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Posts posted by z2_mom

  1. Well I *thought* the general rule was in the title. "65" was supposed to translate into average 6th or advanced 5th.


    However when I asked if he could go from this to Lials BCM, the response was that 65 is actually considered 5th. My impression was maybe not even a solid 5th.



    So then would one need to do

    54 --in 3 grade

    65--in 4 grade

    76--in 5 grade

    87--in 6

    alg 1/2-- in 7

    alg 1 -- in 8


    humm......because I know that one can skip the alg 1/2 book or the 87 book depending on the edition that you use and the strength of the student. Time to research more to see if I need to be starting 54 in 3 or 4 grade.




    Combing mathFrankly, I just use a brush. 



    It's been a long day. humm...could this be why we are having some spelling issues.


    and yes I am a slacker! I don't want to do school year round! Stomping feet loudly, with tween/teen rolling of the eyes!


    I am coming to the realization that I need to do some subjects year round with my youngest. Math is one of them. Similar situation to the above poster of hitting walls and needing to backtrack.


    This year 1 grade --we hit a wall with the 2 book of Horizons 1 in Dec, so we switched to MUS in Jan, then hit a wall with MUS in March, I purchased Saxon 1 then, we have been flying through that and working on flashcards....well Tuesday dd picked up her horizon workbook and has done a lesson each day since ----wall knocked down. She likes Saxon math, and wants to continue with it she likes the calendar activities and that it is super easy! We talked to her yesterday and she likes all the math programs for different reasons. I had just started looking at MEP and was thinking of adding that in just before she picked the Horizons back up.


    I see that she needs multiple approaches and how she learns something different from each curriculum. Just trying to figure what to drop, what to keep, and what to add! LOL And then how to do it all????:auto:



  3. So for those of you out there, how do you combine multiple math curriculum's? I can see that this would be easy with an advanced or gifted child because they would just blow through the material. How do you do it with a normal child? Do you do all parts of each curriculum, pick and choose, or just work through each one completely even if it puts you behind grade level etc?



  4. I really like what I see of the MEP,program. It really has tons of "thinking" in it! I love that it is free!! I see me using this.


    Here is my question, as I was quickly scanning the boards, it seems like people are combining this with other math programs or using multiple math programs. Would this be a stand alone math or what should I combine it with???



  5. I see that MLP looks like a British math program, am I correct? That is fine with me but do you think that the levels are the same as here in the US? In looking at the level 1, I know that she could do a good 75% on her own.


    Is it then that some math programs here in the states are requiring too much at a young age?


    Humm, just some thoughts.




    I would go play around at the MEP math website; print up a practice book or two and see if you like it. Maybe print up a level that you know for certain she can do to build up some confidence. 




    What is MEP? Or do you have a link? and off to look at CLE.



  7. I am a bit frustrated with my little one. She is 6 1/2 and finishing 1 grade. We were using Horizons 1 with Saxon 2 for math this year. Just prior to Christmas, I saw her really struggling. Math was not clicking. I could tell that she just could not see math and was just going through the workbook pages.


    I decided to switch her to MUS. We started Alpha in Jan. That opened doors for her in regards to place value and addition. But we are at a stopping point as dd needs to get her facts memorized, before we move on. We are working on that now and just playing math games for the last three weeks.


    I have some concerns with continuing with MUS as our only math curriculum. Today, dd came to me and asked to go back to her other math programs or something different. She misses doing all the other type of math --the variety in saxon and horizons. Prior to changing MUS, dd was combining and counting pennies, nickles, and dimes...today should could not do it at all. She could count them separately by ones, fives, and tens but had a hard time combining. I see that she needs constant practice to help with her retention.


    I gave her the K12 math test today more to just see. She tested into 1 grade second semester, right where we left off on the other books. What would you all suggest? Pick the horizons and saxon back up where we left off, stick with MUS, or something completely different? I am open at this point.



  8. I think that you could do the Little House Study separate....but you may find that your kids are ready more than you think. You could just take the book one page a day and read it slow, even if it takes longer to do. But you could also hold off on it and go through it faster at a later date. Don't skip on some of the exercise that go with the book, they are amazing. That is the one part of PR2 that we kept and finished! LOL



  9. That's because you haven't had any lessons on the soft sound of g. AAS is not going to give a word that requires a second or third sound without a lesson on that sound first.


    That makes sense then. Like I said it was only this one word, and it was on the extra word list. So not really a big deal at all. Overall my dd is loving the program. We are going to stick with it at least until the end of the school year and make a final decision for next year at that time.

  10. Today was officially two weeks into the program and we are finished with step 6. Mind you in the last two weeks we have had three field trips and completely blown off formal schooling on those days. So we are averaging a step a day at this point. Today dd, asked me when it was going to get harder. I laughed.


