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Posts posted by lots-o-rice

  1. I am planning a review year for my rising 8th grader using the 8th grade Easy Grammar.  He needs bare bones editing practice/grammar.  Also, for my freshman this year he is using MFW which is light on grammar IMO, so he is doing Fix-It grammar by IEW.  It is a whole year (or you can easily speed things up to whatever your timetable) of editing practice.  There are 4(I think) stories to choose from.  It is great for grammar application.   I enjoyed the Princess and the Pea story from last year retold in Andrew Pudewa's sense of humor in the perspective of the prince.  My ds wasn't impressed, but it made me laugh. :)



  2. Well ,I am looking over all my options for school next year.  I planned to simply use ds1's material for ds2, two years later.  But, we ended up using LL8 this year with ds2.  

    Has anyone done LL a year earlier than recommended who can give me some ideas for 8th grade?

    My own recommendation would have been LLLotR.  but we tried it this year with ds2 and he thought it was too dry and there were way too many questions to go with each chapter.  He said he would rather keep liking the books and read them himself, than draw out boring comprehension questions every chapter.

    sooooo, now what?


    Thanks for any ideas,


  3. My ds 12 just finished Math U see prealgebra.  It seems to be a breeze for him.  I know some people have said MUS isn't challenging enough, so they started something else in the upper grades.  This is not an issue for my oldest.  MUS is just right for him, so I am venturing into new territory.  We have never used a different math program.  

    Or, (there is always an "or")  should I just keep going with MUS and maybe do  more of the honors lessons?


    anyone else have this problem?



  4. I reallllly want to like Apologia.  I have done general science with both my older boys, my freshman ds has now done both Physical, last year and Biology this year.  It is sooooooooooooo boring.  

    I would like Ds12 to do something else for Physics next year.  I have done Dive with Apologia with my oldest this year, he wasn't impressed.  He said it was just a super dry lecture to listen to along with the super dry textbook.  

    Maybe something more interesting? 

    Any recommendations.  

    Thank you ahead of time,


  5. Ok, maybe I am not very observant, but I have looked around the website, and can find no where to purchase the curric.  I can see there is a shopping cart on the top,  but I can't seem to find the place to put anything into the shopping cart?  Is it just me?  probably.  But I think I want to order a couple of these for my kids next year, so I think actually paying will be helpful. :)

    Thanks for the help


  6. I am watching the '99 version of Annie on Youtube right now and didn't realize how many great family movies there are for free.  Other musicals, old Disney stuff...

    My boys just finished watching the Absent-minded Professor and I saw Darby O'Gil and the Little People.  Oh, I found Paint Your Wagon with Clint Eastwood--I haven't seen that one in years.  There are a lot.

    Any other suggestions?  I don't even know which ones to look for.



  7. Thank you for this post!!!! I am very excited to get the "mini weapons" books.  Those are exactly what my #2 ds is looking for.  I think they would all like them and there are 3 different ones and I have 3 boys.  Thank you thank you!


    one present idea checked off.  :)



  8. dont go to cooI math games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also just want to stress what the previous poster said about how not "cool" it really is.  There are no actual math games, or very few, and the ads are  :svengo: I couldn't find the little barfing smiley, so you get the fainting one.  My kids were playing one day and there was an extremely x- rated ad going on across the top.  YUCK  don't go there.


  9. Well, I think Jump In might be the winner.  I know I wanted something ebook, but the more I look at it, the more it looks like it would fit.  I like EIW, but I think this is just right for teaching a little more creative and relaxed writing technique.  I guess I will just get it shipped, and wait. 

    " I hate waiting"......" I do not think you will except my help, as I am only waiting around to kill you"  Ahhh a Princess Bride quote, to start the day.( or end it depending where you are)


    Thanks for the ideas


  10. I am in need of a writing program for just 7th grade.  My ds is not getting as much writing a I would like, mostly because I had grand ideas of thinking of writing assignments based on his lit study as writing this year.  

    -Yeah, not working out.

    I am thinking about doing the One Year Adventure Novel next year for both my older 2, but I need something for the rest of this year.


    He has completed the EIW level 1 and continuation.  I thought about adding a theme writing book from EIW, but where I live, it would take a month to get here, and I prefer to start ASAP, so something online or involving an ebook would be best.  Also, because I really only need it for a year, I need something with a small learning curve for both me and ds.


    Thank you for all your great suggestions, in advance :)









  11. I have read many great posts about pre-teen reading books, but now that my boys have read all the suggestions, we are at a loss.  

