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Posts posted by nurse_kris

  1. Starting fall planning and both of my kids would like to take some more online classes next year. This year we used Veritas Press Self Paced History and Science Shepherd. Unfortunately, Science Shepherd's only online class is the Intro class which my 9 y.o. took this year. We will probably stick with Veritas for History. I would love recommendations for writing, grammar and science. Math we will stick with CLE and LOF. My DD will be entering 8th grade and my DS  will begin 5th. They are both average students and I don't want a curriculum that is too rigorous that would frustrate them. 

  2. Where did you end up placing her? I'm curious because she sounds just like my rising 7th grader too!! We took the placement test and she struggled with the fractions back in the 300 series! I'm considering ordering the 300 for her and still reading LOF too!

    I ordered the 500 series. It hasn't arrived yet, hopefully it will be here tomorrow. If 500 seems to hard we may have to back up some more, but the Key To series seems to be helping.....and she is reading LOF, so fingers crossed. :)

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  3. I'd take a look at K12 (independent, and just the literature strand).

    I was just looking at that, but it looks like it incorporates grammar and writing. That would have been ok, but I already purchased WWW and GGG. :/   ETA~ Maybe I was looking at the wrong thing though because I was looking at Iowa Virtual Academy thru k12. I will check out just the independent course, maybe it is different. 

  4. Trying to wrap up what I need to get for my DD12 for 7th grade Reading/Lit. Last year we just did assigned book lists and discussions. This year I would like to get a more structured curriculum, but nothing overly difficult. I have looked at CLE Reading 7, Memoria Press and Lightning LIt. She reads on grade level, but doesn't like to challenge herself at all. Do you think any of these would be a good fit, or any other ideas? 

  5. We haven't done the Pathway readers at the K level, but we did for 2nd grade. We  didn't care for it.   ETC on the other hand I have used with all 3 kids, even their online program. They are quick and easy and the kids learn a lot.  Logic of English is the only curriculum I know of that offers cursive workbooks at the K level.  It is not really a supplement though, and would be too much with another curriculum. 

  6. Do you need it to be fairly independent?  Is that what's driving your choices?  I found myself needing to re-teach lessons from EIW 4th grade, which is part of why we eventually dropped it altogether.  I haven't used Winning with Writing.  



    What are your goals for writing? And what skills does he have or lack? What other programs work well for him - what's his learning style?






    Winning With Writing was not a good choice for my reluctant writer when we tried it a few years ago. When EIW first came out, we switched and never turned back. EIW teaches writing in small manageable chunks and has been a blessing for my students.


    For us, WWW did not have enough instruction. EIW gives writing assignments that are broken down into daily lessons, so the student knows what is expected each day. The assignments in WWW were not broken down in this way, and even I had difficulty at times knowing how much time to give my student to complete a particular assignment.


    We are getting ready to start our 4th year using EIW (between my students, we have used levels 2,3,4,6,7,&8), and I have not heard my kids whine or complain about doing their writing lessons since, no joke! :)

    . He will write if given copywork, but complains about it. I have had him journal, but that is a struggle as well. Really the only thing driving my choice is something that isn't too demanding of him. If it requires a lot of writing right of the bat, it will just end in tears. It sounds like EIW would work out better. He really has very little writing skill. We did Logic of English last year. Independent is good, but not a requirement. 

  7. My DD12 is going into 7th grade. She struggles with math. Over the years curricula we have tried are TT, MM, LOF, and R&S. She muddles through, but has very little retention. She has weak understanding of decimals and fractions. I currently have her working thru Key to fractions. We have also supplemented with Khan academy. I am wondering if there is a curriculum I can use that covers all of elementary school math? Addition and subtraction are not a problem. Multiplication and division up to 2-3 digits are not a problem, but the rest is sketchy. Would Lials Basic College Math do that? Or maybe just work thru all of the Key to series? I have gone back to TT twice, her grades are ok, but the retention is not there at all. I want her to get a good foundation in basic math but at this point I am not sure where to go next. I also thought about CLE math OR MUS as we haven't tried that yet.  :confused1:

  8. Thanks for the responses. For a 1 semester Geography course, would ACE be a good curriculum? 


    I will check out Excellence In Literature and FoxBridgeAcademy's recommendations as well. 


    For Science I have been looking at Dive Integrated Chemestry and Physics. Would that be a good choice? I also am looking at Exploration Education. I think they are using Holt Physical Science at school. so finishing that may be an option too. 


    Decided on Dave Ramsey's financial course and TT for Algebra. 


    Been looking online at curriculum all day and haven't gotten much of anything decided. :/



  9. My ds is in 9th grade in public school. He has had some health problems the past couple of months and has missed a lot of school. These health issues don't look like they are going to get resolved any time soon. We are at the point where I think he needs to be homeschooled so that he doesn't get any further behind. He passed his first semester classes with B's and C's, except for Algebra, he failed that class. So my plan is to pull him out starting next week. I have been homeschooling my other 2 kids (grades 3rd and 6th) for the past 6 years. My ds14 has wanted to go to PS up until now. I just don't know much about high school curriculum and wanted to get some of your opinions. I don't want any rigorous curriculum at this point. After his health hopefully improves, we can start fresh with a more rigorous schedule in the fall. Right now these are the classes he is taking at the ps. 


    English 1 Media Literacy

    Physical science


    Financial Literacy

    Algebra 1

    General Ag


    He isn't talking a Social Studies/History course, but for Iowa homeschool laws it is required, so wondering about a 1 semester course if anyone knows of one?

    I have Teaching textbooks for Algebra. I was thinking of using SOS for Health and Financial literacy as I would like him to continue taking these courses. I need recommendations for a Physical Science curriculum and English.


    I appreciate any recommendations. Thanks!

  10. Going with my gut here.  Leave him in school for next year. Homeschool him on the parts of Pre-Algebra (the book you mentioned is Pre-algebra) that he struggles with this summer (twice a week??) and then maybe start him with some Algebra.


    Do some after-schooling Algebra with him.  Does the school he attends use Saxon for Algebra as well?



    I also thought of working with him over the summer. I did go ahead and get the first section of Algebra from Math Relief. I read somewhere that the beginning of the course covers prealgebra concepts. We will see how that goes. If he "gets it", which I am assuming he will, he can go back to school if he puts forth more effort. He other grades have been slacking as well, but all of his scores on the Iowa Assessments are very good. He just doesn't feel the need to apply himself right now. The only class that concerned me really is math. It is important to me that he grasps all the concepts as they will be needed in Algebra. 


    Oh, and yes...I do believe the school continues with Saxon for Algebra. 



    Also, right after I ordered the Math Relief I received a phone call from the instructor wanting to know how I found out about it.  :001_smile:

  11. Thanks for the suggestions everyone. We have looked at Khan academy and watched a few videos on topics he was having problems with. It seemed to help. He told me his teacher has been having them work thru Khan academy lessons in study hall, but they skip the video portion. Unfortunately, the video is the part that helps him. I like the looks of Math Relief and Video Text. I may give one of them a shot. 

  12. Saxon is a love or hate program. It has nothing to do with ability or intelligence. It has everything to do with how your brain works. I LOVE Saxon. I am a total Saxon kid from day 1 of schooling. My son is an AoPS kid and hated Saxon. He showed no growth, disliked math, fought to stay focused. It was a total battle. Saxon doesn't work for him.


    Before you decide your son doesn't get the concepts, see if it is merely that he hates the materials he is being forced to use.

    It is both. He does not like Saxon, but he has also told me that he doesn't understand all the concepts. This is why I am looking for something different for him. 

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