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Posts posted by MaeFlowers

  1. I have been thinking quite a bit about this and my ds 14. He is ADHD inattentive type and I completely understand the losing things, not see things, etc. I could not imagine giving him a 3x5 card or notebook, even with a box to contain them. I'd be getting the same texts.

    I've always given him lists for daily work or sat and dictated his work to him while he made a list. Both worked well, but I've got to get him more self-reliant. I'm thinking about creating more generic lists for daily chores/work and putting them in erasable sleeves for him. Each day would have a different list/sleeve. I have some of these https://www.amazon.com/TYH-Supplies-10-Pack-Reusable-Assorted/dp/B01HN47UC6/ref=pd_bap_m_rp_8/137-3239101-1407469?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B01HN47UC6&pd_rd_r=8218479f-8df9-4cb2-80b6-46d97c86382f&pd_rd_w=o52uf&pd_rd_wg=N7NnK&pf_rd_p=c3219280-80f4-43e6-abee-1a8cf87bc0ee&pf_rd_r=2029MC7M5Y1Z4JZ48ADJ&psc=1&refRID=2029MC7M5Y1Z4JZ48ADJ

    Honestly, I don't really want to do that. I want him to be more self-directed. Lists just become same song, different verse around here. Instead of asking if he did x chore, I end up asking and did you check your list. It feels exactly the same to me.

    So, no answers here, lol. I'll be curious to hear others methods and ideas.

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  2. I used to have this problem and switched to single blade razors. I did it because of something I read or saw on tv a long time ago that explained how multiblade razors work. If I remember correctly, multiblade razors use the first blade to pull the hair up and away, and the next blade cuts it. It causes hairs to snap back below the skins surface, which leads to ingrown hairs. 

    It isn't as long lasting or as smooth of a shave, but it does work.


  3. If you are out of due diligence, I would assume they are buying the house as-is. Generally, repairs/credits are negotiated within that due diligence window. If they haven't asked, and due diligence is up, they get nothing. (Unless the repairs are required by the lender.)

    At least that's how it works here. 

    Hoping their check clears this time!

    • Like 2
  4. I know someone who used that type of service. It worked out really well for them. However, the house was able to renovated and sold.

    Really, all they can do is call a few of these companies, explain the situation, and see if anyone is interested. They might not be but they won't know unless they try.

    • Like 1
  5. 46 minutes ago, lovinmyboys said:

    I think where I live now, people will say their views, but in general they do it in a respectful way because they know people on the other side. I have no problem with that.

    I am worried about people assuming everyone is on the same side as them, and then not being as careful with their words and using more inflammatory language. Then I have trouble keeping my mouth shut because what they are saying likely isn’t true. Especially when they talk about the other side’s beliefs and I feel like they exaggerate them or misstate them and I have trouble not saying “I don’t know anyone who actually believes that.”


    I'm a moderate who lives in a very red area. I have found many times that people do assume you are one of them and will say things that are inflammatory. Sometimes I bite my tongue, sometimes I dont. Overall, though, most people dont talk about politics too much. 

    I've never lived in a predominantly blue area but I assume it would be the same. I wish people could be more civil. I grew up with such a wide mix of friends and we could talk about things and laugh at the same time. We knew how to respect one another. It's sad those days are gone.

    ETA: To be honest, the political divide hasn't been as difficult as the religious one, for me. I live in a highly evangelical area and am not evangelical. That's where I find myself nodding my head much more because it is talked about signifigantly more than politics and where I find that more people make assumptions about who you are and what you believe.

    • Like 4
  6. 3 minutes ago, TechWife said:

    Again, that's not why my purchase contract says. The seller's agent (builder's) gets 3% and the buyers agent (ours) gets 3%.

    And, again, I said it may be different in your area. 1.5% is the standard here for listing agents on new builds. Personally, I think 3% is high for an agent in a new community. It's kind of like shooting fish in a barrel. But, that's between the seller and the agent.

  7. 16 minutes ago, TechWife said:

    That's not what my purchase contract says.

    Maybe I should have specified seller's agent. The buyers agent typically still gets 3%. It also may be different in your area.

  8. Agents representing new builds are usually working at a reduced rate (more than likely 1.5%).

    RE agents are like any other professional. Some work hard and know their stuff, some don't. Some clients are easy, some are very, very hard. An agent might make easy money on one deal and earn their money ten times over on the next. 

