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Posts posted by zantoc

  1. I have used part of HOD and I am now using AWOA and I love AWOA!!! HOD was good but I prefer the continuity of a true unit study. It depends on the ages of your kiddos and what you prefer. AWOA is so beautifully wriiten and the writing instruction is top notch.



  2. I think FIAR is one of the best written guides out there and it is very easily adaptable for a wide range of ages. I tried it when my older boys were little and couldn't find my groove but started again now that I have a daughter who is that age and it is amazing! Even my older boys listen in...

  3. I am using and like LLATL for my 3rd and 5th grader and plan to continue on. They test very well in LA and they love to do it, so it gets my vote. Although I have also heard great things about TLP...I just liked the incremental approach to LLATL.

  4. I am using both Beyond and FIAR and we love them. Beyond is for my 9 and 11 year old boys and FIAR for my almost 5 year old daughter. There is some very rich stuff in FIAR and there are some mamas who do FIAR with all their kids and just beef up the lessons. We also do LLATL and we won't drop that as we love that too. They are different...Beyond is more History/S.S./Science.

  5. When I said time consuming I mean we had to start it in the middle of last summer and it was all we got accomplished for awhile. Once we found more of a groove, my 11 year old did better on his own but my 9 year old needed lots of hand holding. I think if I were to do it again I would wait intil they were at least 10 to start it. I think it is a great program but LLATL just fits us better.


  6. I have to agree with lovedtobehome. I know the temptation all too well of adding and tweaking. I have used every curriculum out there and wouldn't leave them alone. Now we are with MOH and we are doing it as written and getting it done and enjoying it. It is the right amount of activites without putting so much emphasis of our day on history.


  7. I have not used Preparing but have seen it and used a few other HOD programs. While I like them, I didn't use the LA/Math sections and wanted more Bible so I felt like it was a waste in the end. I am now doing MOH volume 1 with a 9 and 11 year old and they are loving it! It has totally simplified my life and I plan to continue on with MOH volume 2 next year. If you join the Yahoo group they have booklists in the files section. You can always get the extension pack of Preparing or CTG because HOD's book selections are one of the best!! Good luck with your decision!


  8. Sherry,

    I have used and sold quite a few things: Sonlight, HOD and MFW over the years and now am using Biblioplan and it is wonderful. It incorporates a wider age range than MFW and I like doing my own Bible and science, so that made a difference for us. Their read alouds are very good and the schedule is only for 3 days a week so I have a few extra days to catch up so to speak. Plus it schedules in SOTW and MOH so it includes everything I wanted to do but couldn't. And the price is nice to even utilize it as a booklist!



  9. I have to agree with bethben we did ECC and were very bored...same routine every month different country. It seemed like a great idea just didn't fit us. Everybody is different and it may fit you perfectly. Maybe if you know someone who has it take a look at it first too see how it flows.

  10. We are using SU after a total crash with MUS and my boys are learning so much!! My husband poured over quite a few math curriculums(he's a math whiz) and really likes this one! I love the price and the ease of use. THe kids pretty well teach themselves and my husband does the teaching to them and correcting once a week.

  11. I have to second AWOA!! We had our whole year planned out and spent way too much money and I was sinking trying to teach 3 kiddos and chase a 1 year old. I found it used too, and it is a breath of fresh air! Wow peace just filled my heart and our day is so much fun!


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