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Posts posted by Erin

  1. According to Berkely, there is differentiation when speaking scientifically:


    I'm not sure you're understanding what they're saying.

    They're still saying that "macro" is just more "micro." Not that they're different somehow.

    As I've said elsewhere, it's like saying mm are somehow different than km. They're really not. One is just for looking at smaller pictures and other for larger. But they're directly connected.


    From your same link:



    Ie, "macro" evolution is just "micro" plus a whole lot more years...

  2. If I were a millionaire I would still buy used cars. I like solid steel around me and engines without computer chips so I can fix them.


    Me too!

    People always talk about the nickel and diming of used cars, not stopping to count how many nickels and dimes are actually IN the thousands of dollars of difference between new and used.

    Even with repairs, you're still money ahead.


    But like I said, if you want to throw your money down this particular hole, more power to you. Everyone has the right to blow their money as they want! And a lot of people like to drive new cars. Which is good, because then I can pick up their used one. ;)


    I am extremely picky about cars though. I overthink every purchase but I've gotten a good idea of what I would trust used and I what I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole.

    Again, me too.

    I research for months before we ever buy. I read owner reviews, depreciations, car mag. reviews, price out common repairs, etc.

    That's why we have two, 10 year old Foci, at the moment. One we just got, so no comments, yet. The other we've put 135,000 miles on in the last 6 years.

    We've put on tires, changed the oil and replaced a fan. That's it. :) $6,000 well spent.

  3. According to KBB.com, my Odyssey has a trade in value that's the roughly the same as I paid for it.

    Well I should HOPE a 2013 that you "just bought" hasn't depreciated much!

    (Though personally, I'd be torqued at the idea that it has depreciated at all, at this point, but that's just me. As mentioned, new cars are a place where I don't blow my money.)

  4. Either you believe in the literal creation (the purpose of the thread), or you don't "believe that humanity was created by Jehovah God and that He wants to be in a personal relationship with us."


    There are millions of us who believe God created us and wants a personal relationship, but don't believe in the 6, 24hr day creation.


    I opened this thread because I like to read what makes people think the way they do. But that first paragraph is just mean.

  5. what a hurtful, mean thing to say... :(


    As though the 25% of Evangelical Christians (Bible-Believing, if you will) who support evolution don't "believe that humanity was created by Jehovah God and that He wants to be in a personal relationship with us," just because we see His Creation differently than you?? And that's not even getting in to 50-60% of mainline Protestants, or Catholics...


    Why couldn't you just say that it is specifically for literal creationists??

    Why add on the snarky comments, as though we can't possibly be as saved as you are?

  6. The books are primarily intended for the parent to read so the reading level of the child does not matter.

    This is only true in the first few elementary years. from about 2nd grade to about 7th or 8th, they have their own readers, and a r read aloud. By the time they start 100, there are no read alouds.

    To the original question, you can find the reading level of almost any book by just plugging it into the AR bookfinder. Sonlight is really flexible, though, in that they give a range in each Core for a reason. That's what the reading range will be.

    When I was homeschooling two, Bean read FAR better than Buck, despite his being 2 years older. Putting the two of them in the same Core was perfect.


    There's really nothing special about the age level. It's whatever you want to study! :)

  7. Personally, I would never buy a brand new car. That's just pouring money down a hole.

    Now, there are a lot of ways people pour money down holes (ask me about my unrideable horses :glare: ), so if that's where you want to pour yours I'm sure not going to judge. ;)


    But, if this is about the economics of the thing, then you want to find something in the 2-4 year old range. The fastest depreciation has already occurred, for the most part, but it's still a nearly-new vehicle. Even 0% won't make a difference when stacked against a car that is upside-down in value after the first six months.

  8. And if not bad, a lot of it is, at the very least, bigoted. All us Christians out here, believing in Santa and Jesus and the tooth fairy...




    So if there wasn't a literal Adam, it would be a pretty big problem theologically for me. However, I just got to the point where Keller talks about that in his paper. Thankfully I have always viewed Genesis as exalted prose (not meant to be totally literal) Until then, I can also shrug and just decide that God decided at what point the beings evolving were "man" and called the first one to really have the faculties that make him in the image of GOd, Adam.

    Keep reading Keller. That was a really good commentary. Thanks to whomever posted that link!!


    To the question of Adam, something important to remember is that adam is the Hebrew word for man. It could either mean THE man, or mankind as a whole.

    Personally, this one is where I really wander off into philosophy... Man is different from animals because we have a conscience, right? We can choose good vs. evil. We have a consciousness that can understand past, present and future...

    But at the same time, I fully believe man is a primate, of which all other members are technically animals without a conscience. So somewhere, we either developed this consciousness or were gifted it. As a Christian, I believe the latter. And of course this is how we become a Fallen world. We now know enough

  9. This is the ISBN for the 1st edition, even though the picture is for the 2nd. I got my copy from this listing. Prices start at $4.15 tonight for a "good" copy.


    The binding breaks quickly on the 1st edition. Don't be afraid to buy a clean copy with a broken binding, as the binding is going to break almost right away anyway.


    Woohoo! <$10, shipped.

    I'm interested in comparing. :)

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