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Posts posted by maikon

  1. I simply can't fathom that in this day and age it is possible for a police officer of a 1st world country to murder a suspect in broad daylight. What is more chilling is that there are no charges against the police officer.

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  2. 22 hours ago, lewelma said:

    Remediating it is long hard work for both teacher and student, but it can be done in a way that is positive and good for a child's self-esteem.  I have never regretted the time and effort I have put into this project.  And I had a friend just yesterday say to me that it is amazing that ds is so proud of himself, that he doesn't feel stupid, and that I never discuss him in a negative way.  DS does not mind me talking about his dysgraphia because he feels it is a part of who he is, and overcoming its is a testament to his hard persistent work over many many years. I also want you to know that you will likely make many wrong turns, and that you will be wandering in the dark, wondering if your approach is the most optimal.  This is just the nature of the beast.

    @lewelma, you and your son have put in tremendous effort to achieve these targets in a positive way. Whenever I make any such effort to remediate my son's (9 year old) skills, I face huge protests from him. He would gladly work on it for the first few days or weeks. Gradually he throws tantrums and arguments. He finishes the task with a lot of complaints or bad behaviour that I eventually give up. As you mentioned, it is hard work for both teacher and student. Have you faced any such troubles with your DS while continuing with a task for over several years? How do you maintain your student's motivation and attention for such long periods of time. Most importantly, how do you not lose your patience and up your motivation levels? Can you please share some of your strategies?

  3. I need help in becoming a more patient teacher and a more patient parent. My 9 year old boy pushes my buttons so often that I say something that I regret later. It is an everyday story and my patience level runs thin. He talks nonstop, morning till evening without any break. This tires me a lot. He doesn’t have impulse control and any attempt to teach is vain. Even when I am explaining to him how it annoys me, he continues talking in parallel without paying any attention. This usually ends up in me shouting at him which I regret later. I want to avoid these constant battles. 

    Any ideas or resources that will help me to stay patient through these difficult parenting/teaching hours?

  4. I have not looked at the answer key - but you do not need "divisibility rules" at all!


    With an elementary age student, I would have approached the problem like this:


    you know the number is between 244 and 248.

    So what multiple of 7 do you know that is smaller than 240, but fairly close?

    3*7 is 21. So you know 210 is 30*7. (basic knowledge of times tables should get the student there)


    At 210, we are still 30 away from our region for the numbers.

    So what multiple of 7 gets us there, that is larger than 30?

    Ah, 5*7=35.

    210+35=245 - so that has to be our number.


    I am fairly sure this is how a young student who just knows times tables is supposed to approach the problem. And then it is neither tricky nor hard and most certainly does not require any knowledge of divisibility rules - just a simple break down of the number into terms that are multiples of seven.

    This is exactly how my 6 year old solved the problem in a fraction of a second.
  5. I have come across many children (<10 years) and I've always easily identified gifted/talented/genius girls. At the very first encounter, I can easily spot them. They are so talented, wise, not-so-shy at strangers and behave very well matured for their age.


    But I've not come across a single boy who I can identify as gifted. I can say that they are bright or accelerated but definitely not gifted. This includes my son as well. One reason could be that they don't like to show up themselves in public.


    So, I would like to know if you too hold this opinion or are there any resources which delve into this topic deeply.




  6. I'm not sure I understand - is he in the pre-K "4" group or is he actually in the kindergarten grade level?  (For example, at our school, the primary classrooms contain three grade levels, pre-3, pre-4 and K.  I have a dd in pre-4 and a ds in K.  Preschool kids leave after half a day; Kers get specials like gym and get field trips and such).  I originally thought you meant that he was actually in the kindergarten grade level, though here it sounds like his official grade level is at the preschool level in line with his age.


    The choosing easy tasks and avoiding challenging ones sounds like a problem of underachieving/perfectionism.  This is the reason for having daily academic "requirements" for kindergarteners.  I might ask about whether your teacher would be willing to apply a similar system to your ds - this happened with a couple of my kids who needed the requirements to choose more than just the easy stuff, even at the preschool level.


    In this light, wanting help with solving puzzles, not being as independent as the school expects, and wanting that "hand-holding," could also come from an underachieving/perfectionism/lacking-self-confidence angle.  If that is the case, this is a tough nut to crack, one that's good to discover early.  (I am speaking from experience, unfortunately.  Once upon a time, a very perceptive teacher called me up to say that my four year old was underachieving.  Long story....)



    We live in Europe and it is just called kindergarten for 3-7 years group. So, there is no segregation like preschool, grades etc. 


    wapiti, I have a strong intuition that you might be correct when you mentioned underachieving/perfectionism/lacking self-confidence as the underlying problem. If you don't mind, can you please share your story and how you solved that 'underachieving' problem.


