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Posts posted by specialmama

  1. We've just begun our planning and I'm already overwhelmed, so I'm :bigear:


    Total hijak: Our son has special needs (classic autism) and a registered guide dog, so I'm finding it a bit more complimicated to plan around these needs. Can anyone answer these questions: I've heard that the food service is amazing and one could find pretty much anything there, but do the counter service places (or anywhere) take special orders? Due to sensory issues and serious self-limiting, my son's lunch & dinner menu is a scant 3 items: pb&j on whole wheat, pepperoni pizza, or chicken nuggets done in such a way that it will be impossible to find them just like that there. He has vanilla yogurt or sliced bananas mixed with applesauce for dessert. For breakfast it's plain pancakes or waffles. Every day. Do you think that it's possible to easily find places that will accommodate?

  2. What would you think if you heard this conversation?


    Scene: Person 1 (P1) and Person 2 (P2) are doing separate chores in adjoining rooms (think great room layout). The topic of discussion is a gift for person 3 who is in the same house.


    P1: Is there tracking on that thing you bought so you know where it is?


    P2: What thing I bought?


    P1: The one that might not arrive on time.


    P2: I'm not going to look at it right now. I'm busy doing this.


    P1: I wasn't asking you to look at it right now.


    P2: But you asked right now.


    P1: I was thinking you might have looked at it earlier.


    P2 ignores P1's comment and continues working on the chore P1 was doing.


    15 minutes later P2 answers the original question.


    The only abnormal thing I spot is that P2 proceeded to do P1's chore. The conversation is a normal daydreamy thing that I witness (and participate in) frequently.

  3. We believe in good spirits and angels as well. There is a completely different feeling with a good spirit versus one who would harm us. With the bad ones it was like they just oozed evil. It was very obvious.


    :iagree: I agree. Many folks have entertained angels. ;) Discernment is a gift.


    Stacia, many times in Scripture people were "afraid" when angels approached them, but it was more of a "oh my gosh, is this really happening?" kind of fear, or trembling because they thought they were going to die. Sometimes it was a respect kind of fear. But I agree that it's often very obvious and instantaneous for those who have the gift of discernment. Then there are times where we are fooled by a wolf in sheep's clothing, but we learn and grow and remember that not all sheep are wolves in disguise. :001_smile:

  4. Oh no - she is the absolute antithesis of someone like that. She is very religious - I think Apostolic or Pentecostal (or maybe both over the years).


    Here is where I loathe to say that most people who are "religious" do not know Christ. Most think they're going to Heaven... but Christ Himself said no, they are not; He does not know them. YES one can certainly be very "religious" and have an evil friend (or a legion!) in and around her. If Christ is not filling the "house", then it's an "open house". Even assigning a denomination does not guarantee that the "religious" person has authentic faith in their heart. That kind of saving faith is personal, and no pastor/priest/culture/denomination/what-have-you can guarantee the state of that person's heart. I hope that makes sense.


    It's a rabbit trail, yes, but an essential rabbit trail because one cannot dismiss the wolf in sheep's clothing. Not calling her a wolf... it's the guise of righteousness found in all religion that is the wolf. If I've lost you, consider this: religion is man's (well meaning but foolish) attempt to reach God... Christianity is God reaching down to us, bridging the gap between Father and people, restoring a personal relationship that was lost when sin entered the world. Religion would have me do xyz to earn God's favour... but the bible says that all my good works are like rags. No, there is nothing I can do to earn His favour... that is why religion does not work; it's Satan's greatest strategy to lead "good" people astray.


    All that to say: "beware the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees." Matt 16:6 :grouphug:

  5. I agree that the backdrop should be a solid colour, and I think some of them have glass over them? That's a no-no, if that's what is causing the glare. I think your artwork is beautiful, but I think it does better on it's own without the frames. I think plain oak frames or plain black frames would work best if you really wanted frames. Oh, and the greeting card idea? LOVE IT! I hope your business grows for you! :001_smile:

  6. Actually, Amy, because you're in Canada I'd be willing to sell ours. My dd is outgrowing it and my son will never use it (he has autism and it just wouldn't work for him.) I'll pm you. :D


    And to answer your question, the game is all you need. :001_smile:

  7. My dh is Greek I can tell ya that authentic baklava always uses honey. As for the rosewater and orange blossom water, I can say this: when we were in Greece we only had it served this way 1 time out of, oh, probably 50. You could definitely taste the orange blossom water, and my MIL told me it's optional, but that she doesn't use that. It did alter the taste, and I wouldn't use it. I'd say you're fine to skip the infused waters.