    As to the lawsuit...I didnt read this article but have read others. If I understand correctly, they are alleging that the MLSs and NBoR are fixing prices. But, agents list below standard all the time and entire brokerages exist based on the discount model which sort of negates their argument. I don't think the suit has any real teeth.

  9. I dont care if you use an agent or not and my dh is an agent. Not my circus and all. 

    But, you told your potential buyer that they do not need an agent and they may not understand that thay may still have to pay their agent even if they do not use him to buy your house. And they are going to expect you to pay it when/if that figure that out. I didn't know if you knew that and if you had told them that. 

    I was trying to give you a heads up.

  10. 1 hour ago, Scarlett said:

    How can a seller be forced to pay a realtor that they didn’t sign a contract with?

    You can't be forced to pay the buyer' agent commission. However, it is the standard for sellers to pay the commission. Refusing to pay that will make it harder to sell your home particularly if your home price is at the low end of the market. Like the article said, buyers have a lot of costs already.


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  11. But, if he has a realtor, that realtor may still be able to get commission even if the realtor isn't present when he sees the house. It depends on your state and if he has signed a buyer's agency agreement and the contents of that agreement.

    ETA: Why dont you raise the price of your house to allow for negotation, commissions, etc? It seems like that would be easier?

  12. Another opinion that adding Foundations to your current schedule shouldn't be an issue. Like the poster said above, it really is just 10 minutes or so each day to go through the memory work. Some people do more...it's really up to you.

    And though it's a few years away, the lower levels of challenge aren't that time consuming either. We have been able to continue our other curriculum along side it. It's like any other curriculum...you can make it what you need it to be.

  13. We became an LLC which files as an S Corp. I can't explain it very well but here is a link that explains how it works.


    When we got that 5 figure tax bill, we freaked. Friends suggested we see an accountant and this is what she advised us to do. You might consider having someone look over situation and see what your options are.

    • Like 1
  14. This happened to us on our 2016 taxes. Dh's income went up and our taxes went up the same amount (roughly). I was so streamed. Oh, you made $5000 more, pay $5000 more in taxes! What!?!

    He's also self-employed and we didnt move into a new tax bracket. I never figured it out. I did the taxes 4 times, using two programs and then by hand. I had an accountant look over them and they said they were correct. 

    We owed 5 figures so we had to make a payment plan because, although we were expecting to pay more, we werent expecting it to go up that much. We quickly became an LLC. The next year, we got a refund for the same amount of income.

    • Like 1
  15. 29 minutes ago, hjffkj said:


    Oh, I don't trust disclosures but if it had been inspected previously they'd have to disclose certain issues that arose. 

    We'll certainly be getting a thorough inspection if the offer is accepted.

    It is likely not my agent being slow. She is notoriously fast once things get rolling. She sold our house in June and did a fantastic job pressuring the lender to get paper  work moving at the first sign of them dropping the  ball. She's also helped a few family members find houses. She is the best I've ever dealt with.

    My guess is the seller's agent is the one holding up things.


    Sorry. I think I misunderstood. I thought you were waiting on your agent to write the offer, not on a reponse from the selling agent.

  16. You could be right about the feedback. The sellers may be motivated to sell and are dropping the price to move it quick.

    I wouldnt trust a sellers disclosure, though. Sometimes sellers intentionally leave things out. Sometimes they really just dont know when there are issues or things arent up to code.

    Your agent is moving awfully slow, though. I wonder what her holdup is.

    • Like 1
  17. I think the whole thing points to system that treats symptoms, not causes. Not just the mental health system, the whole medical community. 

    Just recently I was speaking to a dr about high bp. Her response, "That's easy. You can pills for that." When I asked about making lifestyle changes, she looked at me like I was crazy and said, "Well, I guess that might be good, too."

    We've made pharmaceuticals the first response. Part of me blames the drs. It has to be easier to throw pills at things than find the cause. Part of me blames patients because people often wont take on the responsibility to make lifestyle changes. And part of the blame goes to insurance companies.

    I'm having a hard time making a cohesive post this morning, but I think there are multiple causes for why our system is functioning the way it is. It's needs an overhaul. We need to think about illness much differently than we do.

    • Like 6
  18. 1 hour ago, mamamoose said:

    Well Sonlight and Bookshark are sister companies. So it wasn’t “copied.” I suppose none could say that any secular curriculum is also selling a certain worldview, eh?


    What's the point in your post? 