    I am wondering if my son has the capability to learn things quickly and to perform things that are meant for 2nd or 3rd graders, then why does he not want to do challenging things (like solving simple known puzzles independently).

  7. Thanks for asking me lots of questions regarding the kindergarten for which I don't know the answer myself. We have a parent-teacher meeting next week and a parent observation period in the coming weeks. I will get to know more then about my son's behaviour in the class. The teacher has said that overall he is doing good except that he needs constant push in choosing the montessori materials otherwise he chooses some easy tasks and does those repeatedly.


    I also must mention that the kindergarten doesn't focus in academics this year for 4 year olds and their main focus is on practical and sensorial activities. They don't even read books to 4 year olds and when my son chooses a book they kindly redirect him to other activities. My son feels left out when 5 year olds or higher go to gym or reading classes or some advanced topics which are not available for 4 year olds. All this I heard from my son. Yeah, I think the kindergarten is using the Montessori keyword but not practising the philosophy.


    Regarding 4 year olds being independent, the teacher's point is that other kids his age are performing much better when told to do so but not my son. So, since my son is an only child I didn't know what is normal and what is not. Thanks for letting me know that it is absolutely normal.


    At home, since he is an only one of us (parents) sit with him for play. He loves to do things that are new and will not do things that are already done. Like SKL mentioned he would rather solve new puzzles with an adult's help than solve a simple puzzle by himself.



  8. My 4 year old son attends a Montessori kindergarten. He is a very quick learner and he can read at 3rd or 4th grade level and do maths at 3rd grade level. He gets concepts very quickly; be it in violin, piano, maths or any subject for that matter. But he is not willing to practice it to master it.


    Lately, I have been receiving lots of complaints from his teacher in the Montessori kindergarten that he doesn't do what he's been told to do or that he is not independent. For eg., if asked to go and paint he goes to his desk; just scribbles and goofs around. When asked to solve a puzzle he seeks assistance or support from adults always; though he is capable of solving the puzzle himself. But when given a new task he is all into it enjoying doing that activity. Otherwise he needs a constant push.


    I don't know if I should address this problem as a boredom/lack of challenge or as a behavioural issue. Can someone help me to think through this?

  9. lewelma,


    I read in one of your recent posts about 'passion finding' exercise. Can you please elaborate. The reason behind asking this is:


    I have read several posts here where people discuss about their 2 or 3 or 4 year olds passions in dinosaurs, science, etc. But I have never found any passion in my K-aged son. He seems to like anything that I introduce. So, lets assume that he has some passion in something and that I have not discovered yet. In this case, how should I find out his passion.

  10. My kindergartener has completed until C level chapter in Miquon blue book. The next chapter deals with subtracting big numbers using number lines like 100-65, 95-36 etc. We both are finding this chapter quite challenging and are stuck here for several months. He finds it difficult to conceptualize the number line with small numbers when the number line itself is spaced in 10 units.


    I am definitely in no hurry but would like to know if there are other fun methods to teach this concept. Is it necessary to use number line for problems like 95-36 or is it ok just to use cuisenaire rods and proceed further?

  11. While teaching arithmetic operations in maths, do I need to teach from left to right or right to left?


    1. I understand that teaching from left to right enables the children to do mental calculations faster. If I am introducing this concept first, how long should I continue before moving onto introduce the formal algorithms?


    2. After introducing the formal algorithms for all the four operations, do I encourage my children to continue with mental calculation or do I need to encourage them to master formal algorithms?


    Basically, I need to know the sequence of order to teach and how long to teach before moving on.

  12. I am a long time lurker and first time poster here. I have a kindergartner who does Miquon grade 2 level worksheets and finishing up Singapore PM 1A workbook. I teach so many other math topics and he grasps it so easily for the first time and he never seems to forget it even after few months. He is so much interested in math that he is ready to do the workbook for more than an hour. But I stop him after certain limits. I get exhausted (and bored) but he never seems so.


    Now I am looking for some creative problem solving math books or resources meant for elementary grades. Do you have some suggestions for it?


    I have looked into MEP and it is not my cup of tea. We have done some exercises here and there but I don't like it as it is too wordy for me. We are also doing Singapore style challenging word problems which he loves.


    This is what I mean by creative problems:

    there are 3 jars of different sizes.one jar holds 8 litres

    of milk,the other 2 jars of 5 litres and 3 jars are

    empty.There is no measuring level or marks in all the

    jars.Juggle between these 3 jars and get 2 jars containing

    4litres each at the end.

    These are too difficult for 1st graders, I think. I am looking for some similar problems like above which are suitable for 1st or 2nd graders. Are there any such books? How about Edward Zaccaro's books?

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