    They are looking to branch out of the science-fiction realm, maybe some more mystery-type stuff or adventure.   Even some adult stuff that is OK for kids.  

    I hate to say it, but they are not into "old" stuff, classics.  They are forced to read enough of that for school. :)  Any ideas?

    thank you


  12. I totally understand your problem.  My ds did Physical last year and I am not sure he learned much.  I really want my kids to like Apologia and do well with it, but ...

    This year with Biology I am using DIVE and Apologia.  There are fewer tests and the videos are very well done.  I don't have to teach it, other than answering a few clarification questions.  If there is a problem I can't answer, we can email the teacher and he will help. The labs are all done with the videos and if we have the material, he can participate along with the video, but if we don't, ds just can watch the lab and do a lab report from that.  I feel like we get lots more lab and supplementary knowledge with DIVE.  

    Now, ds STILL doesn't like it, but he is learning more.  He really doesn't like anything, so I don't think liking it is the goal.  He has said definitively that he will not do any career with any kind of biology.  Whatever.  Just learn it :glare:



  13. I never really thought of how different the concept really is until now.  My maiden name is very Swedish.  No one can pronounce it even though it has been english-ized.  So people would always ask what ethnicity I was.  We had family heirlooms that were Swedish around our house.  We had some Swedish Christmas decorations and some of our family traditions or holiday foods were Swedish.

     We always considered ourselves completely American.  I think that's part of being American, being able to either be identified with a Native American group or a different country for ancestry--if that makes sense.


    On a side note-- my dh has a very common American last name, but was adopted from Guatemala. His name and his look do not match.  He considers himself completely American and actually I speak 100% more Spanish than he can.  When we go to different countries, people are very confused by him.  They don't understand what to classify him under.  

    When my 2nd ds was little my dh was explaining his heritage, telling ds he was part Guatemalan, and Swede.  In my little ds's terms it came out a little different sounding "so I am Watermelon Seed?"  We still laugh about that one.



  14. 6 EPISODES!!!! :svengo: I was hoping she would quit/get fired in the next one.  Well, I won't feel badly if I can't see these next 6 shows for whatever reason.

    I completely agree the DC part is annoying.  

    I need more Esposito and Ryan.

    And Pi? seriously?  I'm not seeing it.

    Well, like other posters have said, it's still my favorite thing on tv right now, so I will hope it gets better and continue watching.


  15. I used to have bookmarked this great art teacher website.  I can't remember where I put it, or maybe it has been lost.  

    It was from a university, I think.  

    It had lots of different art ideas for different ages and medium.

    You could search by topic, medium, age, or more.


    It was great.  I am bummed that I can't find it.  If anyone can help, I am sure it's the Hive.  Any ideas?



  16. I was just going to post a reminder about this.  I should have known someone was already on it. :)  I will be watching tonight.  I agree I was unhappy with the Matthew thing, so I'm excited to see if this is going to be better.  


    off to watch :)


  17. I can't really add anything to the great advise everyone else has shared, but I can definitely sympathize.  My kids have only gone to ps for one year of their lives and that is when we got it.  All 4--super thick-haired short cut boy, 2 long haired boys, and most fun of all my long thick- curly-haired dd.  YUCK.

    What worked for us?  I have no idea.  I did everything mentioned above.  Literally.  Robi-comb, pet flee comb, mayo, oil, vinegar, Rid, lots of combing.... I can't say which method worked, but they went away eventually.  Took about 10 days.  I never want to see another nit as long as I live, but I know better.


    I feel itchy just thinking about it.  hmm, off to wash my hair again today, just in case   :huh:

    Good luck,


  18. The title of this post grabbed me.  I was sure my ds was the world's worst speller :)  It is comforting to know mine isn't the only one.


    We have used many different programs to help this, but nothing really helped.  This year I added Spelling City (website) to our normal routine.  We are using Rod and Staff, so I type in the list to Spelling City and he can play games with his words during the week.  It has improved his final test scores.


    Now does that translate to better ITBS spelling?  Well, I can't say, but his  Friday tests are better.  It is a fun thing to practice his words- (sort of fun in a spelling-type fun way, anyway).  I used the free program for a little while, then they had a one month free trial of the paid version, and I think I will put up the 30 bucks  to have the computer keep track of his problem words and spelling test grades.  It also has a few more games.  Really, ANYTHING to help his abysmal spelling test score.




    Oh, I am also using Spelling City with Spelling Power for some extra practice for my 9th grader.

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