    Yes, Sonlight and Bookshark are sister companies. They basically use the same material and edit it for the audience they want to reach. Much of it is word for word. So I think the word 'copied' is appropriate.

    When saying "a certain worldview", I was specifically speaking to the anti-evolutionist worldview.  And saying that if that is what she is looking for, she might want to skip it because the books don't align.


  19. We are using the Bookshark version so I can't speak to the Sonlight version specifically. 

    Bookshark created the program and Sonlight copied it with some changes. So, the majority of the books are secular with a focus on the history of scientists and scientific advancements. Sonlight threw in some creationist books and I'm sure the instructors manuals have notes galore that support their worldview.

    I'm not sure what quasi-Chrisitan is suppposed to mean but I am assuming it means not a fundamentalist/creationist worldview. If you're looking for a program full of books like AiG that sell a certain worldview, you should just skip it.

  20. 7 hours ago, Lady Florida. said:

    This drone footage is so sad. It reminds me of video of Homestead after Hurricane Andrew. This little town was basically wiped off the map.



    Dh's family has multiple properties in this town. We know from these videos that one is still standing. I dont know about the others, though. It is so sad.

    • Sad 6
  21. 10 hours ago, Murphy101 said:


    Right?! I have no idea how anyone can possibly get lost in Tulsa.  I'm so confused how that's possible.

    My own son called me last week to say he was lost and my first question was, "Damn, how far out of town are you?!" He was really annoyed by that.  Lol But seriously.  Grid system.  If you either go straight or make several turns in the same direction, you are bound by physics to eventually figure out where you are? Go straight and eventually you'll see a sign saying where you are headed (W/E HWY or S/N HWY) or make some left turns and you'll end up close to where you started.   In son's case, I said what intersection are you at? And he said street number and street name.  Okay, well the streets are A, b, c, then d by 10, 20, 30, 40 so you are at C30 and need to go to D40. So go up a mile, turn south (that. Mean right from where you will be) and go another mile.

    His mind was blown that I could do that despite the fact that I have repeatedly drawn our city grid system on paper with major landmarks and made my kids put it in their wallets since they were about 12 years old exactly so they would never get lost and could freely bike or walk wherever.

    But apparently since he got a cellphone at 17 he has developed digital dementia and has not memorized any of it because he can just look it up.  Except when his phone dies (he couldn't make the app work and drive at the same time.  ?)  Then it's all thank god for Bluetooth phone connection in his fancy car so he can call mom.


    I had friend in high school who got lost going from her house off of Harvard, around 75th to another friends house that was between Harvard and Yale off of 71st. So, less than a mile. She didn't realize she was lost until she got to a toll booth. And she didnt have any money. She was always getting lost and ending up in crazy places!

    Im another who thinks GPS does more harm than good. Living near Atlanta it helps me figure out where things are and the best route. But, I just check it before I leave and dont use it when Im actually driving. I find distracting.

  22. On 9/22/2018 at 11:00 AM, regentrude said:

    I think it's brilliant and very precise - makes perfect sense to me. I've never been to Tulsa, but looking at the map, looks like they count from center of city to either East or West and number the avenues going outward, and then S or N tells you whether you're on the S or N side of city.  Much easier to figure out where you are and where you're going than calling it "Elm Street" - the directionally challenged should love it.


    This is how it works. The river divides east and west. Admiral street divides north and south. All the major crossroads are 1 mile apart (going both n/s and e/w.) The streets actually started with names moving east but they are in alphabetical order and are still numbered if you look at the street signs.

    So, if an address is 3334 E. 27th Pl, you are between 33 and 34 blocks east of the river and 27 blocks south of Admiral. The address can be flipped but the same still applies take the number and the direction that follows.

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  23. 5 hours ago, Scarlett said:

    Yes, I felt that too.   When I first moved to the big city in AR in 1983 when I was 17 I spent hours driving around the city.  It was a hilly and curvy city but I wanted to understand it....I got on the loop and figured that concept out.  Then we moved to a rural town outside Tulsa 6 years ago...at first if I had to go into Tulsa I had  a Garmin.....then it broke and for a couple of years I had to wing it....that is how I learned the broad scope of the city.  Now I have unlimited data and google maps if I need it.  I have a friend who has lived here her entire life.  She is in her 40s.  I have a MUCH greater understanding of how to get around the city than she does.  I just don't want to be hampered like that.  


    Tulsa is one of the easiest cities to navigate because it is a grid system. I wonder if noone has ever explained to her how it works.

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