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Posts posted by genie

  1. Oh. No. You. Didn't. We are just on the 2nd disc (2nd seaon) with Netflix and completely hooked! We don't get the next disc until Wednesday! Gah! What happens after Hurley gives away the food!?! Do Jack and Kate get it on? We. are. obsessed.


    Welcome to the club! And I'm not tellin' a thing! You're gonna have to wait! (At least until someone else comes along with pity and decides to indulge you.) I own the first three seasons, so now I'm waiting on Season 4 to be released. And then Season 5 to start. :lurk5:

  2. And yes, I know we sound ridiculous, and believe me when I tell you we looked it, too. :lol:


    I was just thinking about how last year we got run back in the house during the Perseids by a group of coyotes across the street. We couldn't see them, but we sure heard them!! I probably looked just as ridiculous, but luckily it's really dark out here, so I couldn't even see myself!

  3. Thanks for bringing this up, because it begs another question for me. I understand dragging the pix around to where you want them. But what if you want to delete them? That's been driving me batty. But now I'm thinking that it should have been so simple... go to Edit HTML and delete the code, right????? If so, BIG DUH on my part! I've been starting the whole darn post over again. *ugh*


    Or an even easier option is to click on the photo (this selects it) and then hit your delete button. :D

  4. I have been so excited about this since someone (maybe it was you Amy) posted this last week. But here in North Texas it is raining and very cloudy. I.am.so.upset! Do you know if there will be any chance of seeing some of it tomorrow night. I know the peak is tonight but will there still be some streaking activity in the coming nights as well just not as much?


    Totally bummed!! :glare:


    You should still be able to see some tomorrow night, they just won't be as frequent. Good luck. I'm still waiting for it to clear up out here.

  5. I second the bleach first, kilz second idea.

    We used kilz in our basement (concrete block) 5 years ago and it's in great shape. We had to remove rotten wood, etc. so it didnt' start out so great. Kilz is my friend :)


    So how does it end up looking with just the concrete painted? We're thinking about all our options right now, and that certainly seems to be the least expensive route. But obviously they're not nice smooth walls. They have seems and stuff. Does that end up looking okay?


    And what about electrical outlets? Do you just run those along the floor?


    Sorry to be dense, I've just never actually seen a basement done this way.

  6. It really has nothing to do with the length of a thread.


    It is the nearly 300 people viewing and posting at the same time that is bogging down the server.


    At the risk of being banned from the board: It would be nice if admin would confirm this to stop the "ill will" towards the folks that posted in the "chat" thread. Everyone seems to believe that "chat" threads are bogging down the server.


    I've had more "server busy" moments since that thread was deleted than I ever had while that thread was around.



  7. I've never been able to move them from their center/right/left orientation. I suspect it's because the orientation is in the html of the picture image as it appears on Blogger.


    You can adjust center/left/right by clicking Edit html, but it's easier to just load it correctly in the first place. :)


    You can also click and drag the photo to move it. Or, if you want to get technical you can go to the html and cut and paste the code for the pic to another location. That's the most precise way I've found to do it, but if you're not familiar with html (and I only am a TINY bit) it's probably easier to just click and drag or cut and paste.

  8. Can I ask you rep gurus a question?:)


    Does everyone get to give out 10 reps a day? It's not 10 points, right, but 10 actual people you can rep? You don't earn more "power" in that respect when you get more squares, do you?:confused: I'm really trying to work on giving all mine away every day. I admit to feeling indignant when I attempt to rep someone and it tells me I'm out.:glare:


    Also, I know this seems silly, but for those of you with squares coming out of your ears, how does it make you feel when you get repped by someone worth only one point? Is it disappointing at all to only see your count increase by one? (I know, that's way more about the psychology of the whole thing.:D)


    Everyone, no matter how many squares they have, can rep 6 people in any 24-hour period. The value of that rep depends on how many squares and posts they have, but it seems everyone gets to rep 6 per day. You can re-rep someone after you've spread it to 30 other people.


    I love ANY rep I get. Honestly. I even love getting rep from newbies whose rep is still neutral. It's just a nice feeling, you know? Someone thought enough to take a moment out of their day to let you know they liked what you said, or how you said it, or who you are. That's never disappointing.

  9. But I'm wondering... would it have been ok if it was the Vice-President? The Speaker of the House? A senator?


    Or any married man... ? A single man? A high school kid with zits? Without zits?



    I wonder what the hubbub would be if a male football player offered the pres his rump for a pat.


    And I tell ya, for as "skimpy" as her bathing suit bottom might be, she's apparently got enough room to tuck, because what she did took balls!!! :D

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