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Posts posted by mom2denj

  1. Thanks for sharing this! What a great list!

    This year I have been focused on non fiction and biographies for DS. He has read more than half of the Garrard Bios, http://www.valerieslivinglibrary.com/garrard.htm . I really like them. They are written at a 3-4th grade level and are a quick read. They are *much* lighter than the Landmark books, http://www.valerieslivinglibrary.com/lm.htm which as closer to a 6th grade reading level but that's fine. DS will always read an easy 90p book on a subject and if it catches his fancy he might read a hard 180p book on it. This series has a variety of entries from across the ideological spectrum and has a pleasant 50's -ish approach to history. Late enough to be non-offensive, but old enough to be not heavily revisionist. The main down side is that they are deeply OOP. We have gotten all of ours through the library through ILL.


    As far as 50 great people go... I find it nearly impossible to make those lists. Do you chose Joe Hill or John Calvin... I think those lists are are pointless. If I was picking only 50 people, I'm not sure any of the 4 on your list would make the cut. I have tried to look for good series or individual good books and the following my child's interest from there. Hopefully this thread will generate more suggestions.


  2. We love Christian Light Education (CLE), it is advanced and wonderful! I truly believe that it is the best L/A and Math curriculum there is. Of course not all children have the same learning style, but this is best for mine. CLE used the spiral approach and it is fairly inexpensive. Take note that it is put out by the Mennonite community and is rich with biblical references. You can find reviews here: HomeSchoolReviews.com Just search Christian Light Education.

  3. I have the opportunity to purchase this used fairly cheap. I have a few questions. I have a second grader I would like to use this with. It says this is 3rd - 5 th grade level. Is this something that could easily be spread out over a couple of years? Any other advice would be great!!!


    Oh and my second question....Is $40 a good price used for the lesson plans and the DVD's, but not including the student handouts? Is there anything else that I would need?

  4. This will be my 3rd year at FPEA. I LOVE it!!! I enjoy many of the classes, the environment of being around so many other homeschool families, and having some momma time with my friends, but most of all..........the curriculum hall!!!! I just love taking my time and browsing through everything. I would go online and decide on which classes you would like to attend, but be sure to save plenty of time to make your way through the curriculum hall, it is HUGE!!!!

  5. I have been thinking about this for a while. I belong to a support group that is very small and meets once a month. I would love to see this grow. I would love to hear about other groups and how they are organized. =) I am editing to specify that I mean a homeschool MOM's group. We do belong to a wonderful co-op. I am looking for ideas for moms to get together without the kiddos maybe once or twice a month in the evenings, you know just to get out and fellowship and learn from each other. I figured there had to be other groups like this out there somewhere.

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