  8. Satan and his minions cannot stay if you command them to go in the name of Jesus. Rebuke them. They must leave.




    Yup. Anyone with faith in Christ can... but it takes lots of faith, and can become a battle if you're not strong enough. I've been there. As a Christian. And it took every ounce of my being to come up with enough faith... mind you, I was battling the head honcho, not his minions. Scripturally, anyone with faith in Christ can do this, be it yourself, a relative, a friend, a pastor, etc. Pray about this, Laura. By delving into any other method apart from Christ, you're opening the door wider. :grouphug:

  9. Specialmama and others, if you don't mind me asking, what do these evil "things" do with their evilness? seek to possess a person? I can't come up with anything else. (I am not a believer in ghosts; spirits are another matter)


    They're out to hurt God by turning people away from HIM. God loves us. Satan hates God. So Satan uses whatever he can to keep our eyes off of the Creator. To some people, that may look like ABC, to others HIJ works just fine. Regardless, if their eyes are off the Creator, Satan wins the battle.

  10. :iagree: BTDT. Would have said it sounded crazy before, but I (and every other person in the entire room) have been educated otherwise. We ended up telling whatever we invited to leave in Jesus' name repeatedly until it was gone, or at least gone enough that we could leave the room. It was unquestionably evil. If I actually lived there, I would be calling your priest to come and bless/cleanse/dedicate/exorcise the house ASAP.


    Yup. And the EFFORT and STRENGTH and FAITH required to do that can be beyond anything we've ever encountered before. Just a little more effort... just a little more faith... it's exhausting! I so hear you! They don't call it warfare for nothing!

  11. We made very cute ornaments last year from Martha Stewart's site. Of course, I can't find a link right now. But here's what you do: grab a green pipe cleaner and thread a pretty glass bead on every half inch. Next, bend the pipe cleaner to form a trunk, then the lower branches, keep folding accordion-style and top with a star shaped button. That sounds so complicated LOL!

    OOO Looky, I found a link, not from Martha Stewart but from a blogger who did the same craft. It will have to do!


    I've also been known to spray paint pinecones gold and pop them on the tree. I've always wanted to dry slices of orange and hang from a pretty ribbon. *sigh* one of these years!

  12. There are no such thing as ghosts.


    But there are demons who pose as many other entities. They can be territorial and take up residence in an area or in a person. Always, a door is opened to them. Look, if a house is empty, then someone can move in. Each of us IS a "house." If someone invited demons in through playing Ouija, having seances, contacting the dead, even reading horoscopes, that is an open door. Please remove ALL evil things from your home. More importantly, read the bible, pray to the Father in Jesus' name, and get stronger in your faith. The reason many people are telling you to be careful is because this is real, and this is so very dangerous if you are not wearing the armor of God. Yes, some will laugh and say I'm crazy to say this, but I don't care. It is truth and unbelief does not change the truth... one day ALL knees will bow down and ALL tongues confess that HE is Lord... HE has the power to set things right in that home and in people's hearts. He alone can do it.


    Laura, please, do read this over and over. Study it, ponder it, ask the Lord to reveal it (and Himself) to you. Your dh should do the same. This is not a game.


    Please, read and study: Ephesians 6:10-20:


    10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

    18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. 19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.



  13. 1. How old were you with each of your homebirths or homebirths that transferred (Please do not include any planned hospital birth)

    2. Tell me 3 or more reasons why you chose homebirth.

    3. What about having a homebirth helped you with any physical and/or psychological needs.

    I really appreciate it!



    1. I was 24 and 26.

    2. Reason #1: I chose to homebirth for privacy reasons. I hate the idea of people hearing me or seeing me in labour. I knew it would inhibit my pushing and pull at my concentration, so I knew it would be easier in the privacy of my own home.

    Reason #2: I loved the idea of (and later, the experience of) birthing at home. In my rocking chair, listening to Enya by candlelight. In my shower if I wanted, eating toast if I wanted. In my jammies, in my bed, doing my own thing without restrictions of any kind. Both labours were beautiful things. I felt warm, loved, safe, calm. The warm environment just could not compare to a sterile hospital environment with flickering florescent lighting. Ick. (I say that, but really, if I had another I'd opt for a hospital just for the drugs LOL. Been there, done that twice, give me an epidural!) LOL!

    Reason #3: I know my midwives loved me. Even though I could have opted for a hospital birth attended by my midwives, I preferred home. I knew that having the right support drastically reduced my need (or want) for drugs. I knew that dr's often perform unnecessary C-sections. I knew I was a 2 min drive to the hospital should there really be a reason, and I knew my midwives would monitor me and I trusted their ability to know if this l&d were becoming high risk. I trusted them and I knew they loved me and wanted the very best for me. They would not willingly endanger me or my baby.

    Reason #4: honestly, I couldn't imagine climbing my stairs to my bedroom after having a baby. It was easier just to stay there. :lol: I'm laughing but I'm totally serious.

    Reason #5: because doesn't everyone want a placenta or two in their freezer? I mean, had I gone to the hospital to deliver my babies, I'd have missed out on all the "where'd ya get that roast" jokes throughout the years. They're priceless. :D


    ETA: oops, forget to answer your 3rd question:

    Physical and psychological needs: I think I covered that in reason #1 about privacy. I was free to scream if I wanted, knowing that everyone who could hear me loved me.

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