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Everything posted by even_star

  1. My doctor gives his patients 2 options: You can have either 2 donuts and a can of pop - or - bowl of cereal, 2 pieces of toast w/jam, glass of milk, glass of OJ I chose option 1 for my 2nd child. It felt like a guilt-free way to indulge since it was 'dr's orders!' Except later that morning I had a terrible sugar-crash. For my last child, who's 6-wks old, I did the 2nd choice. I believe you're supposed to eat about 1-hr before the test.
  2. I also enjoy using "The Absolute Best Play Days: From Airplanes to Zoos (And Everything in Between!). This book has 52 different thems, with suggested books, videos, crafts, snacks, etc. We're on Pirates right now and my soon absolutely loves it!
  3. Are you able to order from the Book Clubs?? I signed up months ago and have an account. However, whenever I try to order books through the Book Club newsletters online, I receive a message stating that they need more verification and that I will be contacted shortly. I have never heard from Scholastic either by phone or email. I also asked them about specifics they needed in regards to allowing homeschoolers to order via email and never ever heard back. I'm almost too irritated to even care. (but oh, how I loved those monthly book orders, and the prices!)
  4. I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for your encouraging words. I think I became so discouraged when friends and family members would say things like "I guess you won't be able to homeschool now", as soon as we told them the baby news.
  5. I'm currently homeschooling my K4 son and loving it. I've been dreaming about schooling for the last two years and am absolutely excited to continue through the elementary years and as long after as we like. However, we recently found out that I'm pregnant (a VERY unexpected surprise) and now I'm beginning to doubt everything. I've never believed the argument that non-homeschoolers have with the whole socialization thing. But now I'm starting to question if my son would just be better off in Kindergarten next year where he can play with other kids instead of staying home with a 1-month old, crazy 2-year old brother and exhausted mommy. It makes me very sad to contemplate this. Does anyone have any advice or words of encouragement they could share?
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