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Posts posted by nurse_kris

  1. Are his grades because he tested poorly or did poorly on homework or both? In Saxon, you HAVE to do the work to learn the material.

    Oh, I am sure that he didn't put forth the effort he could have. This is why he goes to school and I homeschool my other two kids. He typically gets very good grades in school and gets along without problems, whereas the year I homeschooled him it was nothing but a constant struggle to get him to complete his work. That being said, I do think he is having trouble with some concepts that were covered this year. He either didn't pay attention or it wasn't explained well enough. This is the book they are using http://www.amazon.com/Saxon-Math-Course-2007-Student/dp/1591418844


    Sorry...meant to quote Mark too. 

  2. Looking for an algebra curriculum for my DS 14. He has consistently scored above average in math on his Iowa tests over the years, but has below average grades in public school this year using 8th grade Saxon math.  I am looking for a video based algebra curriculum to homeschool him this fall, but am not sure which would be the best fit? Looking at Chalkdust, Video Test and Teaching Textbooks. Can anyone give me some pros and cons of each if you have experience with them? Thanks!

  3. My DD, 10,  has been using TT for 2 years. I thought she was doing well until we took the ITBS. She scored very very poorly on the math section (less than 10th percentile). Of course, she never got less than 80% on TT and usually above 90% on her daily work and quizzes. So I switched her over to MM because that is what I am using with my DS. . I started 5th grade over with her cause she needed to relearn a lot. We are muddling thru, but I think she needs plain old traditional math like what I was taught in the 70's.  What would be a good curriculum? R&S maybe? MCP? I think it needs to be a mastery program. She needs to get a skill cemented in her mind before moving on to a new topic or she forgets it. Help?

  4. My DD10 really struggles with writing, grammar, etc. We have been using separate books for each, but I would really like to find an all inclusive curriculum. I think she would do better with that, as I don't think it would seem so overwhelming. It doesn't have to include is spelling, as I would like to keep using PZ. I don't want anything too rigorous. Just want to cover the basic foundations of grammar and writing, it would be great if it included vocab too so that we could get rid of WW. Suggestions?

  5. Here is a link to the bill http://coolice.legis.iowa.gov/Cool-ICE/default.asp?Category=billinfo&ga=85&Service=BillBook&hbill=CCH215


    I am really excited about this! Not having to do any paperwork, assessments or have a supervising teacher is huge! I am wondering though....what is the purpose of continuing with CPI, with the new IPI? Do you have to fill out the CPI if you want to dual enroll or take part in HSAP? Otherwise, I don't see why anyone would want to fill out paperwork if they don't have to. IPI sounds wonderful! :)

  6. All About Spelling might be too rigorous for a natural speller, but it teaches all of the rules. You could use it and move thru it quicker. I do that with one of my kids. Otherwise, Rod and Staff is good, so is Apples and Pears. I never knew most of the rules that my kids have learned with All about spelling. I was taught old school...memorize the list and test on Friday. I was also a natural speller, and it never hurt me "not" knowing the rules. That being said, I am glad that they are learning them. It helps a struggling speller to know the rules.

  7. I tried many other programs, and AAR (and AAS) have worked great for us! 2 of 3 my kids have used it. My oldest, I didn't use an actual program with. He was a natural reader. Learned on his own and was reading at a 4th grade level in K. I then couldn't understand why my other 2 weren't "getting it". AAR helped tremendously when I felt like I was failing with the other programs. I agree though that it isn't for everyone. It would have bored my eldest son to tears. Some kids don't need this thorough of reading instruction, and some parents wouldn't like the manipulatives. Phonics Pathways is also good and doesn't have the tiles, etc. to mess with. AAR would be my first choice though.

  8. We use AAR, but my child also wanted more to read. I got a few different sets of "leveled readers". We have Bob books, a set from Hooked on Phonics, and a set from MCP http://www.lamppostpublishing.com/mcp_phonics_practice_readers.htm . My child was also getting frustrated easily, thinking he should be reading other books. Having this selection of readers has helped. Check out the library too for easy readers such as Elephant and piggie or the leveled readers from Scholastic. This will give you more selection and still be able to stick with AAR. We use it in conjunction with AAS, similar to the way I found in this blog http://delightfullearning.blogspot.com/2012/01/all-about-reading-level-1-review-and.html. It works great.

  9. We used flying creatures with DD9 and DS6 for the first half of this year. It was good for DD9, but way over my son's head. I can't understand how so many people use this with little ones. Even as a read aloud, the content is much better suited for later elementary. We will revisit it again, but to finish out this year we switched to Purposeful Design Science. It was a much better fit for my first grader. He was getting totally bored with birds.

  10. My daughter does TT, and I had planned on switching DS to that when he was old enough. I like the TT curriculum, and just planned on using it with both of my kids. But since DS does well with MM (DD didn't), I got to thinking that maybe I should just stick with it? Also, I used the old edition of MM1, if I continue with it, should I try to get the old version of MM2?

  11. *MUS Alpha was awful for us. Luckily I resold it on ebay and got my money back :)


    *Saxon 5/4. My DS hated it. He did complete it though and is a very "mathy" boy, but we had tears many days.


    *ETC online, I liked it, but DD hated it. She did love the workbooks though.


    *Singapore Math 1A/1B. Jumped around too much and didn't give enough problems to "get" a concept. Would be ok I suppose if you supplemented.


    *Horizons Math. Another one that moved too fast IMO. .


    *Apologia Zoology. I think this is way too advanced and boring for early elementary. Would be ok for older children.

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