    I did see one thing on step 6, the spelling work jam (grape jam). There was no method to teaching this word. When to use the J or the G. There is no breaking down of the words by ...like in phonics road I would have taught that word or broke it down --j -a/a/ah - m ....so my dd would have instantly known to use the "j" because i would have only said the "j" sound, she would have known not to use the "g" because I did not say two sounds. Because I had that PR experience once I saw my dd hesitate---I jumped in and said that is when you ask mom for clarification on the sounds.



  11. I got it because it came with the kit. It would have been more money to go back and purchase it later. That said. I don't use it when I teach. I am comfortable with my sounds. It is good to have. I let me dd listen to it sometimes to drill on her own.



  12. don't know if this is what you have. When I was pregnant with my first. I got a rash, they called it "pups". Some rash that you only get while pregnant. I did not get it with my pregnancies later on. So, it can be random. I was told to not use soap products or perfumed lotions. I went to a health food store and got oatmeal soap and scrub. At first I soaked in an oatmeal bath. I used only oatmeal soaps in the shower. I used a natural oatmeal based healing lotion as well. It never fully went away until I had my dd but it did get lighter and better with the oatmeal soap. Anytime, i used different soap it flared up again. Once I delivered it was almost instantly gone!



  13. We started step 2. This is the step that I love!! This is a gold mind!! This is where I will say AAS has a leg up on PR!


    I love the way it focus on first sound, last sound, and segmenting words. I can see from yesterday, how much of a wall this step knocked down for my dd. It was funny when we were doing last sounds ..for example the word may..she kept wanting to tell me "y" because she knew how the word was spelled. When we segmented with the disks she was asking for another one because the word had 3 letters. It really made her focus on the sounds. Some words with silent "e" because she knows this from PR--she was like but there is an "e" on the end. I added clapping the words to this as well. C-a-t has three claps as you say the sound. The clapping really helped as well, don't know why I never thought of this before.


    This is where you really realize that simply knowing how to spell a word is not sufficient...you need to know the why.

  14. We will be starting day 3 of AAS....here are my first thoughts. Step 1 learning the phonograms, pretty much the same as PR...Y has the extra sound of "e" ...we are going to learn the 4 sound of y, I know that it is more a language oddball and pronunciation thing. But with my dd and her speech issues ....I really want he to focus on what she hears and says, when we say baby the "y" does sound like an "e". and I think that I saw a 4 sound on one of the vowels but did not bother with that.



  15. Spent time today, setting up AAS. I like the review box and review of the rules cards. This is done daily in PR depending on the word list and the rule. I like having the rules on cards. This is more my dd learning style and she can flip through the cards on her own. We will keep some of the rule tunes because they are fun!


    I also like that all the words are on cards. When I used PR 1, I made up index cards with the words. It was easier for my dd read the words on cards and also for me to keep track of missed words. This was a system that I did on my own for PR. I love that it is recreated in a different way in AAS. I wish they had cards for the extra practice words. I will be making those up.


    I have only read the first 6 lessons in AAS, after doing PR 1, I know that we'll fly through these. I do want to spend some time on segmenting the words. I like how this is done in AAS and I really think that this will help my dd. Wish me luck as we will start this on Monday!



  16. That said I do think that AAS would be much more manageable for a younger child. Just because it breaks things into smaller chunks. I am going to start using AAS 1 on Monday with my child. So that is when we will really see what I think---when I start to actually use it.




    Sorry for the multiple posts --for some reason it would not let me put it all into one post...ugg

  17. I like that AAS concentrates on one rule at a time allowing a child to master that skill. But I dislike the aspect that you can not move forward if your child gets stuck on one aspect. Sometimes a child just needs to drop it and move on and go back later. I do think that one would also need to take the child through the more words lists to also practice previous skills to make sure that they were committed to memory. One would need to set up some system of review here ---but that would take place in the review box that one builds. The same sort of building in a review does take place in PR....you need to make sure that the child is mastering the words and you are carrying forward missed words. But the word lists in PR are not skill dependent so some of this review is done naturally in PR. In PR you practice multiple rules tunes in each week. That said for some kids they need that mastery approach.

  18. The reader that goes along with the AAS can be introduced at step 15 ----I don't remember how the weeks compare to PR.I think that it is similar. I will say that I LOVE the PR readers and the illustration that goes along with them. The child can not use pictures for clues to reading and must read. When the child draws his pictures you immediately know if the child comprehended what they read. I love this aspect of PR----I do attribute my dd comprehension skills, in part to this. The other part of her comprehension skills must be attributed to oral re-telling and narration that we have done from day 1 when reading to her.

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