always done so in the right ways.

    I'm a slow processer and I need some time to think this through more. It's an interesting topic.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Mergath said:


    The dress has to conform to some fairly strict requirements because it's a royal wedding and they're having it in a chapel, from what I read. All the designers who were interested had to submit designs to make sure they were appropriately modest.


    I understand that. I just throught that the bodice and sleeves looked awkward. More like she had bought the dress off the rack and skipped the fittings. 

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  4. I missed the ceremony but am really enjoying looking through the photos. I love all the dresses and tails. 

    I have to admit I am somewhat disappointed in Meghan's dress. The veil is gorgeous but the dress is too simple. Maybe if it had fit her better it would have worked. Still, she looked beautiful and glowing. And the pictures of her mother are wonderful, too. She is glowing right along with her!

    • Like 2
  5. 13 hours ago, marbel said:

    I thought mag oxide was the least absorbable. But I haven't looked it up in a long time. Or maybe mag citrate was specifically recommended for chronic constipation for that reason. It's one of the colonoscopy prep items (in liquid form), or  used to be.


    I thought mag oxide was, too. Of course, when I dh offered to pick me up some magnesium at the store, he bought mag oxide. It still works for me and I take a small amount. It helps reduce my anxiety*, my heart palpitations and migraines. So, I'm not completely convinced the form matters. 


    • Like 2
  6. I'll second the magnesium for menstral migraines. I take OTC magnesium but it does help prevent them from happening in the first place. I discovered it accidentally when I started taking magnesium to help with anxiety.  

    I can't have caffeine, either. When I get migraines from tension, I take a tylenol and lie down at even the first inkling of one coming on. I need quiet and darkness until that tylenol kicks in.

    • Like 2
  7. I've had similar reactions but they dont usually last so long. It sounds like the product destroyed your acid mantle. You have to get your skin back to health.

    Personally, I think finding the right cleanser is most important. If your skin feels dry or tight after you use it, it's making things worse. Avoid cleansers for acne, too. Try to find something gentle that doesn't sud. Milk or oil cleansers are the best for that. That will go a long way to getting your skin to calm down. Then, find a good basic moisturizer. Look for ones with hyaluronic acid. You might check out The Ordinary for some inexpensive but basic ones.

    I have never used it but Clarins SOS is always mentioned in the beauty gurus guides for irritated skin. It might be worth a try, too.

    I'm sorry you're going through this. Even "normal" skin can become sensitive skin with the wrong products. And it's so frustrating and disappointing when things make your skin go crazy.

  8. Kids are always going to be different but this little miss is rude. I am willing to put up with lots of things as I am pretty laid back but I wouldn't put up with this. I dont care about kids getting food but I do care about attitudes and manipulative behaviors. 

    Just recently, dh had to tell a friend that his daughter wasnt allowed to come here anymore. She screams, lies, manipulates and bullies my dd. I don't like it and my dd didn't enjoy having her around. 

    Just curious, have you talked to your dc about her behavior? I found that when I talked to dd about this little girl's behavior she was really struggling with it but didnt know how to voice it. Your dc may not really like this friend!

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  9. Like I said above, honest makes more sense to me because I want an honest opinion. I don't want it you to be nice. Give it to me straight, Jack! That's how I read it...you're about to tell me how you *really* feel.

    Humble seems odd. It feels like the person is either too meek or trying to manipulate me. The first, I want to help find a voice. The second, I want to smack upside the head.

  10. The School Box is listed in their stores. I think they just carry things for GS. I haven't been but hope to go either tomorrow or sometime next week.

    I under the Atlanta Area Council. The troops that say K-5 or K-11 are in rural areas close to the Alabama border. Not much population density.

    There are two Daisy troops relatively close to me. Both about 12 miles in the same direction but in a different county. I'm really suprised there isn't one in my town. 

    I'm wondering if it would be worthwhile to try and start one here.

    Edit: Maybe there is one and it's full. The online listings are for troops with openings.

  11. Do the stores need to be local? There is a School Box in the next town over but the closest GS store is 20 miles away.  I don't know how much they will know about my area.

  12. I have been looking through the GS locator system for a troop to join. There are a quite a few in my area but I have some questions.

    1. Many of the troops are K-1 only while others are K-5 or K-11. I am assuming the ones that are K-5 or more are more established troops. Would it be better to look into joining these troops?

    2.  Most of the troops hold bi-weekly meetings or monthly meetings. Is this the norm? 

    3. What else should I look for when joining? 

    I'm just lost in this process. Any advice is welcome.

  13. 13 hours ago, lmrich said:

    Here is my simplified version... Yes. 

    I have explained to non-believers or those who are questioning this rationale: 

    God is like a great-grandma. Great-grandmas just love you. They usually don't ask about your record card or how you did in the game; you cannot earn their love by doing good stuff. They care about those things if you want to tell them. But they just love you. Just the way you are. The only thing you have to do is love them back and honor them.  (nice to send them a card on Mother's Day). They are always thrilled to see you; they honestly think you are beautiful and wonderful and lovely. As a child, you knew great-grandma loved you. 


    Probably not a great answer to your question.. but I get what you are saying. Why would the God of the universe care about me, let alone, love me? Because he chooses to. I think, again from my limited knowledge, that God created the world, tried really hard to control the people throughout the Old Testament (a lot like how we treat our children and probably our grandchildren - trying to teach them lessons), and then He realizes we, as people, are kind of a mess. He can either keep trying to control the mess, or He can love us the way we are. The New Testament is His way of saying, I just love you. Stop trying to earn it; start feeling the love. Just like a great-grandma. Accept the love. 


    Ive been trying to stay out of this thread for lots of reasons but I just have to say that I love your great grandma analogy! It's pretty spot on for me. 

    I guess I equate love to acceptance. God accepts me for who I am and meets me where I'm at. 

    • Like 1
  14. 22 minutes ago, happysmileylady said:

    That’s generally my stereotypical image too. Also likely includes an administration structure that is as much a business as it is a place of worship. 


    This is it. When I think megachurch, I think of a business and not a church.

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  15. Years ago, I arrived at work and was immediately pulled aside by a same-level coworker to be corrected by something I had done "wrong." I was slightly miffed as he was not my supervisor. Of course I had to speak with my supervisor about what had happened and while he was not particularly concerned by my own mistake, he was very pertubed by my co-workers actions because it was not within his job description to do what he had done. He received a reprimand while I did not.

    If it is part of your job description, I would continue to send emails. If not, I would either let it slide or address it informally. I think you will be more influential in getting your point across if you use softer terms. Terms like "misogynisitic undertones" are going to put people on the defense.

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  16. My older dc isn't picky at all. I could probably count on one hand the things he doesn't like. The younger one is the exact opposite. She is incredibly picky. It's so hard. I worry about her diet because she eats so little variety. 

    I have to admit that reading the threads on here about picky eaters helped me quite a bit with her. While I have always understood that taste isn't something you chose, I needed to be reminded to have some patience. She is willing to at least try and her acceptable foods list is growing. 

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  17. We're kind of in the same boat with the debt load. It's a different set of reasons but we took some major hits last year. I had a bit of a breakdown the other day over it. Even though we can make the payments, the amount going to debt is overwhelming.

    Have you looked into a refi or second mortgage? If sounds like you have a large amount of equity and you could cash out and still have equity remaining. You could reduce your payments somewhat and your interest rates. 

    We looked into it but we didnt have the equity. Selling our house doesn't make sense here as rents are signifigantly more. So, we are paying it down slowly. Very, very slowly.

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  18. Dd goes to bed about 9:30 but doesn't go to sleep until around midnight. She usually only gets up once to go to the bathroom. She wakes between 7 and 10.


    If I have energy left, I try to get things done after 10pm. But, to be honest, it is really hard to be productuve at that point. I usually stay behind on everything. I just have to sneak in twenty minutes or work here or there when I can.

  19. I do most of the cleaning. When things are a little messy, like that room, I just do it. If I find their stuff where it shouldnt be, I throw it in their rooms to deal with.


    The dc are responsible for their own rooms. Of course, dd is only 5 so I help her.


    Otherwise, I just ask them to help out here and there. I don't have a chore list or assigned chores. It's more trouble than it's worth for me.

  20. Sometimes I see listings like this and I have to admire them. Those are people who lived how they wanted to. There was no thought to resale or hgtv.


    And you’d always know what you could get them for Christmas!

    I agree. I admire his creativity and respect the time spent. I couldn't buy the house because I would almost feel bad throwing everything and gutting it.

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